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I was sitting on the stage swinging my legs as the band did their soundcheck. I wanted to help in some way, any way, but i'm scared to ask. This shouldn't be this hard. I gripped onto the stage until my knuckles were white. I'm just here. I'm in the way. They are just pretending to like me.

They finished soundcheck and I went to the bathroom to have a moment of peace because the venue was starting to fill up. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I had been trying to keep my heart rate down for the past hour. I'm panicking for some reason. Why on Earth am I panicking? I shouldn't be pulling this shit right now. I'm so stu-

My thoughts were interrupted by two girls walking into the bathroom, laughing and talking with one another. They looked very similar, so I guessed they were twins. When I got a closer look and I realized that they were fucking Mary-Kate and Ashley. Zubin said that they definitely wouldn't be here and I believed him because WHY WOULD THEY BE IN MICHIGAN? But here they were. They were beautiful, I understand why Zubin wrote a whole song about them.

"Hey, I don't want to sound creepy or anything but you two are stunning." I spoke up because I couldn't help myself. One of them turned to me. "Aw, thank you! You are too." She smiled. I resisted the urge not to yell 'I AM?' because she just called me pretty. I almost NEVER been called pretty. "Thank you so much, but I have to ask aren't y'all Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen?" I asked as Mary-Kate started washing her hands. "We are, we are actually here visiting some friends and then we found out there was a band playing here and then we decided to go." She explained.

They picked the wrong band. "Do you know what band it is?" Mary-Kate asked like I wasn't just playing Uno with them 2 hours ago. "Yeah, they are called Tally Hall, my best friend is actually an honorary member." I said. "That's cool." Ashley said before I heard Bora start talking and introducing the band. I had to go tell Zubin the twins were in fact present before they went onstage.

"It was very nice meeting both of you, but I have to go." I rushed out. "It was nice meeting you too..." Mary-Kate trailed off, I guess she realized she didn't get my name. "Oh, i'm Lana, sorry for not saying that earlier!" I said as I quickly walked out of the bathroom and into the darkish room. I took the path that led me to the backstage wings. I ran into the room that they were in, out of breath.

"Lana? Is everything alright? Are you alright?" Rob said, giving me a once over. My heart once again melted at how nice he was. I felt my cheeks get warmer, AGAIN. "Yeah, i'm all good but Mary-Kate and Ashley are here, I saw them in the restroom." I said, making direct eye contact with Zubin. "THEY ARE?!?!" Zubin and Andrew yelled at the same time. "Yeah, you might wanna hold off on Two Wuv." I said. "I told you it was a bad idea!" Rob scolded Zubin.

"ALRIGHT THAT SHOULD BE ALL, PLEASE WELCOME...TALLY HALL EVERYBODY!" Bora yelled into the mic onstage. "That's our cue." Rob whispered. "Good luck!" I whisper yelled before they went on. "Thank you Lana, I hate you!" Joe smiled before walking on. "I hate you more!" I said back. "I can't believe they are in Michigan." I heard Zubin say under his breath as he walked on. Bora came offstage and put a hand on my shoulder. "How are you doing?"

"I'm alright." I sighed. Bora smiled. "I'm glad you're hanging in there, let's go watch them from the audience, they don't need me to play anything today." He said. Going into that crowd of people seemed very overwhelming. "Can I stay back here? I have a good view plus I might get overwhelmed." I explained to Bora, hoping he would understand, he always does. "Of course, i'll be at the front of you need me." Bora said and then walked off leaving me sitting on the floor of the wings.

I was watching Rob in particular. Staring at him like I was in fourth grade staring at my crush on the playground. Not that I had a crush on him...right? I just met him yesterday. I shook my head as he began one of this his solo songs, 'Greener'. I remembered really liking this one when I listened to the album the other day. He adverted his gaze from the front to me after the song finished and smiled.

I almost died right then and there.

When they started playing 'Ruler Of Everything', which would be their last song of the night I noticed that they had no one playing the xylophone throughout the song like in the original recording.

I could play the xylophone, I was actually on mallet and xylophone in my collage marching band at the moment, so maybe...

I shook the thought from my head as soon is it passed through. They didn't need a 7th member. I already got in the way as it is.


After the concert was finished, it was 10:30 at night. After some meet and greets (I watched from afar of course), it was time to part ways. Bora and me carpooled here while the other 5 did the same.

We met in the parking lot, this was my first time to talk to them ever since our Mary Kate and Ashley encounter backstage. "YOU GUYS DID AMAZING, I LOVE ALL OF YOU." I said

"Awww Lana, you are so sweet." Rob said, smiling. "I AGREE!" Zubin yelled. "You're sweeter." I mumbled. under my breath. "I heard that." Ross whispered as he brushed past me carrying a few parts to his drumset. I rolled my eyes at Ross who just grinned back.

Andrew kept complaining about being tired and Joe was asking to get McDonalds on the way back so they got into an argument. Bora was talking to Zubin about something which I couldn't hear because of Joe and Andrew arguing, and Ross was on his phone.

Rob approached me and laughed a little. "Sorry about them," He pointed to Joe and Andrew. "It's past their bedtime." I chuckled a little. "I see, are they always like this after concerts?" I asked. "Most of the time." Rob sighed. "Guess who's the lucky one stuck driving them all home!" He said pointing to himself.

I snorted "Good luck, are you actually gonna take Joe to McDonalds?" Rob crossed his arms. "I really don't feel like it." He said leaning against his car that he took them all in. "I don't want McDonalds anyway." Ross chimed in. "See! Another excuse not to go!" Rob said gesturing to Ross in front of a very upset Joe Hawley.

"But I want a happy meal!" Joe wined like a 5 year old. "Only if you can walk your happy ass back home!" Rob said. "ROB THAT WAS SO MEAN I LITERALLY HATE YOU!"

"Yup it's past your bedtime."


"Joe, you are literally throwing a tantrum about a happy meal, you're tired." Bora said, now apart of the conversation. Joe had a sour expression on his face as he glared at my best friend. "Well, I think it's time to get going and get these two to bed." Rob said, gesturing to Joe and Andrew. "But I don't wanna leave!" Joe said. "But I do!" Andrew argued.

"Guys, let's go." Ross stated already getting in the car. "Have a good night you two." Rob said as he shoved Joe in the car. "Night Rob." Bora said and I smiled. "Good luck with Joe!"


UGH I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK RN! well here's an update, i hope you enjoyed reading !!


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