Chapter 14

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A/N: Happy holidays everyone! I'm so sorry about how long it's been for an update. I really haven't been the best but I'm slowly trying to write a chapter or two ahead right now so I can update more frequently. Hopefully this will suffice for a while until the next part.

~Clarissa's POV~

   I flinched as the door slammed shut. I let a few tears fall thinking of Xavor, he was a great dean but I really do hope he was correct in choosing Lesso as dean. I brushed away the tears as my door suddenly opened again to show Professor Anemone.

"Red has a temper." I chuckled lightly and moved around to the fireplace watching the embers. Anemone moved to the window and was probably trying to watch Lesso walking over the bridge. I could imagine her hair in the fireplace but mostly that small fragile look she had last night. She was scared about failing, maybe not just the school, but also herself.

"Rissa?" I look up and saw Anemone giving me a curious look standing by the door now.

"I'll be right behind you." She nodded once and then left the room. I pushed my thoughts back about Lesso and followed suit out the room. I found Anemone with a knowing look on her face as I closed my door.

"I can tell when something is bothering you so spill." I sighed and started walking down the hall. We had about a five minute walk to get to the great hall anyways.

"There's really nothing to tell. With Xavor gone I fear that the sudden onslaught of being dean will be too much for Lesso. I worry for her is all." I fiddled with my fingers as we turned the corner towards the stairs. We waved to a few princesses as they walked ahead of us.

"If Xavor choose her then he isn't wrong. I slightly remember a red haired witch causing havoc all over. I did see you around her as well at points.." Anemone gave me a sly grin. I chuckled and elbowed her ribs.

"I was always around...Vincent..." An uncomfortable silence enveloped us.

"I'm sorry Rissa. I didn't mean it like that." I gave a forced smile; the memories rushing through my mind.

"It's okay Anemone." I patted her arm and walked up to the Dean's table where Lesso already was.

"Lesso." I gave a nod to her which she returned. Her nose going back to her book she was reading.

"Didn't you read that already?" I gave a small laugh at her reaction. She just shrugged it off and flipped to the next page.

"It's just review then. Aren't you going to eat princess?" My heart fluttered at the name and I could feel my cheeks heat up. Looking down at my plate had me losing my appetite; this was his favorite dish.

"I'm not very hungry." I noticed she was slowly eating hers as she read. Not a lot but I noticed some gone. She snapped her book closed and made it disappear before getting up to leave.

Don't leave.

"Done already?" I asked hoping she would stay. I looked away at her piercing gaze and was slightly scratching my wrist. I felt magic hold my hands so I couldn't scratch anymore. I looked up and saw violet eyes staring at me.

"Don't scratch." I nodded and I arranged my bracelets to cover my wrists. She turned around and walked out of the hall. I swallowed down my nerves and tried eating a few bites at least so I wouldn't starve too badly. I could only eat a small handful of the potatoes and that was it.

"You ate more today.." Anemone spoke from beside me and I nodded in agreement.

"If you'll excuse me." I stood up and calmly walked from the dining hall, forcing myself from running. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and it made my anxiety peak. I moved the bracelets away and started to scratch my wrist again.

Sorry Lesso..


Later that night, I was sitting in my window watching the stars twinkle again. I found the constellation Scorpio. It was always his favorite because it looked evil but wasn't at the same time. I looked down slightly at the window of Xa-Lesso's room and saw her at the window. I couldn't make out her facial features, but she was also looking up at the sky. Was she a fan of the constellations too? Her hand moved something white to her lips and then back down; tea or coffee. Her head moved down and I swore I could feel a coldness seep into my body suddenly. I tightened the blanket around me and shivered still. I dropped my gaze and moved to my bed. The coldness disappeared so maybe I was by the window too long. I lit a candle as I reached my desk. The warm glow brightened the room gently and I sighed sitting down. I brought out a blank piece of paper and a quill. I stared at it blankly, willing myself to write something. Anything. I closed my eyes and let my emotions guide my hand around the page. After a minute I opened them and gasped at the image that my mind created. It was an image of Vincent but also of Lady Lesso; the latter overshadowing the former. I held the image up to the flame and was about to let it burn. I brought it back before it could catch fire and decided to just put it away for now.

"Maybe there's more to her than I see..." I mused to no one as I went to some last-minute classroom preparations of mine.

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