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Freedom or Death
Far, far ahead of its time, Aquarius offers knowledge as the key transformative factor in the universe. Aquarian thirsts for knowledge in order to share with the world. That is why science, higher education and the search for truth is ruled by Aquarius. When they fail, when they are wrong (never admitted) they can always disappear. We can't pin them down or change them. Aquarius can think whatever they want. If you don't like Aquarians the way they come, then don't come knocking on the door. Who are the enemies of Aquarius? Anyone who would impede or obstruct the aquarian agenda. Aquarians' idea of competition isn't to vanquish the enemy, but to achieve freedom.

"The stars in the Aquarius constellation can be interpreted as resembling the figure of a man holding a bucket with a pouring stream of water. The constellation Crater is often referred to as his cup. In Babylonian astronomy books, Aquarius is called "GU.LA" or "The Great One" and identified with the god Ea, the ruler of the southern quarter of the Sun's path, the "Way of Ea." In the Hindu zodiac, Aquarius is called "kumbha," which also means "water-pitcher." The Aquarius constellation occupies an area of 980 square degrees and contains five stars with known planets. It can be seen at latitudes between +65° and -90° and is best visible at 9 p.m. during the month of October. The constellation lies in the region sometimes referred to as the Sea, or the Water, an area occupied by many water-related constellations, including Cetus (the Whale),Delphinus (the Dolphin), Eridanus (the Great River) and Pisces (the Fish). In sidereal astrology, the Sun passes through Aquarius from mid-February to mid-March. In popular (tropical) astrology, the Sun is considered to pass through Aquarius from January 20 to February 18. The brightest star in the Aquarius constellation is [264], beta Aquarii, also known by its traditional name Sadalsuud. The name derives from the Arabic phrase "sa'd al-suud," meaning "luck of lucks." Beta Aquarii has a magnitude of 2.9 and lies 610 light-years from Earth. It is classified as one of the rare yellow supergiants."
SOURCE: Topastrologer

SUN IN AQUARIUS according to Cyril Fagan
• Most "scientific" type: inventive, analytic, delights in investigation and discovery.
• Avoidance of complex systematization (contrary to Cancer). Agnostic, Natural Mysticism.
• Interest in occult and recondite subjects. (Many reincarnationists.) Interest in profound or serious thought.
• Avid reader, absorbs concepts and ideas quickly.
• Highly talented, creative. Very musical (mostly vocal).
• Can judge others and themselves dispassionately, objectively. Takes people for what they are without trying to alter or misrepresent them, without being impressed by pomp, etc.
• Ignores barriers of race or class.
• Rarely pretends to be anything he isn't (yet many excellent actors). Uses vernacular in writing.
• Sense of humor off the beaten track. Cynical at times.
• Strong opinions freely expressed.
• Needs freedom of movement and action. Behavior often seems unconventional but within certain personal bounds.
• Desired responses must be enticed from them, never coerced or forced.
• Often seems to undermine relationships subconsciously (feeling autonomy threatened?).
• Refusal to surrender personal autonomy even in marriage. Healthy selfishness. Need for privacy. Strong resistance to dealing openly with own feelings.
• Hate to be criticized attempt to denigrate the criticism or rationalize the situation with principles.
• Don't feel they have anything for which to apologize.
• Drawn to group situations, but not joiners except to fulfill a purpose. Socializes selectively (or with a purpose).
• Bad at personal relations. Misunderstood from being insufficiently expressive or demonstrative (esp. in romance).
• Truthful, high-minded, honest, altruistic, generous.
• He will take up and patronize many, and provide them with the means of life. (Firmicus)
• Sounding boards. Ready to lend an ear (less frequently a shoulder). (Hard for them to terminate an interchange, especially when the other person is talking.) Sentimental.
• Wisdom of life, astute judgment of human character. Knows how to appreciate others.
• Convenience Motif. Keeps things frequently used within close reach. Pragmatic.
• PAUL BUNYON motif. Works hard to make life easy.
• Unaffected manner, blasé, apparently easy-going. Such iconoclasts that nothing they do seems unusual to them.
• Seems low key if not tired. (Fluctuating energy cycles?)
• Weak self-image. Plays down own self (self-effacing?).
• Sensitive, easily hurt, can be terribly touchy (but often won't express the hurt). Worriers: fear the worst in a strenuous situation. Potentially high anxiety level.
• Money isn't too important to them: If they have it, they spend it; if not, they go without.
• Gravitation toward future. Frustrated if future doesn't occur the way they anticipate.
• Fear of dying before accomplishing what they feel they should. Imposes deadlines on self (then procrastinates).
• Employed in public service.
• Industrious (but difficulty concentrating on anything outside of major interest, specially relationships).
• Family-conscious. Strong devotion to both parents and children. Often family is an impenetrable, inviolable circle.

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