Kai Part 4 *final*

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You sit eagerly in the passenger seat waiting for kai to return to the car so you can put your plan into motion.

"Tap! Tap!" A random voice belts out while taping the window.

You lower the window and raise your brow as you finally realize who is leaning before you.

"Lay? What are you doing here?" You ask in confusion.

"I saw you walking to the car alone are you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine I'm just waiting for kai we're about to head home for the night we have some in finished business to take care of." you reply with a smirk on your lips knowing exactly what kind of *business* you needed to take care of with your best friend.

"Oh ok, I also have something I need to settle with you but I'll call you tomorrow and I'll see if you're free for lunch?"

"Oh sure I'll let you know tomorrow morning." You smile as catch a glimpse of kai walking toward you lay turns his head the same way and says his goodbye to you and makes his way to kai to bid his friend bye as well.

Kai makes his way into the drivers seat and starts the car smirking as he sees you bitting your bottom lip he secretly loved watching you so over the years of knowing you.
He put the car in and revers and you slyly smirk in your seat slowly taking your seat belt off you also remove your cover up and bikini revealing only your flesh  kai with both eyes on the road doesn't seem to notice until you grab his free hand and place his index finger on your lips. You kiss it then slowly wrap your lips around around it mimicking what you had done to him earlier. He swerves a bit as he tries to keep his eyes on the road.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" He stutters.

"I'm finishing what you started."

"But we're on the road we can't finish here in the car what if I get pulled over you're naked with no seat belt."

"Well you should pull over then or I can just tease you on the way home and we can finish there?" You smirk.

Kai clenches his jaw and let's you roam his body while he tries to hurry home as he's craving your taste more intensely as each second goes by. You lean over and grab firmly over his semi hardened length, bringing your lips to his ear slightly nibbling down.

"Pull over for a second baby." You whisper in his ear lips close to cheek.

As you kiss his check you make your way down his neck to his exposed collarbone from his unbuttoned  shirt. You feel the car slowly coming to a stop grinning with pleasure as your plan worked. You had him at your finger tips and you couldn't wait any longer. You brush your lips against his and slowly remove his clothes.

As his clothing comes off one by one your center became wet uncontrollably. Finally as you realize he flesh was free you make your way on top of him guiding his member to your entrance.

You gasp as he fills you completely, both leaning your heads back in pleasure as the car fills with your moans. You move your hips as he grabs you lose to him one hand is on your butt squeezing it with a firm grip, as the other holds your right breast as he such and swirls his you fur around your nipple giving you more stimulation.

"I couldn't wait baby I needed you now!" You grown aloud.

"You feel so good!"

Quickly your bounce up and down as he leans back into the seat putting both hand behind the head rest, watching your body in amazement as if you are the sight to see.  He your eyes make contact fire burns in his as he lustrously looks at you with hunger and passion. Your stare him down not wanting to miss his expressions for a second. You don't know what had gotten into you but you realize he was the one for you in that moment the kisses became deeper with more passion, his hands surrounded you with warmth as he made you feel safe, and his voice made you fall more and more in love than you both already were. 

As what seemed like forever your body tenses up and he feels you near your climax he holds your waist firmly you couldn't budge nor dared to move. He thrusts into you deeper and harder than before as you finally release all over him you felt him release as well. Kisses ever so soft, his fingertips hesitant to hold you tight but yet it was firm enough to feel safe, loved, but most importantly after years of secretly loving your best friend you felt that this moment between you both was right. And after that night you both knew that it was not just a one time thing it was a forever moment that you both wanted as long as you had each other nothing mattered.

And with that you finally knew what it was like to have


A Little Taste Of Sin


Hello my Lovely Sinners💛
I know it's been awhile! I'm so sorry for long awaited ending of kai! But here you go! I hope you enjoy it! I don't think it's my best but I'm just happy enough I have more to post! It has been one hell of a summer for me mentally and emotionally. But everything is back to the way it should be and I couldn't be happier! Please don't forget to vote, comment, and share this story! Don't forget to also add to your reading lists or libraries! 
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A Little Taste Of Sin

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