Chapter 11. What Do I Do?

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Solaris's POV

I don't know what to do, Lucian's been avoiding me and all our friends lately, and I don't know what to do. It's not like it's any of my business, to be honest, but I feel like I'm the only person he opens up to. Since I'm his friend, I feel it's my responsibility to help him. I just don't know whether he trusts me enough or not. What if he does? Does that make me special? Should I be honored or something? Or what if he doesn't trust me? Does that make me useless? Am I useless...?

What is up with you, Lucian? You're making me worry too much for my own good.

It's been a week since I last brought up Lucian's behavior, but it's getting worse. He's been distancing himself from everyone he knows. Me, Mayura, and his friends. We all don't know what's going on. Well, I don't talk to Mayura, so she might know something. It's not like she'd tell me.

The main suspect is the one and only Mayura. Who else would it be? As far as I know, she's been getting more and more toxic as everyday passes. What if she's been the root to all of Lucian's problems? I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest.


Last week was when it all got worse. Basically, Lucian had been distancing himself from everyone, and it's been worrying the crap out of me. Becayse I knew something was up, I decided to message him and comfort him. Though I did all that, he never actually told me what was up.

He told me he had to go and do something, so he left me on read. He was gone for at least an hour before he messaged me again. The messages were about he was out with Mayura and their families for dinner. Usually, he would be all energetic while messaging me, but that entire day, something was up.

He went back to eating dinner, leaving me alone again. Despite him gone, all I was thinking about was him. Not like that, but because I was worried about him. Who wouldn't be worried? He's been acting weirdly, and I'm determined to get to the bottom of this mess.

When he finally came back after dinner, I wanted to call him. Surprisingly, he answered the call. But one thing I didn't tell him was that I put the call on FaceTime...

The moment his camera was on and I could see his face clearly, all I saw was tears streaming down his face. Those tears stained his clothes and cheeks. It was a nightmare to look at. I had never seen him cry until that day, I don't think anyone has.

I kept on asking him what was wrong and why he was crying, but all of that only made the poor guy cry harder. I felt my heart sink in my chest the second his tears fell down quicker, he buried his own face in his knees. It broke my heart to see him broken down.

I'm going to figure out who did this. And I will pay no mercy.

Does he want my help? Probably not. He's been distant and quiet, like he's invisible in some way. Even though he doesn't want attention, he's going to get it when it comes to me. I will be restless until I get to the bottom of this horrible situation. I want- No. I need him back.

Why do I care? Because he's the only person to ever see the real me. He's the one and only person I can be myself around. And without him, I can't be who I want to be. Without him, my life feels incomplete. I need it to be complete again.

Who do I think did it? Mayura. The one and only Mayura must have done this. She's always the cause of people's problems. No doubt she's the cause of Lucian's. I don't have any evidence of it, though. But the minute I get that evidence. She is done.

Dear Mayura. If I find out it was you who ruined him. I will end you. Whether you like it or not, your life is over.

You'd better watch your back, you brat.


Word Count - 715

Date - November 3rd

Super short chapter, sorry! Although it's the weekend, I've got a lot of Christmas decorating to do, and I've got barely any free time! Expect at least one or two chapters a week.

Have a lovely life and Christmas!

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