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Hello My Lovely Sinners✨
I am finally back!! I know I was gone for lord knows how long! But I became a mother and during my pregnancy and delivery there was a few complications, I thank the lord above for keeping me and my baby safe and giving me another chance at life! I'm doing well and my beautiful daughter is now here and healthy and doing amazing! I will be uploading more than likely later tonight  the final part for Jin! I have missed Wattpad and I'm so happy to be back! Thank you to all who have found my little black book of sin and added to your library! Please leave new requests in the comments or message me! Remember this is a judge free zone! Here we love one another no matter what! And don't forget to drink holy water! Please use headphones while listening to music provided in the chapter! And I will be adding a link to the Spotify playlist for chapters to come! Oh and as a warning I am not responsible for sex dreams after reading, "long" hot showers after reading, or squealing of any kind, and finally thigh clenching friction.
Well with that said welcome back to

A Little Taste Of Sin

The Beautiful Sinner is back💛

A Little Taste Of SinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin