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Materialism and the Mother Planet

Taurus is an orphan of the Zodiac, without a "ruling" planet. This has made them self-reliant, self-rewarding, self-actualizing materialists. What is of value is what can be seen, touched and tasted. Venus has been assigned to Taurus, temporarily, on the universal scheme of things, to allay Taurus anxiety and at least make life pleasurable. Venus, aside from imbuing Taurus with the love of beautiful people and valuable things, (and despising the inverse) is of little value, and only makes Taurus pine for gold.


The sun passes through the constellation Taurus from about May 14 to June 21 [2015]. But you can't see Taurus when the sun is within its borders. Instead, try looking for Taurus in the early evening sky at the opposite end of the year.

According to Greek mythology, the constellation Taurus commemorates the time that Zeus changed himself into a beautiful white Bull to woo the affections of the Phoenician princess Europa. After hopping onto the Bull's back, the Bull swam across the Mediterranean Sea, taking Europa all the way to the Island of Crete. Zeus and Europa became the parents of Minos, the legendary king of Crete.

Taurus: desired, desiring

Taurus is relentless in the drive to satiate their many appetites. Taurus is too stubborn to change. The Taurus life is simple: one must have sustenance to live, and all else pales in importance. Taurus doesn't want the world in the hereafter: Taurus wants a rich life now. Each Taurus has his or her own version of the coin of the realm. Once identified, life becomes a long commission to secure it.

Taurus legend is a remake of the Io-Hera myth, according to Sextrology: "Other women will think the Taurus woman is conniving." Like a modern Eve, she is an "upstart who can ingratiate herself to those they idolize", while "slowly taking over their life and position." Taurus is a contrast of hypnotic characters: one, uses saccharine sweetness to get what the invisible internal greedhead wants-the shirt off your back. Notably, the slighted or twarted Taurus can add rage to the repertoire, which, once experienced by others, will always serve as a warning not to fuck with these surprisingly sensitive people. True, the Taurus will APPEAR not to be effected by emotional wounds-but will save up the resentment created by them to obliterate the intruder, at some final point unbeknown to us, and smolder with hate for the rest of their lives.

The New Zodiac Signsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें