LOVM-Night Ravens_chapter_01

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Narrator: Long ago, in another realm...

Stood the Majestic Kingdom of Tal'Dorei.

Once the battlefield of gods and titans,

Its lands now harbor magic, wonder, and mystery.

It was a time of peace... Until a great evil arrived.

A brave group of heroes banded together, ready to face this evil...

Wizard: Hold fast! The beast approaches!!

The Wizard calls out, and the great black shadow in the mist steps forward, glaring down at the adventures before him.

The party arms themselves, blades drawn, magic charged, and the string pulled back, they stood before the beast was ready for it.


A rock fell from the sky, quite suddenly, and it smashed the dwarf, the blood splattering over the party, taking them by surprise.

Warrior: What the fuck?!?

Wizard: You shall pay for your--!!

The wizard declares as he raises both hands over his head.

But was immediately sliced to bits.

Gnome: Holy shi--!!"

The gnome and the elf were smashed by a large claw. The warrior took a step back.

Warrior: Humanity will never fall to your--!!"

His rant was cut short as thunder reduced him to ash, shattering into the wind.

Narrator: Well, that was... Something... Who's next?

(Scene change)

A general cries out, slamming his fist on the war table and knocking over the figurines.

Krieg: FUCK! All of our mercenaries were slaughtered like lambs. I state my cause again, Sovereign Uriel. Send our armies to challenge whatever this fiend is before it decimates this entire Kingdom.

Sir Fince: Perhaps we have been ill-advised in our strategy, sire. I propose we capture the beast and use it as a weapon against our enemies.

Lady Allura: I must object, sir Fink. We don't even know what the creature is. Demon? Elemental? And how do you suppose we capture it?

Allura points out the obvious flaws in their strategies. Making Uriel turn away from them.

Uriel: Lady Allura is right.

Sir Fince: But sire...

Sir Fink tries to convince him again, but Uriel just glares back over his shoulder.

Uriel: will not send beyond the city walls until we know who and what our enemy is. We must find more mercenaries.

Sir Fince just arches his brow,

Sir Fince: And where might I ask?

Fince questions rhetorically. Then step forward.

Sir Finve: The Torian Butchers, butchered. The Murder hobos were murdered. The Death Dealers are all dead!

He snaps, standing just in front of the King, who just sharply turns to him.

Uriel: Then find me someone who is WORTHY!!

The Sovereign shout makes Sir Fink jump back in surprise.

Uriel: Do not rest until you bring me the greatest band of mercenaries in all of Tal'Dora.

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