Chapter 9. He's Different...

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Solaris's POV

Alright so, I don't know what in the world is up with Lucian right now. He's been acting weird lately and keeps ignoring or changing the subject when I bring it up. I feel it has something to do with Mayura, his parents... Or me. I really hope I'm not the problem, though...

I don't know what I did wrong, but if it can be fixed, I'll try and make it up to him. All I need is for him to open up to me. It can't be too hard... Right?

I woke up extremely tired as if I didn't get any sleep last night, but I did. I swear to god I did. Maybe it was a dream? No, that makes no sense. How would that be a dream if I didn't get any sleep? Maybe I'm just overthinking this and I just need a morning coffee. Yeah, coffee. I'll just get a coffee.

As usual, I hopped out of bed and dressed up, in plain old, boring clothes. "I definitely need to go shopping," I told myself, writing a note on a piece of scrap paper and taping it to my mirror. The mirror barely had enough room on it to see myself, and that's the entire point of a mirror. "Damn, I need to start doing whatever I say I will on these notes I write."

"Talking to myself? Again? Is this even healthy?" I said to myself again, sighing loudly as I realized that I was just having a conversation with me, myself, and I.

My maid, Lori, walked into my room with a gift box, it wasn't big or anything. Probably a teddy or something my mom would give me. "Young master, your mother and father requested that I give this to you. It's from a friend, actually," she smiled, handing me the box.

I made a surprised look, "A friend? I don't have friends that would gift me anything, Lori. This is probably a misunderstanding-" Lori cut me off, chuckling to herself lightly, "No, master. It's definitely from one of your newer friends. It was handed to me specifically by a wonderful young man that I'm sure you know. Just take it, sir. I'm positive you'll like what's inside."

"Yeah, alright..." I said suspiciously. A newer friend? The only new friend I've made in the past few months is... Lucian... So it's from Lucian?! "It's from Lucian, isn't it, Lori?" My tone made it sound like I was really delighted to know it was from him, which I was, but I didn't want her to know that.

"I believe so, young master. Just open it already, I'll be 6 feet under before you even take a glimpse inside." She joked, smiling her old womanly smile that most grandparents give.

I smiled back at her, "Oh, Lori. Don't be making those kinds of jokes, they might come true, you know. And we most definitely don't want that." Lori nodded in response as she made another annoyed look, "Just do it already."

I snapped back to reality as I remembered that she was waiting for me to open the gift. She sighed loudly and irritatedly, "Open it before I do!" "Yeah, yeah, sorry." I muttered quickly as I undid the ribbon on top of the fancy box.

The gold ribbon came undone and fell onto the bed as I lifted the lid off, revealing a pretty card and headphones decorated in red doodles. "Woah, he gave me all this?" I said happily, smiling wide.

Lori smiled back, "Guess so, young master. Say, you got yourself a boyfriend?~" She teased, whistling playfully. I blushed and hid my face, "W-What? No! Plus, it's basically forbidden to date him... My parents or his wouldn't like it."

Her smile dropped as she understood, "Ah, yes, sorry. I forgot, master." I chuckled, "Just Solaris is fine. You calling me 'master' makes me sound like I'm old."

"Oh, well, open the card! I'm sure something thoughtful is in there since he seems so very kind," she grinned eagerly, jumping up and down (not actually) in excitement.

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