Chapter 6

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The room buzzed with tension as the gods gathered, their expressions ranging from curiosity to astonishment. Zeus, the almighty ruler of Olympus, stood at the forefront, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the chamber. His thunderous voice had demanded an explanation, and it was clear he expected answers.

Aphrodite stepped forward, her divine radiance contrasting sharply with her stern expression.

Aphrodite: "We were brought here by the pendant," she explained, her voice carrying an air of authority. "It transported us, and we arrived here nude as you would of course. The pendant, however, graciously provided us with attire."

Y/N: "you only said that it should take us somewhere" I told her.

Aphrodite: "I didn't mean olympus." She looked back at he gathering, and ares the god of war, approached her.

Ares, the god of war, observed Y/N with a critical gaze, his curiosity piqued. Simultaneously, the revelation filled him with a simmering rage, for he realized that his wife had shared a night with a mortal.

Ares: "And who is this mortal, and why is he with you?" he demanded, his tone betraying a hint of annoyance.

Aphrodite, her temper flaring, did not hesitate to respond.

Aphrodite: "He is my new husband!" she declared defiantly, her words echoing through the divine chamber.

Ares: "Husband? you forsake our vows for a mortal" he seethed, pointing at Y/N. "you think a mortal would be better than me? a god, the god of war, Ares" he exclaims with pride, but beneath it he was bubbling with rage, how dare she speak to him like that.

Aphrodite: "Indeed, i do" she replied. "who are you to say that i am your wife? a nuisance you throw away after i bore you a child" ; "You are but a brute who knows nothing but your sword, why did i even expect someone like you would be a worthy husband, from someone who's only role was conflict." 

he sauntered closer to Aphrodite. But Y/N blocked his path, his own anger bubbling up, and an unusual sensation of darkness growing within his soul.

Y/N: "Not one more step," Y/N ordered Ares, his voice firm and unwavering, causing the god's anger to boil even more. He had no fear, only a growing sense of power and resolve.

???: "Not one more step."

Y/N repeated his command, but a second voice echoed, blending seamlessly with his own. The source of this mysterious voice remained shrouded with omnipresent dread and darkness.

Ares had finally had enough. He knew he was being threatened, and his anger boiled over as he delivered a solid punch that sent Y/N crashing into the wall. Aphrodite rushed over to Y/N with deep concern, but Ares, now clad in his formidable armor, advanced with grim determination. He drew his sword, and Aphrodite attempted to shield Y/N, but she found herself grabbed by the throat, her husband's wrath evident.


Zeus's commanding voice filled the room, but to his shock, Ares was thrown across the chamber with even greater force than he had used against Y/N. The gods staggered in surprise, their resolve shaken by a voice that echoed through the divine hall.


The voice boomed with such force that the Olympian gods felt its power grip their very souls. Strangely, the voice had emanated from Y/N himself, an heir to a power they could scarcely comprehend.

As the room grew colder, Y/N himself stood up. Ares was bewildered at the power, and from a mortal as well.

???: "Rise, take my mace, The Mace of Molag Bal! I give you its true power, make your enemies lie broken and bloody before you, tear the flesh from their bones and grind them to dust." The voice itself revealed as an entity named Molag Bal, his voice deep and cool yet carried a dark and domineering tone.

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