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'Another universe by Melissa polinar, Jeremy passion'

It was a rainy weekday you had just finished work and decided to go grocery shopping before you picked up squeaks.

Squeaks is your daughter, we call her squeaks because she was a tiny little premie and her cries sounds like a squeaky toy.

Anyways you made plans with family to bbq that following Saturday as  it was finally going to clear up.

You made your way home to change before going out, but then I had a knock on my door.

'Knock!' 'Knock!'

"I'm coming!"

You open the door to be surprised by who other?

Hoseoks' security guard Taylor.....

"Taylor what are you doing here?!
Aren't you supposed to be on vacation since hobi is doing his basic training?"

You're so shocked still processing he's here because he never comes to the states unless....Hobis here....

No that's impossible he can't leave base? He's just about to be done with basic training then he'll be guided to his next position for the next 2 years. But also he can't travel without permission from his sergeant and his Lieutenant.....

"Well I would be but somebody wanted to make sure you were doing ok, had groceries, and that your daughter had what she needed and wanted."

"That doesn't shock me but you never travel here unless....."

As you close your eyes trying to wrap my head around Taylor being here as you open them there he is shaved head, baggy shirt, and all......

As you close your eyes trying to wrap my head around Taylor being here as you open them there he is shaved head, baggy shirt, and all

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As you thought he was just a dream you lunge towards him to hug him and Taylor rushes out of the way.

"Baby it's you?! Is it really you?! Please say this isn't a dream?!"

You let him  go to hold his face and stare into those  brown eyes that have captured my heart since the first day we locked eyes.

Taylor excuses himself to get the bags and bring them in and we make our way inside. You're still thinking this is a dream until he picks me up and wraps your legs around his perfectly chiseled  body that seems so much more thicker than the last time I seen him. But then again those army exercises sure did him well.

He holds me up with ease and I can't believe he's really here holding me as we're breathing in each others scent that we both missed and have been longing for.

"Where's squeaks? Is she in her room?"

"No she's at my moms I was going to get groceries since I just got off work, I wanted to change first but I haven't gotten a chance not long after I walked in Taylor knocked and here you are."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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