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Kay! This is my sign!


AUG 10-SEPT 15

The Leo isn't dualistic; Leos are a unity of opposites, instinctively adopting the characteristics of both the predator and prey. They hunt until they die. You can't be both; but only one or the other in turn. Leos are the living advertisement of their own prerogative. You can't separate fixed-sign Leos from what they feel because Leo IS what it feels. There is no artifice, no evolution, only the heart and the now.

The two domains of Leo are sex and the ego. Sex is domination, the release of anger; ego is the spool from which sexual desire is uncoiled. Sex with a Leo can involve biting and scratching; Leos can have sex with their enemies, or survive off masturbation for years, since "love" in the human sense doesn't enter into it, at all. NBA star and egomaniac Leo Wilt Chamberlain claims to have had sex with thousands of women, none of whom he gave a damn about. For the mechanical Lothario Leo like this, mere mating is the overweening obligation and quantity is the only yardstick. Leos are at their most fierce during sex and when outraged; the two extremes surrounding a life otherwise dominated by sloth and submission. The normal state of Leo is torpid transference, and they can only be engaged when angry or horny. Sidereal Leo and bad-boy actor and activist Sean Penn is an example of the hot-headed, hungry Leo personality type, where out-of-control is normal.

Planetary Proclamation
The Sun gives Leo birthright to rule. The Sun is what enthrones Leo; the Sun makes a Leo feel good, feel alive. The lack of Sunshine will have the opposite effect. Leos trapped in the dark, or in rainy weather start to deflate and decay until the Sun comes out. Pity the Leo in solitary confinement, or who lives in a geographical location where a six-month night is a yearly occurrence. The result of sun-deprivation for all humans is unrelenting depression; but Leos feel it far worse. Vitamin D (see below) is one way to last through a gloomy sunless day.

Leo factoid: Leos LIKE to be bitten and scratched.
Others may transcend their animalness: Aries, the ram, through action; Taurus the bull, through possessions; Sagittarius the centaur through idealism; but Leo does not deviate. Leo is nature in the raw. A Leo life can be quite simple. Like the life of a predator, it can be brutal or beautiful, depending on how you look at it. Leo is an animal. Don't look for human characteristics in Leo, they aren't there. To think Leos are human is sheer anthropomorphism.

All Heart, No Brain
The Leo ego is the beating heart. Leos speak from the heart-it aggrandizes them. Behind the display, though, is a puzzlement. Leos cultivate a heart-felt selfishness: what's best for them is also best for everybody! They assume the rest of the world would be just as satisfied with the basic elemental aspects of life as the Leo. Why prevaricate? The complexity and purpose of human sacrifice, guilt, anxiety or perspicacity escapes them. The heart allows Leos to live only in the moment; the human memory is suppressed because it harms their egos, and reduces the single-mindedness that they need for the hunt.

Fight, Flight
There's only two options for a Leo: win or lose; life or death. Male Leos live short fast lives unless they're careful. They expire along with their usefulness. Celebrity buffoon Gene Simmons is an example of the has-been unconsciously ridiculous Leo. On the other hand, octogenarian actor Sean Connery has a lasting impact and grows in stature. Female Leos fare better than men through cooperation and community, and, as a result, can delay the inevitable for as long as possible. Forever young and sexually active women Jacqueline Bisset or Kim Cattrall are examples of well-preserved female Leos living their erotic mantras well into old age.

The Leo merely refines the objectification of what he or she has always been. Musical greats Michael Jackson and Charlie Parker were both Leos who never separated from their music or from the images of themselves that their music created. Both maintained the essence of themselves until their own demons tracked them down and ate them like hyenas do lions in the wild.

How Leo Survives

Most Leos, rather than accept the wrong archetype, would rather discount astrology all together. Imagine the King of the Beasts, mistaken for the quiet, crafty Virgo! True Leo can only roar in protest. This is the sign of the best and the worst of the animal kingdom. Leos understand animals and animals understand Leo. From the noble savage to the wounded animal, it's all part of the Leo heritage. Leo is the idealization of the Superego, the creator, defender and destroyer of life.
Inside Leos harbor the instincts, elegance and ferocity of the predator. There's no human emotions to clog up the arteries. Leos demand-and take-what they need for survival, yet they can also put their lives on the line to defend the pride. Leo loyalty is never questioned, it is assumed.
The real Leo strength comes from the complex society of lions-the most socialized and therefore the most successful predator community. However, it's primarily the FEMALE that gives the group its strength and cohesion. It's the raising of cubs that make survival and propagation possible. Male and female roles must combine to promote the interests of the pride, although male Leos are often brainless and impetuous. In the wild, male lions often kill or exile their possible competition, and that can even include their own male cubs.
That's the tip-off to Leo's much deeper nature that includes another classic archetype, the huntress. Leos, male or female, are ALWAYS on the hunt. Whatever the prey happens to be, the Leo brain, such as it is, is hardwired to find and kill food. For the Leo, food can cover almost anything, from sex to money, the hunt is the game and its reward; and Leos take it very seriously. Anyone who interferes with a Leo while they hunt is in danger. This shows the absurdity of the bastardized astrology system that depicts them as Virgos, who are fixers, builders and critics, and, if anything, might well be the prey of the actual Leo in the Zodiacal jungle.
Leo doesn't adapt and assimilate like a human; they are a fixed, bestial sign; they only learn to do what they do better, rather than change on a daily basis like the chameleon Virgo. The Leo heart beats loudly; they are simple and direct, there is no hiding what they feel. The modest, mutable Virgo has a much different view of the universe, and never the twain shall meet.

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