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The Libra Book Of Love
We love Libras--it happens to all of us, at one time or another, like a guilty sin. They ARE very likable, and we read a lot of our feelings into them. And that's where the trouble starts. It's easy to accuse Libra of not having feelings, but that would be false because WE put those emotions in play, Libra looks on with bemusement, but just doesn't feel all that much, and maybe is a little envious of our animal passions. This is tricky, though. Raw emotion can be as erotic as a poem, or as repugnant as a fart to a Libra, depending on the situation and logistics. It may be Libra availability that is so exciting. You never know when you can connect with one. There is an element of the swinging scales in Libra, weighting, worrying, wanting, but it's very exhaustive for the Libra, and the only way to return to equilibrium is deep prolonged sleep. The down time.

The machine like sign has a human side, how could they not, they have a body, don't they? But they're connected with it for only half the time. A lot of Libras would protest, but Libras ARE put off by grunge and chaos. That's because unhappiness, strife, war and ugliness are against the Libra Law, and breaking the law is the one thing that Libras are emotional about. Libra is a judgment machine. This is why Libra may love the relationship more the the actual partner-they fall for the love of love itself, which can either bloom or turn repulsive with one sudden realization. When in love, Libra forms a menage-a-trois, comprising of the Libra, the partner, and "the relationship". You share the Libra with the entity that the two of you create, like the offspring of this otherwise lovely tightrope walk over thin ice. Maybe it's a bank account that's shared, for security. It's in the Libra Book of Love: nothing nice lasts forever. For Libra, love is the ultimate joke in the existential view of life. They all know that everything eventually breaks down.

Libra, revered, later reviled.
Rejection never happens when Libra is at the peak of charm. Libras normally do the rejecting--often in a nice way, you might almost not know you're being rejected. It's just as likely that almost ALL the other signs have been dumped or ignored by a Libra at least once in their life, and may be ultimately disenchanted with this sign. Who does she think she is? they say.

The curse of beauty
A smart Libra keeps it all in perspective. However, as Libra beauty fades, the circle of admirers draws ever smaller, and this is liable to freak them out. A Libra never wants to be told that he or she has lost their touch. The male Libra has a harder time growing old gracefully, and often is the guy with the toupee and the sports car. Libras probably sense that their days as ravishing charmers will fade, and their insurance is FRIENDS. They will try to put lovers and everybody else into the friend zone, a sort of fawning network of fans and groupies that will flatter and gossip with Libra. Libra normally will NEVER ever want to trash a relationship, and will hang on. This is the fate of Libra women particularly; the "poor little rich girl" may fit many of them, and Libra women hang on too often and too much for too long, often ending up disgraced and unwanted by the same coterie of admirers that once fell under her spell. People ultimately hate perfection--and the Libra, as he or she succeeds at it, is subject to the lynch mob of social opinion when it turns against them. All Libras should beware the fate of The Queen of Libra coquettishness, Marie "let them eat cake" Antoinette, who, in spite of her charm and wit, was beheaded by her subjects.

Searching for Harmony
The Libra lifestyle is made up of bits and pieces of philosophy, science, art, ideology and erotica, a sensual and delicate balance of everything the Libra mind wants and collects. The Libra is a dilettante, a renaissance sign, and a perfectionist. The key factor is intellectual curiosity, with no emotional attachment. Libras are promoters of a lifestyle, or a point-of-view-they develop an eclectic mix of marketing techniques and protocols to establish their view, their Way, the correct line--and then start to evaluate and judge everybody else from that vantage point. Libras have searched for the truth--and found it. Like the only machine of the Zodiac that they are, they piece together an impartial picture, based on their observations, and render a verdict. They can choose any narrative, like a sharpie lawyer, showing the best side of any argument. This is why ultimately, in spite of Libra's desire to be nice--they render judgments like a modern day Jacobin.

The Libra wants to be a glamorous Hollywood star, to be loved by all, and have an impressive batch of letters after their names, to be admired by all. Flattery will effect even the skeptical Libra. Likewise they know how to dish it out, from fawning to diplomacy.

However, it's not easy balancing what is often contradictory information. So the Libra numbers are always crunching, the wheels always turning. They NEVER completely decide on one course of action. They suffer from acute and constant buyer's remorse. They're always second guessing you and their own decisions. It's no wonder Libras need so much down (sleep) time. The purpose, the product of this Libra balancing machine--the scale is their symbol--is balance, a most difficult task. Variables are always changing the result. The scales may swing one way and the other, but the Libra will always seek balance, never fully committing to risk everything. Balance, however, is a fleeing and elusive utopia. Every flex of the dialectic can swing a Libra one way or another. Libras may seem set in their ways, but can and will change and twist with the breeze, like the wind frothing up water or sculpting sand dunes.

Libra Factoid:
They have to double check everything, and still are in doubt. They worry. A lot.

Libra Love: Only Skin Deep
Any lover of a Libra should know that he or she is not the only one. Libras are shared, among us. They won't--can't forsake the one for the other. There's room in the Libra cabinet for every differing opinion. This is also the mark of the pimp. Or the concubine. They are, like the Last Duchess in Robert Browning's famous poem. They don't dare submit to the rule of a tyrant, because they would be eliminated by him for sharing their beauty, affection and egalitarianism. For Libra the old socialist adage works in love: "To each what they need, and from each what they can give." When it comes to relationships, Libra love is available, but never unconditional. Libra is developing an hedge fund collection of people he or she finds either important, beautiful, useful, and/or complimentary, and then places them under a microscope. Who knows, you might become their latest experiment. They are, you know, the scientists of the Zodiac, hardly able to accept any pie-in-the-sky promises.

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