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I couldn't believe myself. I was so fucking stupid. Before I could see Rob's reaction, got up and raced out of the house, hoping just to leave my stupidity and my fuck up behind me and quit the band. I ran to the other side of the house and crouched beside a potted plant. It's dumb I know, but was desperate.

Tears started to burn my eyes as I took out my phone with shaking hands and scrolling vigorously through my contacts to find Avery's name. I clicked on it and hit the call button. Chest heaving more with every time it rung.

"Oh my god, hi Lana! Merry Christmas!" Her cheerful voice came into my ear after the 5th ring. "Aves I fucked up." I sobbed. "I fucked up so so bad, can you come pick me up?" I broke into another fit of sobs.

"Well, before I come get you from anywhere, we need to talk about this, what happened?" She asked, her voice laced with concern. I debated on not telling her until she agreed to come get me, but she needed to know. "Rob got me the sweetest Christmas gift and I may or may not have just confessed that i'm in love with him." It all came out really fast, like one ginormous run-on sentence.

"Lana." Was all she said. I could hear the smile in that fuckers voice too. "WHAT?" I yelled, but I tried not to make it sound mean. "You need to stop assuming that all of your feelings are one sided. "Do you see the way he looks at you?" Avery said. She wasn't helping anything. "Avery." I warned. I was getting more and more upset with her.

"Lana, you're forgetting he dated my sister, I know him really well. Take it from me, he's head over heels for you. He only looked at my sister with the look he gives you, plus at state finals I saw him looking for you like a lost puppy after awards, and the way you two hugged..." She paused for a minute before continuing. "Anyone in that fucking stadium would've mistaken you guys for a couple. So Lana, please for the love of god, go get your guy, also have a safe trip!" Avery finished her speech before hanging up the phone.

The dialtone rang in my ear before I took the phone away from my ear as more tears streamed down my face. I felt hopeless. I had no ride home, and by the way things were looking, no bandmates either. I leaned against the potted plant which really hurt my neck and closed my eyes.

I sat there for what felt like a century until I heard the back door open. My eyes snapped open. "Lana?" It was Rob. My heart started pounding and my face heated up. I was terrified of him now.  "Where are you sweetheart?" He asked to seemingly no one.

The butterflies I was previously feeling inside the house were now feasting on my insides. The fucking nickname made me want to cry even more. "I'm right here." I said, standing up from behind the plant, surprising myself. His face broke out into a smile when he saw me which made me stop breathing.

His face quickly contorted into concern though when he saw my face. "What's wrong? Why are you hiding out here?" He asked, like nothing happened inside that house just now.

"Listen Rob, i'm so sorry." I said, breaking down into more sobs. "What are you apologizing for? Come here." He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me into a tight hug which took my breath away.

Even though my brain claimed to be scared of him a minute ago, I melted into his touch. I wanted him to never let go. "I love you so much Lana." He whispered after a minute. "And if you were scared of losing me, then you shouldn't be because i'm not going anywhere." He hugged me even tighter if possible.

I couldn't fucking believe it. He felt the same way. I was so happy, probably even happier than when we won state championship. "So you feel the same way?" I breathed. "Of course I do. You are one of the kindest, sweetest, most talented people i've ever met. How could I not love you?"

Maybe The Wind Knows || Tally HallМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя