Chapter 7. These Are My Parents?

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So this isn't real. It's all some crazy nightmare...



There isn't any way those monsters are my parents. They would never cut me short of food or ground me for talking to a man... That isn't right, it isn't them... Right?


The Next Morning

"Lucian! The bus is coming in 10 minutes!" My mother called. She didn't seem as mad as yesterday. Maybe it was all a dream? No. It couldn't be a dream; I didn't eat yesterday.

Maybe she forgot? Or even better, maybe she decided she was in the wrong?

I got dressed, rushing down the stairs only to see my precious Pomeranian, Ginger. But the only thing is that he hasn't been fed.

I bent down to his level, and he tilted his head back at me, I guess he was confused. "Hey, bud, why haven't you eaten?" I asked him as if he could even respond. My dog barked as a response, but I didn't understand it. How could I? He's a dog, a dog that cannot talk.

I shook my head and poured out some food into his bowl, but the thing is, my parents should have fed him... Why didn't they?

The bus was parked right outside my house at the usual time. The unusual thing is, my parents didn't even tell me they had left, but they did.

The bus honked at me, waiting for me to go outside to the boring world of fans. I walked onto the bus, and as usual, many nosy fans asked for signatures and pictures. I didn't say yes. I'm too tired. To be honest, life hasn't been great for me.

I sped to the back of the bus, making sure my seat wasn't taken, and if it was, I was ready to fight for it. Well, not literally, but verbally and whatever. Unsurprisingly, Mayura was saving my seat like the simp she is, but this time, when I told her to move and let me sit, she said, "No, I'm sitting beside you today, and nothing can stop me. Not even force."

She seemed to be serious and brave. The concerning thing is, she's a complete pussy, sorry, excuse my language.

Her cheerleader friend and Solaris got on, like normal. Nothing about the day seemed out of the ordinary except for my parents and Mayura's attitude change. The bus zoomed by all of the trees and stores, leaving our neighborhood in the dust. The school came soon, and I prepared myself for the hell I was about to experience.

I hopped off of the bus, Mayura following behind me. She kept a glare at me, it wasn't subtle or wasn't made to be. Solaris noticed this, he clutched onto my arm in the middle of the hallway. "Lucian, Mayura's been acting weirdly, don't you think?" He said, and I couldn't help but admire his- No, wait, what? God, pretend I didn't say that. Okay, rewind. I couldn't help but agree with him, something inside of me forced my mind and heart to see the bad in Mayura's odd actions, it's just the way I think. I sighed, "Yeah, she is acting quite weirdly."

Solaris didn't let go of the grip on my arm, he seemed... Comfortable. And I was too...

But that isn't right. I shouldn't be comfortable with him touching me, this should be awkward or just disgusting in general... But my heart tells me that I enjoy this... Why do I enjoy this? Just stop thinking about it, Lucian. Or you'll change your mind.

Mayura ran up to us two, intruding our private conversation. "Hey, Luci! Why did you talk so rudely to your parents yesterday? They told me you needed some space, but since you're my boyfriend -" I cut her off, her mouth irritating my already irritated mood, "Shut up, Mayura. I don't give a damn about what benefits you get for dating me, it isn't okay to cross boundaries. I want you to respect my decisions and for you to stop manipulating people! Specifically, my parents. You made my parents turn their backs on me, which is unacceptable from you, you're supposed to be supportive and loving, but the only thing that I see from you is selfishness and narcissism!" I was going to talk more, but Solaris shut my mouth with his hand.

"Lucian. Too much." He said, removing his hand from my face afterward. He stopped clinging onto my arm, a regular distance from me now. I was slightly disappointed- What? I shouldn't be... Disappointed that he stopped touching me, physical touch is so uncomfortable to me usually, what's going on? It's like my heart is all fuzzy and warm all of a sudden. Why do I feel like this...?

I nodded my head lightly. I noticed my hand move up, in an attempt to grasp Solaris's hand. What the fuck? What am I doing? I yanked my hand back, making sure Solaris didn't notice. He turned around to look at me, Mayura still watching us two from behind us. "Lucian? What are you doing...?" He said, looking confused as hell.

"Oh, uhm- Nothing, I didn't do anything, don't worry about it." I stammered, hoping he won't notice my nervousness. He glanced away from me, and to the clock hanging on the wall, "Okay then, if you say so." He said quietly, still not looking at me. I hope he wasn't expecting something touching or kind, because I could have changed this conversation entirely by telling him how I feel...

The bell rang. Guess I lost my opportunity? Whatever, it's not like this feeling is a big important thing or anything...

Solaris snapped out of his zoning out session and looked back up to me for a second, "I better get to class, I'll see you in a bit?" He said, smiling gently. I smiled back, but still questioned what I feel to myself, "Yeah, see you in a bit."

We turned away from each other, I noticed the spot Mayura had taken was empty. Mayura already left... Glad she did, to be honest, maybe she wasn't there long enough to see my reaction to the situation.

As I walked to my class, I was talking to myself, I always do. But I have one growing question on my mind that cannot or will not ever be answered, if it does get answered. I'd regret it.

Why do I feel like this? Isn't this considered wrong? Why... Why do I feel this way?


Word Count - 1,091

Date - October 27th, 2023

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