Chapter 4 (No Lemon)

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I woke up in the shallows of the lake, the gentle warmth of the morning sun caressing my face. Beside me lay none other than the slumbering goddess of love and passion, Aphrodite. Her arms were wrapped around me, and as I looked at her, I couldn't help but admire the serene beauty of her sleeping face. It appeared as though she hadn't experienced a peaceful rest in quite some time.

She stirred in her sleep, and so I slowly and gently shook her awake. Her eyes opened slowly, taking in her surroundings. With a graceful movement, she lifted herself up and then settled herself on top of me, her face resting against my chest.

Me: "I need to go now, Aphrodite. The family I'm staying with is probably worried, and it's already morning," I gently shook her, and she reluctantly sat up.

Aphrodite: "Will you visit me again? Or maybe I should visit you where you are staying?" She asked as she began to shift her hips, and I couldn't mistake her intentions. 

I sighed and sat up, wrapping my arms around her.

Me: "Just one more time, and then I'll go," I whispered, unable to resist her allure.

Aphrodite: "Wonderful~" She smiled enthusiastically as I gently laid her down on the soft grass, succumbing to the irresistible passion she embodied.


Despite agreeing to one last intimate encounter before parting ways, Aphrodite insisted on joining me to meet the family I was staying with. As we approached the village, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension about introducing a goddess to my humble host family.

She held onto my hand as we walked through the village, drawing both fascination and envy from the villagers. Little did they know that the beautiful woman with me was the very goddess whose festival they would be celebrating in just two days.

As we reached the family's mansion, I spotted Leonidas in the yard, hastily packing his hunting gear, presumably preparing to search for me. Callista was nearby, her voice raised in a scolding tone.

Callista: "Leonidas, how could you let him get lost and separated from you during the hunting trip? You should have been more responsible!"

Leonidas: "I know, I know," he muttered in response, clearly feeling the weight of her words.

Just as Callista was about to continue her reprimand, I called out to them.

Me: "Leonidas! Callista!" I waved as I approached, and both of them turned in surprise.

Leonidas: "Y/N, is that you?" he asked incredulously.

Callista: "Oh, my goodness, Y/N, my boy, I was so worried!" She rushed to me and started checking me for injuries as if I were her own child.

Leonidas approached me and wrapped me in a tight embrace.

Leonidas: "HAHAHA, kid, I thought I lost you!"

We exchanged relieved smiles, and I knew they were genuinely concerned about me. However, little did they realize the true identity of the woman standing beside me.

Leonidas raised an eyebrow and chuckled, looking at Aphrodite.

Leonidas: "You disappear alone and return with a woman, Y/N? Well, I guess you have quite the charm." He couldn't have known that his jest about my "charm" was, in fact, a vast understatement.

I pulled him down to me and whispered to him.

Me: "Mate, you may wanna tone down the jokes; we don't want to offend her," I advised, casting a discreet glance in Aphrodite's direction.

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