Chapter 10.5. The Dinner

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Despite my acts in trying to prevent having to eat lunch with Mayura and her parents, my mother was persistent in the exact opposite. She lectured me like my English teacher, giving me a million reasons why I should be grateful that Mayura's family was taking time out of their day to meet up with us. Although I honestly couldn't care less about why I should show gratitude, it didn't feel right letting my mom scold Rachel as well. It had nothing to do with her. I don't even know why Rachel was here, I mean, she is my cousin and all, but being at my house at all times doesn't feel normal. Maybe it is normal, and I'm just weird, I am weird, to be honest, but that isn't the point.

"Lucian, you need to accept the fact that Mayura belongs with you and that you'll spend the rest of your life with her. There's no changing that. What do you even not like about her? She's perfect in every way." My father complained, leaving his spaghetti untouched.

Mother nodded, except she was eating her food. I felt Mayura's eyes on me, watching me eat. Could I blame her? My father was asking what I didn't like about her. It is her business, isn't it?

Mayura's mom coughed, interrupting our short amount of peace. "Luican. What do you not like about my daughter? Is there something wrong with her?" I wanted to tell her at least a hundred reasons wrong with Mayura, but then again, how mad would my own parents be? Would they hate me? Kill me? Okay, not that far. I hope...

So I decided to play it safe and act the total opposite of how I wanted to. "No. Not at all. There isn't a thing wrong with her... I'm just not feeling all too well. Could I excuse myself to the bathroom?" My eye twitched out of annoyance.

"God, just let me get out of this mess." I thought to myself, crossing my fingers under the table.

"Sure, go ahead." My mother smiled, allowing me to excuse myself. I didn't actually need to use the bathroom, I just needed some time to think.

I nodded and pushed my chair away from the table, getting up and walking to the bathroom. The second I stepped inside of the room, I shut the door unsuspiciously.

The toilet definitely wasn't a good seat, so I laid my back against the wall and slid down, sitting on the floor irritatedly. I pulled my phone out, impatient to message Solaris again.

"Why am I so excited?" I whispered, opening my messages app. Of course, Solaris had been spamming me the entire dinner, leaving me a bunch of messages like,

Solaris <3:

Solaris <3:

Solaris <3:

Solaris <3:
Reply to me, you little-

I chuckled quietly, smiling like an idiot. I started typing, replying to Solaris.

HEYYYY Sorry about that! I was eating dinner with my girlfriend and her family

Solaris <3:
Nah it's alr! I js wanted some company 🥺

Don't you have any siblings? 😒

Solaris <3:
I do, but they're SOOOO annoying. You're cool, tho! 😙

I'm flattered 😶

Solaris <3:

Yeah, yeah, okay. You wanna hang at the library tomorrow?

Solaris <3:
The library. Really? 🥱

That's the only unsuspicious place we can hang out at. Take it or leave it.

Solaris <3:

Kk I'll see you tmr 🫶🫶🫶

Solaris <3:
Cya 🫶

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