Chapter 3. Torture

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Lucian's POV

Today's Monday and the perfect weekend's over, I have better things to do than go to school.

What, you may ask? Sleep, eat, and watch anime. There are loads of things that I'd rather do than school. It's only 6 in the morning and there's a swarm of people outside of my house.

"Mr. Lucian Walker! May we speak to you?"

"No, actually, I have to get to school. Maybe another time?" Was there 20 minutes before the bus would arrive? Yup. Did I want to be on TV again? Nope.

"Oh, alright. We'll be back later!"

She called her team off, and they went out to do whatever, leaving me with my dog. I went back inside to get ready. I literally threw on whatever clothes I found first, and since I mainly owned black and white, it all matched successfully.

I'll just skip breakfast today.

20 minutes later

The bus decided to honk at me right when I started drifting off to sleep. Was it a good or bad thing? I'll take it as both.

As usual, a ton of girls begged for me to sit by them, but it wasn't happening. My usual seat; the seat in the very back, was empty, and I know why.

I tried to be friendly for once, as being grouchy all day would only make me sleepier, but being friendly just isn't my thing, "Thanks for saving my seat, Mayura..." I bet I sounded annoyed, which I was, specifically at Mayura. But trust me, I didn't mean to make it this obvious.

"No problem, Luci!" She smiled wide, making me even more annoyed by her.

"I told you not to call me that."

Although my close friends and family call me Luci, and Mayura is my girlfriend, I hate her calling me that.

"But I'm your girlfriend, Lucian! I should be allowed to call you whatever I want!" I guess she just wants me to hate her.

A black-haired male with red highlights walked calmly to the back of the bus and began to speak.

"Mayura lay off. He doesn't want to be called that. It's his decision."

Why is Solaris defending me?

She groaned like a toddler, "It's none of your business, Solaris! Leave me and Lucian alone."

"I can see he's uncomfortable with you calling him that, leave him alone."

"Solaris, you don't have to defend me. Just go sit down and live your life." I fake smiled, letting him live without being so worried about me.

"Trust me, I've got nothing better to do." He shot a sweet smile at me, then turned back around to face a fuming Mayura.

"Oh my god! Just leave us alone. He's my boyfriend, not yours!" Why was she referring to me as her boyfriend? She's acting like I'm her property.

"I know he's not, but you need to lay off a bit, let him breathe, woman!" He now looked angrier than usual, which sent shivers down our spines.

This time, I made a slightly believable smile, as it was half-real. I'm glad he's sticking up for me, just not in this very situation. "It's alright, Solaris. I don't need your pity."

I looked away, consumed by social media, and all the comments on my latest post.

'Where did you go?'

'How come you're not posting anymore?'

'When are you coming back?'

'Why aren't you casting anymore?'

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