Chapter 8. Why Am I Like This?

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"Why am I being so weird..." Lucian thought to himself, zoning out in the middle of class. History was boring anyways, anyone could agree. The teacher kept talking and talking about how impactful the government is and how lost the world would be without it.

Lucian couldn't care less. For some odd reason, he missed Solaris. He missed his warm touch. He missed his affection and tenderness. He missed it, and he didn't know why.

His seatmate tapped his shoulder, "Hey, man, you alright? You've been zoning out the entire class. Something on your mind?" He asked, worried but curious. Lucian snapped out of his daydream, his head moving to see his seatmate. The seatmate's a demi boy who goes by the name of "Payton." Lucian didn't have a problem with him, but it bothered him to have somebody on his back for an hour.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Lucian muttered, his head turning back to look out the window and to the trees right outside. He wished he could escape the school, run away into the forest, and leave all his problems behind. But wouldn't that just cause even more problems?

"Alright..." Payton turned back to face the board, actually paying attention to the boring lesson the teacher was teaching. Lucian breathed heavily, his breath fogging up the cold window. "It's nearly winter..." He thought to himself, nobody else would care anyway.

Mr. Jones, the teacher, noticed that Lucian wasn't paying attention. It wouldn't affect his grade, nothing could. His parents sponsor the school so much that their money is basically setting Lucian up for perfection. "Lucian! Pay attention to the lesson." Mr. Jones exclaimed, smacking his book against the desk to wake him up. Lucian's body jolted at the sudden noise, his head turning to look at the teacher now with a tired expression. "Ah, sorry, Mr. Jones." Lucian muttered, looking at the board for once.

After a long 25 more minutes passed, the bell rescued Lucian and everyone else from History class. "Just one more class until lunch, then you can see Solaris..." Lucian told himself, picking up his bag and putting it over his shoulder. He stepped out of the classroom, exhaling loudly while preparing himself for Math class.

He walked through the hallway, his Airpods on full blast, playing the Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, and Girl in Red, all in one playlist. Lucian hummed to the beat of "We fell in love in October," not realizing one someone come up beside him. "Lucian? Is that you?" Oh, it was Rachel, Lucian's cousin. "Rachel? Sorry I didn't notice you at first, my music's on full blast." Lucian replied, turning his Spotify off.

"Oh, it's no problem, Luci. Anyway, how are you and Mayura doing? She told me you two fought again." Rachel said, trying to be nice. Lucian sighed and muttered, "Of course she told you..." She looked up, noticing Lucian's uncomfortableness.

The second bell rang, and Rachel's eyes shot up at the clock, "Sorry, Luci. Class is about to start. I'll talk to you later." She repositioned her bag on her shoulder and dashed away, turning to corner and walking into her class. Lucian sighed as he watched his cousin disappear, turning around and going to his class. "Great, Math class." He sighed.

He stepped inside the boring classroom, the chalkboard taking up half the room, the teacher in the front, and students everywhere. The reason Lucian hated this class so much was because Mayura was in it. And she sat. Right. Beside. Him.

"Hey, Luci! I'm really sorry about the fight yesterday, you know I don't mean that." Mayura said, pouting with puppy dog eyes. She gripped Lucian's arm, holding tightly and trying to guilt trip him.

Lucian rolled his eyes and rested his head on his palm, ignoring the needy girl. After minutes of Mayura being needy, he finally turned around and glared at the blonde, shooting daggers with his eyes. "Leave me alone, Mayura." He snarled, looking back at the opposite wall.

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