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I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. Happy Monday to me. At least my nightmare the other day seemed to be a 1 time thing. I turned the alarm off and rolled out of bed. I had class all day and then rehearsal for concert band AND THEN rehearsal for Tally Hall. Ross will be at both rehearsals so we made plans to carpool.

I got ready for the day and then packed my bag, making light conversation with Bora before I had to leave. "You're working tomorrow right?" Bora asked me as I walked to the front door. I nodded in confirmation. "Okay cool, have a good day Lana!" He said as I opened the door. "You too!" I responded.

I got in my car and started it, Britney Spears playing over the radio as I drove to the lecture hall. I stopped and got a coffee on the way because I had a little extra time. I arrived and walked into the freezing cold building. I have no idea why they keep it so cold in these places. I should've brought a jacket.

I sat down in my usual seat and got out my notebook to start taking notes, but I already knew I would zone out within 15 minutes. Human Development class just does that to me. I shivered as my professor discussed midterms that were coming up and some other reminders plus our week at a glance.

The 2 hour lecture seemed to drag on forever. I was shivering in the t-shirt that I regretted wearing. Finally that damn lecture ended and I could go to the library to get some study time in before heading to Music Theory.

I headed to the performing arts building and did music theory class for the day, and then Jazz Band which Ross didn't participate in. After that I was done with classes for the day, but I had to be at Concert Band rehearsal at 3:30. I was picking Ross up at 3:15.

When I got home I had the house to myself because Bora was at work. I practiced 'Hymn For A Scarecrow' and the 'Ruler Of Everything' xylophone parts because i'm going to have to play those tonight. I also pulled out my ukulele because I haven't practiced on it in awhile.

After practicing I tried to eat something, which thank goodness I succeeded because I didn't think I would be able to survive two band rehearsals without eating.

It was time to pick up Ross, so I drove over the address he sent me and sent a creepy ass text message to his phone saying "i'm outside" before honking my horn. Ross emerged from the front door shaking his head and smiling.

He opened the door and got in the passenger seat. "That text message was..." "Creepy?" I interrupted him. "I know!" I smiled innocently. He laughed. I began to drive away. "So, you're not kidnapping me?" Ross spoke up after a minute. "Sure Ross, like i'm going to take the time to drive to my house and hold you hostage in the basement and force Andrew to pay the ransom." I deadpanned.

He laughed again. I smiled because I love making people laugh. "Like Andrew would pay the ransom, try Joe instead." Ross said. "Okay, I will just have to hide you so Bora doesn't find out I have you in our basement." I commented. "Bora would let me out." He said, crossing his arms.

I parked in the parking lot closest to the Performing Arts building and me and Ross headed into the band room. The winds were sitting in formation already and percussion was waiting to see what they would be playing this year for concert band. I was nervous to see what i'm going to be playing, and Ross was too I could tell.

"Okay, percussion assignments." Blackburn cleared his throat and the band went silent. I looked over at Avery, she was fidgeting. Blackburn was just calling out random names, no order or anything. The suspense was killing me. Each time, he didn't say 'xylophone' which gave me hope. "Avery Coleman, bass drum."

Avery smiled and sighed with relief. I have her a thumbs up which she returned. A few more names were called out, no one was assigned to xylophone yet. "Ross Federmen, you'll be on kit this year." Ross smiled and bounced on his heels a little, and I gave him and high five. "Lana Amberly, xylophone." As cringy as it was, I pumped a fist and it was Ross' turn to give me a high five.

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