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True Pisces
March 12-18 April
"Pisces" By Hiroko Sakai

Pisces Factoid: Pisces need a secret place to run and hide in: a closet, shrine, car or basement will do. Don't disturb them during this time unless you want to see the cold fish in them.

"I always felt like the rug could be pulled out from under me at anytime. I didn't really fit in anywhere."
--Mariah Carey,
March 27, 1970

Inherent strength: empathy, mimicry
Feminine energy is disregarded by our patriarchal society, but actually is the foil against which all action must draw its power, like flame and fuel. The dilemma of Pisces, the Zodiac's premier source of feminine energy, is the same as women everywhere: how much am I expected to give? At what point must I pull away? Every Pisces is his or her own Lord of the Rings in that they can barely manage their own charisma, and are liable to abuse it or be destroyed by it.

The downside: deception
Naturally, the only escape is deception. When forced, Pisces will confuse and lie for their own peace of mind. Likewise, they will come be to be easily taken in by hype and pyramid schemes. Pisces can find themselves living an entirely false existence with nothing but a collection of addictions to show for it.

Watch out: mood altering substances
Alcohol and drug addiction are the downfall of Pisces especially. If Pisces can't find a literal "hidey-hole" they'll invent one with the use of spirits. In addition, any and all foods containing antibiotics, especially dairy products and eggs are dangerous for Pisces. Lactose intolerance isn't weird, it's proof that milk is indigestible.

"Actors search for rejection. If they don't get it they reject themselves."
- Charlie Chapman, 4/15/1889

Foods: organic
Pisces is primordial; we are fish in the uterus before we take human shape. The Pisces digestion system requires the most simplistic foods imaginable. Nothing processed, no chemicals or additives. Think of the dinner plate as a pie chart. 50% of the plate must be whole grains, such as brown rice or millet; 25% must be kale, collard or mustard greens, 20% legumes, five percent whatever rich sauce you need to flavor it. Start with miso soup and you will live forever young.

Vitamins and minerals
Strengthen the immune system: take vitamin A & D; 25,000/400 I.U. OR a daily tablespoon of cod liver oil. For quick energy, take the B-complex vitamins, especially B5, B6 and B12. Achieve a quick restoration of bowel regularity by taking 6 grams of vitamin C as calcium-ascorbate powder.

Your Sunsign is only the beginning of your story

Pisces love us, yet we are sucking them dry with our errant and demanding emotions, a constant scream of desire in their psychic ears. Enough! they finally cry, and withdraw from the furor of the world. We won't hear of it; we refuse to let them be, we try to drag them back as our succor and palliative.

Pisces is so easy to typecast; the shoes, the dreamy expression, the helpless pets, the uncanny ability to mimic others, a weakness for fascists. They may say "yes" to everybody, but they are not so easy to capture. A hunter will try to ensnare Pisces in a net, but she always escapes them, into her own fascinating underwater world. Male Pisces exhibit characteristics of both sexes, and are just as elusive.

"Don't think that because you haven't heard from me for a while that I went to sleep. I am still here, like a spirit roaming the night. Thirsty, hungry, seldom stopping to rest."
--Spike Lee, 3/20/1957

The Pisces is weak, perhaps, but they give us permission to reveal our vulnerability, and for this we need them, and can never forget them. The draw of the empath. Pisces wants to give, but only when they are able to give; any other time is the wrong time. Respect that.

Planetary focus: Neptune
Pisces' Neptune represents the mysterious subconscious. Quiet, fleeting emotions emanate from Pisces like mist from an ethereal lake, or sometimes furiously, like snow flurries in a blizzard. Pisces' emotions are shrouded in an impenetrable Neptunian fog that erodes the barrier between the subconscious and the conscious. Everything is an illusion but for the moment. Love and music help Pisces feel joy, connection, lust, power, and, of course, sorrow. Pisces abandons itself in abandonment. Anyone watching Pisces run the gamut of emotions finds it overwhelming and excruciatingly intimate.

Pisces Tough Guy: Jack Johnson

March 31, 1878, first African American world champion boxer. He took on the white-only reserve of professional boxing, fighting racist jim crow laws, as well as other boxers, and beat them all. Then he fell in love with a white woman, was charged with breaking the Anti-miscegenation laws, which criminalized racially mixed marriages, and had to leave the country to escape prison. He died in exile in France.

By nature: changing water
Whether a rushing brook or the deepest ocean, water retains its nature, as so Pisces rhapsodically drinks from their invisible sources, connecting with the energy, hardly moving, and letting the energy course through. Pisces can become vulnerable during this process, exposing themselves to the unforgiving hypocrisy of the real world. Pisces' symbol is the two fish swimming in opposite directions, which they change in a flourish, on a zigzag path to a destination only they know, a response to the most ancient prehistoric instincts buried inside our genetic code. Before anything, there was the fish.

Pisces in love: their gift to the world
Perhaps the most foolishly wise of the signs, Pisces has seen suffering and deprivation, and is yet devoted to love and peace in spite of everything. Pisces people want the group to achieve togetherness around them, they play the perfect host to a Saturday afternoon party of all their happy admirers.

Body part: feet
The feet are your best friends, sturdy allies, and health indicators. The body's entire health system releases energy through the feet, signaling how well each organ is functioning, as well as the acidity of the body fluids, and the vitality of the immune system. Pamper them with daily massage, well-fitted shoes, baking soda baths.

Recommended Vitamins Brands

Problem zones: depression
Illness is depressing. A depressed Pisces can fall prey to illusion and self-deception easily. Pisces will go to the well once too often. Over-stimulation will tax Piscean health. Abuse culminates in low resistance which leads to infections migrating throughout the body. The signs are: fevers, headaches, sinus problems, swollen lymph nodes. Pisces can develop mysterious, difficult-to-diagnose maladies from any and all toxins. Pisces health is fragile.

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