who's kidding who Part 2

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Somewhere in the night Juniper was woken up by a loud crash. "Willow must be up stumbling around again after all those margaritas." she mumbled to herself. Time to go get her back in bed. As Juniper was about to open her door Willow ran through the door. In a loud whisper she said." There is a wolf man in the house" Juniper looked at her like she had lost her mind. She was about to ask Willow if she had stayed up and drank another margarita, When they heard a male voice coming from the hallway. " This way James the smell is stronger." The unknown voice sounded like it was getting louder. There is someone in our house! Juniper thought to herself. looking around her room for some form of defense. Willow opened the window, and was motioning for Juniper to follow her out. Juniper didn't fight, and quickly followed her sister out the window. As soon as her feet hit the ground the two took off to the woods.  

The girls ran as fast as they could considering they were barefoot and didn't know much about the woods. They loved the trees from a distance but, never really ventured into them. One of the only things they remember of their father was, he always told them to stay away from the forest. After running for 20 minutes, they felt like they were safe sort of. They were still in the woods. Far into the woods, and maybe if luck was on their side the men from the house won't find them. The girls were in unknow territory. They have never stepped foot in the woods, and everything looked alien.  Looking around Juniper felt it was safe to speak. "Willow slow down. We don't know where we are, and you're going further into the woods." Willow kept on walking. "We know the Wolfmen are that way." Willow says pointing in the direction of what she hoped was her home. "So, I'm going this way. We have to eventually come across a road. Maybe we will see a car, and we can use the drivers phone." Juniper looked at her like she lost her mind and said a little louder. "Has reality escaped you. Wolfmen don't exist! those were real Human men who broke into our house. Trying to do goodness knows what to us, and with our luck tonight I don't think waving down a random car is a good idea." Willow kept walking as if the devil himself was on her heals. "Willow! Please slow down. I'm cold and my feet hurt."  Juniper said. Just as Juniper opened her mouth to try and explain to Her how crazy she was.  Willow spoke. "Crap! I'm stuck! help me get out of this Juni." Juniper looked over at her sister. Willows Ugly oversized sweater was all caught up in a thornbush. "Hold still willo-. Her words were cut off by an extremely loud extremely close growl. Both girls Screamed in unison. Looking around 3 large shadows loomed over them. Juniper stepped back knocking into Willow and somehow that little bump dislodged her twin and they both turned on their heels and ran. Juniper hadn't made it far before she ran headlong into a wall. She believed it was a wall, or a tree, something solid for sure. Juniper wasn't sure until said tree wrapped its arms around her. As she looked up Juniper realized it was a man. A large man Standing in the middle of the forest looking down at her as if she were an alien. "Who are you. and what are you doing on Pack land." the large man said in a voice that could only be described as velvet. Willow chose that time to make herself known. "We are lost because Wolfmen Broke into our house and broke my mom's favorite lamp. They were scary and mean looking with red eyes." as she rambled Juniper Tried to get her to stop talking. "Willow stop there was no wolfman." she said. Just as she was unceremoniously dropped on her bottom. The man moved fast. Grabbing Willow and burying his face in her neck. Juniper thought she heard him say "Mine" while he had his face in her sister's neck.  Great Juniper thought we get away from two weirdos just to run into three more. 

Minutes later weirdo one still holding Willow like his life depended on it. Another man walked up. "Nico let the human go." The guy said. His voice held authority And wrapped around Juniper like silk. Standing there barefoot, in the woods freezing, and dressed in her pajamas. Juniper seen the sexiest man to ever walk the earth. The man had shoulder length white, blonde hair a firm jaw that looked as if it was etched in stone. his nose was Stright and Prominet but not large. and he had full lips that curved at the corners as if he smiled a lot.  He was tall he had to be at least 6'1 ok to most people 6'1 isn't tall but for someone barely 5'1 its tall. The man walked over to Nico who still held Willow. Willow at this point didn't seem to mind. which was odd, and told him to let go. "I'm sorry alpha" Nico said " but she is mine." Juniper took this as her chance to speak. " Willow let go of the nice weirdo, and come here. We need to get home" The new stranger looked over at her words, and looked at her as if he was only just noticing her. He turned and walked over to her in a slow-paced walk, as if she would bolt if he moved to fast. As soon as he got close enough, he pulled her into his arms and took a deep breath. Great Juniper thought they are all crazy. "What are you doing" she demanded at his touch. Her heartbeat sky rocketed. Little electrical shocks went floating all over her body, and her hormones went into overdrive. This is crazy I'm not 15! I'm 25 men don't have this effect on me Juniper thought to herself. As she struggled to try and get away, she heard him say "Mine" what was wrong with these guys.  

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