Chapter 1. Lucian

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I'm Lucian Walker. A famous model/actor. I'm about 17, a junior, and I believe I've got everything someone my age could want. Money, popularity, a girlfriend, a big house, and a puppy. There's nothing else I desire, or that's what I thought.

I have super light blonde hair, and pale skin. Some people call me a God. Is that a good thing...? I kind of don't know.

The day already sucked, and I wasn't even at school yet. My so-called, girlfriend, wouldn't stop spamming me, and my parents were on another business trip. I was all alone in the house... A huge, spacious house, and I was all alone.

They left a boring, plain old note on the kitchen counter, something they always do when they leave. They never actually tell me they're leaving. They don't care enough to, I guess.

Dear son,

Me and your father will be on this trip for 3 days, so keep yourself healthy! You have a photoshoot schedule on your calendar, and there's food in the fridge. Don't overeat! Also, Mayura is coming over with her parents to discuss business. Report it to us!

Have a great day,
Mom and Dad

Great. Mayura was coming over, and my parents weren't home to listen to her blabbering about.

"This is going to be one hectic day, huh?"

My dog, Ginger, was barking loudly, wanting to be fed. "WOOF! WOOF!" He barked, dancing around my feet.

"Ginger, be quiet, I'm focusing," I sighed, opening the cabinet and grabbing the dog food.

That's also me, talking to my dog. I'm quite lonely here. Even though my dog doesn't count as a human, he's all I talk to other than myself.

I poured the bag into his bowl as his barking slowed to a stop. I tried to smile, "There you go, eat up."

"Why am I talking to my dog?"

The bus arrived, interrupting my train of thought and Ginger's eating session.


"Shut up!!"

"Now I'm talking to a bus. Luci. What is wrong with you?"

Ginger started barking back at the bus, refusing to let me leave.

I chucked lightly, shaking my head at the dog, "Sorry, buddy, but I have to leave. Keep eating, I'll be back before you know it!"

The dog stopped barking and just whined quietly, watching me step out the door and onto the bus.

There were a bunch of snobby fangirls on the bus, fighting each other for signatures and pictures.

"Luci!" My girlfriend exclaimed, trying to catch my already fixated attention.

I sighed, but I had no choice but to reply to her. "Hi.."

Mayura, my girlfriend, happened to live near me. In the same neighborhood as me.

I didn't like her that way. Or more so, I didn't like her at all. Not as a lover, not as a friend, not at all. I might hate her.

She was a brat. A snobby, selfish, secretive, little brat.

She acted like she cared for me and my family, but I overheard her conversation with her other boyfriend. The one that isn't me.

I don't care that she's cheating, I don't. What I care about is the living fact that my parents expect me to marry her when we're older, which I am not.

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