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True Sagittarius: Dec 18-Jan 18

The runner, the jumper, the true believer-hot tempered Sagittarians are aiming at us, to teach, woo, inspire, challenge, to triumph over our ignorance--whatever it takes to get their voice heard. Sooner or later, they are bound to injure our feelings. Don't blame the Sagittarius; they're just doing their duty to the higher calling, and they will try anything to be first over the finish line. The struggle for a Sagittarius is never over, however, they are tireless workers and fighters for truth-even if it hurts.

Planetary focus
Sagittarius are Jupiter's PR people, and they're on a mission to enrich and expand our universe. They think big. Born leaders, the Sagittarius is our hero, and is a admitted hero-worshiper, whom they need to look up to and to aspire to. Inspiration and optimism are the name of the game, what Sagittarius lives for, and for which it will gladly die. The life of a Sagittarius is the proliferation of his beliefs (or fears). In the former case, he or she is a beacon of hope; in the latter, a cruel despot.

Metabolism problems
Sagittarians are fiery people, they are burning up in a furious rate, whether like a hot coal, or a white-blue flame. If their fuel is bad, they get a weak fire, leaving acidic residues that leak out through the sweat glands, injuring the tissue. Pernicious bacteria will then enter and cause infections and acne. Eventually, these bad eating habits will saturate the entire body with toxic sludge, and this can result in a serious accumulation of triglycerides and other plaque in the veins, and heart disease.

Sagittarius will meet a early death, or suffer infirmities if they persist in a diet they select with the tastebuds of a child. With a good, high-roughage diet, your fats can be ignited into hot-blooded energy. The adult Sagittarius will have to face this core issue of necessary nutrition. It won't go away!
Hardest-Working Parts
The thighs; the Gluteus Maximus, the largest muscles in the body; your two galloping horses. Your sign is born to run, play! If you've ever ridden a horse, you know! Hypoglycemia is the ruin of a good pair of legs. Sagittarians have to make sure that their glucose levels are stable, and their sources of carbohydrates are clean burning and long lasting. Both males and females should not allow their ankles to swell with water retention.

Sagittarius Factoid: They can be painfully BLUNT in conversation.


Characteristics according to Cyril Fagan

• Innate sense of elitism, whatever their environment.

• Stratification is inherent in their sense of order socially, professionally, politically. Hierarchical.

• Excellence. Quality-conscious.

• Tremendous pride in doing well what they do. Artistic only in the sense of eager for quality results.

• Self-image problems. Don't meet their own standards of excellence. (May think they have to prove themselves.)

• Compliment Sagittarius and you will get a sputtered, embarrassed reply; hear it joked away; or have it completely ignored. Denigrates compliments, makes them seem not worth replying to and doesn't think he deserves them.

• May not want to believe what you tell him about his horoscope. (Doesn't want to get busted.)

• Sense of humor ironic, or commonplace and prosaic.

• HIGHER & HIGHER Motif. Ambitious, climbing, striving to achieve.

• May be directed into religious/spiritual areas.

• Satisfied at attaining a preconceived level. (The arrow is aimed at a specific mark or target.)

• Self-image problems may strangle ambition.

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