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Nov 30 - Dec 17

"Medusa" By Hiroko Sakai
Ophiuchus represents true individuality, the realized self, the lover and mother of others. Haters and their minions, who are locked into a sense of false community, based on coercion and violence, will try to destroy the Ophiuchus any chance they get. Maybe it's just as simple fact of the patriarchy hating the Mother, the maternal leader and sage, the someone in contact with the secret source of a woman's awesome power over death, which men cannot control. For eons, women have been helping the world confront the world beyond their understanding. Men call it magic, women call it intuition and transformation. Women are not the only target of violence and ignorance, Men with this sign are also liable to be punished or driven underground.

Ophiuchus is the introvert, the one with a secret. Often anti-social and indifferent to the group, her or she wants to dominate it or demonstrate their skills when Ophiuchus is socializing. However, Ophiuchus spends time alone, has an insatiable need to acquire knowledge and tries to find what has depth and meaning. Knowledge is not dry facts but insight found through a deep fear of death. Introspective and suffering, some Ophuichus shun others.

Medusa is Ophiuchus with bad press
The 13 eponymous (named) constellations were truncated to a 12-sign and 12 house system by the Romans. Ptolemy completed what the legions started, to eliminate the female from political power. The Romans burned shamans and destroyed matriarchal leadership; Ptolemy did his part by deleting them from the skies.

The Romans eradicated female leadership
Thirteen is a number associated with women, "witches" regarded as sinister and evil. Thirteen is only unlucky to men; it's the number of the female goddess. Thirteen is part of a lunar matriarchal society that presaged the Roman empire, and was ruled by the Moon. The Romans replaced the 13-month lunar calendar of 28 days with one day left over, with their Solar 12-month calendar, with odd numbered days and 1/4 of a day left. Like history books, the calendars are written by the victors. The Romans destroyed the female power base by fire and steel, and Ptolemy likewise enslaved her astrology in service of Roman aggression and its bloody atrocities. Modern Tropical astrology is the spawn of the apologists and propagandists of male tyranny, and its use is actually a genuflection to an ideology that represents the worst of human nature.

The tokens of Ophiuchus are snakes, which are man's traditional enemies. Man's jealousy and hatred for the skills of the healer have led him to launch armies against Ophiuchus, to try to ridicule, separate and eradicate her from human society and experience. Snakes are the symbol of knowledge, the springboard of understanding the human body, yet they also dangerous, and unpredictable. Man has used propaganda against Ophiuchus, depicting her as evil and beyond redemption, denigrating her love as a nest of vipers. Look at his treatment of Medusa, whose mantle of vipers protected her from harm. One glance from her could turn a man to stone. Her assassination was a forgone conclusion, no mercy was to be shown to the woman who demanded equality with men, who would resist his fire and steel with the greater power of mother nature and her irresistible and irrefutable importance in the human existence.

There is no need to fear the snake, if you leave it unmolested, yet mankind has a passion for killing the snake, as well as what it represents in human existence. They fear the snake, they fear Ophiuchus, they fear women' sexuality and powers. And they fear retribution, so much so that through the ages, men have hunted and killed the strong women in their midst, and even the most arbitrary symbols of their power, the number 13, the witch's cooking pot, black cats, etc., and all the other paraphernalia with which Ophiuchus surrounds herself.

Ophiuchus: Beyond the Female DNA

"Ophiuchus is the fully realized woman, or feminine power. Both male and female Ophiuchus exhibit the same range of a larger spectrum of the female archetype, one who can also display the strength and persistence that we normally credit to the masculine. The Ophiuchus is the ancient female, the symbol of birth and death, and not just the highly restricted roles that women are allowed to play in modern times. Ophiuchus's world does not revolve around having babies, fitting in, sexuality or the family. Ophiuchus is the center of such experiences, that world revolves around her, or him.

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