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(Said the spider to the fly)

Gemini uses mental and manual dexterity, exciting body language, the gift of gab; they enrich with new information, excite us, make us laugh, get us to trust them. And then, suddenly, SLAM, the darker version of the twin appears like a cold wind. It's a disorienting and shattering experience for non-Geminis. This other twin represents the person Gemini hates and fears the most, just as the happy Gemini is the one they love the most. Back against the wall, the happy twin calls out for the homicidal maniac to take the helm. Meeting this Mr Jekyll is too much for most people to handle; they make an exit and a mental note to never trust that Gemini again. Charisma is a Gemini birthright, and they have double their share. Too often they squander it like loose change, switching non-integrated personalities too abruptly. This quick-change, the how and why of it, is at the heart of Gemini anxieties, and works like a safety valve when they feel threatened. The protection device is the root cause of Gemini alienation.


Hate the game.
Geminis are players; they like to play. How could that be bad? Geminis don't like to lose; they really don't, and they can go to any extreme to win. Gemini can dazzle, obfuscate, seduce, or coerce with their talking points. Geminis got shtick, the hipster patter, the street cred to talk their way in or out of anything. They are often our most fascinating person, and definitely their most. Gemini is childhood at its best. Life is a secret garden for the two celestial twins, one of whom is a boy and the other, a girl; these two opposing elements are yet joined at the hip to explore and play inside the Gemini world. They both share many exemplary qualities, intelligence, vivacity, curiosity; however, they become bored and restless easily, instantly, always needing new and wilder stimuli for the voracious brain, their biological hard disk with all memory.

Gemini Factoid: Ask any Gemini about anything in their past, no problem; for them it's like it happened yesterday.
Wheeling and Dealing with Mercury
Gemini gets all the benefits from the planet Mercury, even if this includes sharing it with the equally brain-driven Virgo. Among the qualities Mercury offers Gemini: an irrepressible intellect to collect and correlate the heightened and enlightened senses. The twins can often conduct profitable enterprise between them. Geminis pose the best questions of all the signs in the Zodiac. They collect these answers, shuffle them, and then republish them at whim, ad hoc, ad nauseum.

said the spider to the fly

Some of us fear them, some are fascinated, most of us prefer to leave them to their own devices. Are we talking about spiders? Yes; but everything about spiders is also true of Gemini-born between June 20 and July 20. Like the spider, a recluse insect that cannot be domesticated, the Gemini can end up as a social outcast in the human world. Geminis exist in a web of their own making; an artifice of their cleverness and agility; an art form sufficiently entertaining and engrossing only to themselves.

For the rest of us, getting too close to a Gemini can mean disappointments and danger. A lot of us end up scared of Geminis-this is the archetype of a difficult person. Self-absorbed, easily distracted, thoroughly remorseless, Geminis collect emotional injuries and childhood memories and save them for later like leftover pizza. A smiling Gemini is like children splashing in a fountain; but unhappy Geminis have a cold, dark cloud hovering over them. Exposed to ridicule, Gemini finds safety in solitude-happiest with its own collection of distinctly different personalities. We notice Geminis when they want us to notice them; the coruscation of the Gemini mind hypnotizes us with its versatility and alacrity; by the time we snap out of it, it's too late; like a fly in the web, we have been ensnared.
Ask anyone who has had the temerity of trifling with this June/July spider and they'll tell you: don't joke about a Gemini. The Gemini spider gives no quarter, makes no allowances, has no mercy, feels no human sensibility. Geminis have the same conscience of the insect, as well as the same work ethic. Yet there is a lot to praise in the lifestyle of this solitary predator.

Geminis assiduously weave their silken web, an architectural and artistic marvel of design and intricacy, the purpose of which is to ensnare the curious, the negligent, the otherwise unobtainable fly who ventured too close to its doom. However, the web is not only for fast food; it plays a big part in spider sex, too. The horny male spider puts on an elaborate show of dancing and cajoling the female into opening her epignyne. If the male is agile, he can place his sperm-laden webbing into it before scampering away to avoid being eaten by the female.
With sex, as with all things Gemini, there is a certain macabre relentlessness of events without apology, without fear, that makes loving a Gemini a tricky affair. Those with nothing to lose, a sense of adventure and an equally unassailable ego can dance on the Gemini web; if security and subtlety are required, you'll have to snatch and grab when you can.
The chances of a Gemini being monogamous can be remote, at least in their imaginations; although other planetary forces ultimately determine that; but, remember: if you linger too long in Gemini's embrace, you may find yourself wrapped up in a silk prison.


Gemini is best identified by its two brightest stars, Castor and Pollux. These two are noticeable for being bright and close together on the sky's dome. Like brothers, or sisters. Gemini is also the male and the female brought together by an alternating current.

"The Greek myth of Castor and Pollux explores the inherit duality of life - of mortality and immortality forever intertwined and perpetually in conflict. Castor and Pollux were the sons of the god Zeus and their mortal mother Leda. The offspring were a mix of the base and divine, with Castor being the mortal brother and Pollux immortal. The two portray the dilemma of the human condition, the story repeating itself over the generations. Castor and Pollux were joyfully united in spirit yet sorrowfully divided by circumstance.

When Castor was slain in battle, Pollux was inconsolable in grief, begging Zeus to relieve him of the bonds of immortality. Pollux chose death, so that he could join his brother Castor in the great beyond. To this day, Pollux and Castor stand reunited in the heavens, a tribute to the redemptive power of brotherly love."

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