welcome to the human world Part 1

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Have you ever had one of those days where everything seemed off? You don't know how or even why, but life is just off. Today was like that for juniper Ann wood. It's started off like any other Wednesday in September. she got up got into the shower as usual and did her normal everyday routine. Shower get dressed, tame her long hair into something manageable, light make up, brush her teeth and run out the door in time to be slightly late to work. juniper worked monday-friday a normal 9-5 job for the local newspaper, as a gopher as willow called it. she was hired as an assistant editor but did everything but edit. Juniper hated it. willow was her artistic, slightly crazy, amazing twin sister. The girl was a mess. willow called her waitressing job her "day job" Because her true passion was art. Any art all art. Willow would tell her "Juni as soon as I get my break i can quit that day job" and "Juni one day all our dreams will come true. I just gotta get my foot in the door with the art dealers." Junipher loved her to pieces but at 25 its time she settles down and find something serious to focus on. Willow was a great artist. actually, Willow was good at lots of things she tried. She could sing, paint, act, and decorate any house and make it designer-ish. willow could make anything beautiful.

when Junipher got to work today she was 3 minutes late and waiting for her at the door was none other than her pain in the butt boss Jeremy."Late again Miss Wood" he said looking a little smug. "I'm late everyday Jeremy it's what you love about me" Junipher says a little flustered. it was a cat and mouse game they played for the past 5years. Up until 4 months ago he would laugh it off. occasionally joking that he should change her shift from 9 to 9:30. Now was a different story since Jeremy asked her out to dinner and she turned him down. Now every day he taunted her with it and even threatened her job. Today it would seem was the day all his hard work would pay off. after going to her desk and setting down her purse, keys, and phone. Jeremy's boss Vic called her into his office. "Sit down Miss Wood" Vic looked a little angry, but he always had a rather upset look on his face. willow called it his rbf. "Miss Wood, you have worked for the daily About 5 years now, is that right?" he asked his voice not nearly as deep as you would imagine on a man his size. Vic as he preferred to be called saying Mr. Case is his father. was in his early 50s and rather large in size and stature. He wore a ballcap and t-shirt all the time trying to hold on to his youth. he wore blue jeans with a belly that hung over the waist band quite far. Vic had a habit of adjusting his hat when he was stressed showing he had very little hair on top. and the sides were graying fast. " It will be 6 years in December sir" juniper said a little nervous. What is this all about she thought to herself. "Yes Yes 6 years is a decent amount of time to be here. It is hard to find good help anymore if you ask me. it's a pity i have no choice but to let you go" he said. Junipher was shocked she sat there a full 10 munities stunned at what he just said. "Excuse me!" she Shouted. Junipher was normally the Quiter of the twins. mousy some people called her. but she was outraged. This man had the nerve the absolute audacity to Fire her Because of Jeremy the Jerk. "You're Firing me, for what a lousy 3 minutes." she was so angry she was shaking but before she could say anything else Vic dismissed her with a simple "that is all Miss Wood. you may take your things and go. your last check is in the mail." as if she hadn't said a word, as if she hadn't just screamed at the top of her lungs at him. He had said what he needed and walked out of his office leaving her sitting there sputtering and shaking in his office alone.

Junipher was Still in shock as she walked in her front door. She didn't know what she was going to tell Willow but decided to wait until tomorrow to say anything. Today was Wednesday and Wednesday meant movie night at the Wood house. Since she and willow were children, they had movie night. Junipher picked every other Wednesday mostly rom-com movies or Disney but sometimes action made its way to the top of the list. willow was into horror movies or classics like the wizard of oz and gone with the wind. this was September Though and August-November was strictly reserved for classic b-type movies. the Wolf-man, Swamp thing, Frankenstein's Monster, night of the living dead. B-movies were their mothers favorite movies. she set up movie night when the girls were little shortly after their dad left. their mother didn't talk about him much, but they knew she missed him. They missed their mother terribly. their mother passed away on a Tuesday 4 years ago. she had gone to work, and, on her way, home fell asleep behind the wheel. that was the only movie night they ever missed.

Juniper went into the kitchen. "Might as well get a head start on movie snacks. Juniper baked everything anything. she was good at it but don't ask her to cook. Cooking on stove top was willows thing the girl could cook but couldn't bake a cupcake to save her life.

the house wasn't fancy, but it was home. they lived in a two-bedroom ranch style house. red brick on the outside creamy white walls and soft plush carpeting inside. Willow added her little touches here and there. she called it sprucing it up. The living room had a comfortable lived in feel. there was a large tan sofa slightly oversized, you melted into it. it was a little outdated, but it was moms favorite, so they kept it. On the sofa willow added several throw pillows in various pastel colors mostly pink. Willows egg chair was hanging in the corner by a large open window on one wall adjacent to the door and hanging plants on hooks from the ceiling. vines that wrapped almost the length of the window. the other wall had a 55" tv hanging on it and under the tv was juniper touch to the room a bookcase. The 3rd wall had family pictures on it that led down the hallway to the bedrooms and bathroom. In front of the sofa was a large dark wood coffee table that their father had made for their mom along with 2 dark wood side tables that were placed on either side of the sofa. from the living room there was an open view of the kitchen with a large island dividing the two rooms. The girls spent most of their time home in this room, so all the appliances were pretty updated. the fridge was a large side-by-side in white. the stove and oven weren't large but usable.

Willow got home around 3. "Hey Juni-bean what are you doing home so soon" she asked puzzled. juniper never came home early. " it's a long story. we can talk about it tomorrow k" Junipher said adding the last of the spooky-ish topping to the cupcake. Somehow, she had made her cupcake's look like they had Wolf-man faces on them and they were cute if she did say so herself. "WOW those are great" Willow said "seriously Juni-bird you need to open up a bakery we can call it spooks and treats or something like that" Juniper smiled and rolled her eyes. Willow was always coming up with crazy ideas like that. Last year at Christmas Willow wanted juniper to open a bakery for her Christmas cookies and call it Santas elves hot-cocoa and cookies factory. Willow was junipers biggest fan. As it would seem today her only fan.

Willow got to work on dinner, not surprising it was a pasta dish. Pasta was her favorite food. Willow put the baked spaghetti in the oven covered in a heaping amount of cheese. As the food finished cooking the girls took a minute to dress in their movie night clothes. Willow chose her oversized sweater she knitted herself. The sweater was brown, purple, and pink. Juniper thought it was hideous. Juniper chose an oversized t-shirt with a werewolf on it, and pink sleep pants with bats all over them. Walking into the Livingroom Juniper says "Really Willow You still have that thing. you are the most talented person I know and you came up with that." "What! This is my monster protection sweater It will keep the monsters away" she said this with her arms in the air wiggling her fingers trying to act like a big scary monster. "Well, it certainly will scare them off" Juniper said with a small giggle.

As the girls were placing their food, snacks, and drinks on the coffee table the doorbell rang. "Expecting anyone Juni" Willow asked. No one came over on Wednesday. Well no one really ever came over. They didn't have any family left after their mom passed. The only friend they kept was Cleo their neighbor, and friend. They have known Cleo since middle school, and Cleo was their one and only best friend, well other than each other. Opening the door Juniper discovered It was in fact Cleo. "Hey Juni Whatch up to." She said in her sing song voice. Cleo had the most beautiful big blue eyes they had a purple cast to them. Her eyes were highly unusual in color, and anyone who hasn't known her for as long as the girls have may believe them to be contacts. In the right light Cleos eyes looked lavender. Cleos hair was a golden blond and hung to her waist. Today she wore a green dress, white tights, and black strappy shoes. The girl loved green, and strappy shoes. Cleo loved to garden and always had the best flowers in her yard. She kept flowers year-round, and even had a green house in the back of her house for winter. "It's movie night Cleo you know that did you change your mind and decide to join us tonight." Juniper asked hopeful. The girls have invited Cleo several times, but she always turned them down. "Oooh what are you watching tonight?" Cleo asked. This was a twist Cleo normally turned them down flat, but maybe she's coming around. Juniper thought. "The wolfman its Willows pick and Halloween Time so that's what she picked "Juniper said with a smile and a shrug. "Oh no I hate Scary movies." Cleo said. Cleo then turned around and walked away. It was a strange visit, but Juniper just chalked it up as Cleo. She was odd, but the girls loved her despite her weird ways. Going back to the couch Juniper informed Willow who had been at the door. She then settled down on her spot on the couch to continue their night. At the end of the movie the girls cleaned up their food. What was left of the cupcakes went into an airtight container. Willow washed the dishes along with her margarita glass she had 3 tonight and was a little tipsy. After everything was cleaned up the girls headed off to bed.

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