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I looked at the paper in front of me. All of the words on the lined page all jumbled into a mess that even I can't make sense of anymore. I tore the page out of my notebook and threw it at the trash can that was already overflowing with crumpled up papers.

I was really starting to get frustrated with myself. Bora was literally on tour with a band right now and I couldn't even write a rough draft for a stupid song. Bora had encouraged me to try and meet his band friends, but my anxiety was getting the best of me.

They were probably too cool, too talented, and too experienced to even talk to someone like me. I also hate meeting new people because I get all shy and awkward and almost start panicking over the thought of having to talk to someone new.

But I really did want to meet Tally Hall. That's the band name. It's pretty fucking cool if you ask me. They probably have some good music, even though I've never heard any. But I've heard great things about them from Bora and I trust Bora's opinion.

I decided right then and there that I would listen to Tally Hall for the first time. I abandoned my guitar and notebook on my bed and grabbed my iPod and my earbuds. I searched up the band name to find one album. Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum. That's a lot of Ms.

The first song on the album was called 'Good Day'. I pressed play. And holy shit, they sound AWESOME in my opinion. The main singers sang together very well and the drummer and the keyboardist sounded amazing. According to Bora, the three main singers names were Rob Cantor, Joe Hawley, and Zubin Sedghi, and the drummers name is Ross Federman and the keyboardists name is Andrew Horowitz.

I looked on the album cover and saw all five of them on there, so I tried to match names to faces depending on what color tie they wore. Zubin wears blue, Joe wears red, Rob wears yellow, Ross wears grey, and Andrew wears green. Of course my dearest Bora (I mean that platonically) wore orange because I saw him leave the house in his outfit for tour when he left months ago.

I missed Bora a lot. He's been gone for several months now. My mind started to wander as the bands album played on full blast in my ears. Bora would be back in approximately three hours. I settled on my bed still listening to the band's album. They were so talented, and Bora is TOURING with them right now.

I was almost halfway through with listening to the album when the song 'Banana Man' was interrupted by a ringtone and Bora's name lighting up on my iPod's screen. I unplugged my earbuds and then pressed the green 'accept' button.

"Hey." I said as I answered the call. "Hiiiii." Said Bora from the other line. "What's goin on?" I asked, hoping for a time frame for his arrival. "Well, are you lonely?" He asked. "Well yeah, I've basically been in solitary confinement for 4 months." I said. "Well you're in luck because me and the guys are 10 minutes out." Bora said, his voice going high pitched like we was a little kid confessing he broke his parents bedroom window while trying to learn how to hit a baseball.

"THEY ARE COMING HERE?" I yelled into the phone. "Well, yeah, you need to meet them eventually, and plus, they really wanna meet you." My jaw dropped. "They want to meet me of all people?" Bora chuckled from the other end. "Yes Lana, they've heard a lot about you from me." My face started to heat up and I started shaking.

"W-well okay then." I mumbled into the phone. Another chuckle from Bora. "I'm gonna let you calm down for a minute, we will be there in 10." "Okay, bye." My voice was almost a whisper as hung up.

The sound of Bora unlocking the front door made me jump five feet in the air while the sound of chatter and laughter quickly followed. My entire body tensed as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Then a knock at my door. I jumped again and gasped this time. "Lana, it's just me." Bora said through the door.

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