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"NO, DONT LEAVE ME ALONE WITH BITCHANY!" Spencer exclaimed as I got my shit together to leave California. "Sorry Spence, but I have to go home eventually, and plus, you have Matt!" I offered her a smile.

"You're impossible." She glared daggers in my direction. I rolled my eyes as I zipped my last suitcase.

After a tearful goodbye with Spencer when she dropped me off at the airport, she made a promise that she would come to Ann Arbor instead of me going to Sacramento next year so me and Rob could finally have our New Year's kiss.

Then there I was, left alone in the Sacramento airport at 10:30 at night. The only flight they had left was this one, so I didn't have much of a choice on what time I would be flying. I really felt bad for Rob who had to get up at ungodly hours of the morning to pick me up.

There was 3 hour timezone difference, so things were wonky. The only thing keeping me going was the thought of being in Rob's arms in less than 6 hours and seeing all of my friends tomorrow.

I got through security and all that was left to do was wait until my flight got called. I settled down with my bagel that I had gotten as a midnight snack and doodled in the margins of my notebook, reading over the 'Never Meant To Know' song lyrics. I ate half of it.

My flight got called after a slight fear of a delay and I thanked the flight attendant as I got seated. Thank god there was no child next to me this time, it was just a man in a suit and tie and an older woman. They both did not look like they wanted to socialize, so it's a win from me.

This flight was a lot less nerve racking. It went pretty smoothly and I didn't mentally break down or had to be consoled by some random kid's mother.

During landing, I looked out of the window to see snow on the ground. 'Im finally home.' I thought to myself as I smiled. The thought of seeing Rob excited me through my utter exhaustion.

I got off the plane, and waited for my bags to come out of the return. I grabbed the 2 suitcases I brought and then checked my phone.

                                     rob <3
                            1/9/08 • 4:39am

rob <3: IM HERE

I almost jumped up and down at the text message I received. My stomach filled with nervous butterflies as I scanned the airport for him.

They seemed to multiply by 10 as I spotted him, looking around frantically for someone, like he was scared he wouldn't find them. I scurried closer to where he was standing, my heart pounding against my ribcage like I just ran a fucking marathon.

"ROB!" I exclaimed, getting his attention. He looked over at me in disbelief, like he couldn't believe I showed up like I said I would.

I ran up to him, leaving my bags abandoned on the floor and gave him the biggest hug ever. "Sweetheart." He choked out, hugging me back like if he let go I would disappear.

"I told you I would be back before you knew it." I remarked, burying my face into his shoulder.

We stayed like that for a long time. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to feel the exhaustion that has been seeping into my bones since last week.

"I missed you." Rob whispered, placing a kiss on the top of my head. "I missed you more." I mumbled tiredly. At this moment I probably could've fallen asleep standing up in his arms. "How much sleep have you been getting?" He asked me gently.

"I don't know, me and sleep don't have the best relationship." I sighed, opening my eyes and pulling away slightly to look at him properly. He looked slightly disheveled, his hair was slightly messy and he looks like he just woken up. He looked like the embodiment of organized chaos.

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