Chapter 5

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Me and Aphrodite ate our meal, sharing stories and laughter during the evening. . It was indeed a peculiar sight to see the goddess of love and passion sitting at our humble dinner table, but somehow, she fit right in with our family. To show our respect to the goddess, my parents decided to give up their room for the night, allowing Aphrodite to stay there. Callista would be sleeping with Nakaia, and Leonidas, as part of his punishment for losing me in the woods, would be sleeping in the lounge.

Leonidas, looking both apologetic and slightly embarrassed, glanced over at me from across the table.

Leonidas: "I promise I'll make it up to you, Y/N," he said, taking a sip of his wine. "I won't let you wander off like that again. Tomorrow, we can go around the city, and I'll get you some garments. You've been using mine, and you're way too tall for my clothes."

Me: "No worries, Leonidas," I replied with a smile. "All's well that ends well, right?"

Aphrodite, sipping her wine gracefully, chimed in.

Aphrodite: "Now now, Y/N arrived home safely, didn't he? There's no need to fret," she smirked.

Callista: "Enjoy this delightful evening, but remember your punishment," she cautioned, cutting a piece of the beef stew that she had made. "And tomorrow, the family will be helping with the festival's preparations."

Leonidas swallowed hard and nodded rapidly, causing me and Aphrodite to chuckle.

Leonidas: "Well, we hosted the goddess herself in our home, and it only makes sense for us to help out in her festival."

Me: "That doesn't make sense. We already hosted her, so that means we should be exempt from helping."

Aphrodite: "No, no, no! I'm your lady, so you should be more inclined to help out," she playfully whined to me.

As the night wore on, we finished our meal and retired to our respective sleeping arrangements. Aphrodite was staying in my parents' room, Leonidas was in the lounge, and I was in my usual room. However, late at night, I received an unexpected invitation.

Aphrodite: "Y/N, would you care to join me in my room?" she whispered sensually, her voice carrying through the darkness.

I hesitated for a moment, then agreed with a nod.

Me: "Sure, I'll be right there."

With stealth, I slipped out of my room, making my way through the quiet house. But as I reached Aphrodite's door and gently pushed it open, I encountered an unexpected obstacle. Leonidas, who had been sleeping in the lounge, was standing in the hallway, a mischievous smirk on his face. He winked at me and mouthed, "I won't tell Callista."

I couldn't help but chuckle, appreciating his understanding. 

~Time skip in Aphrodite's Room~

Aphrodite's POV

As Y/N and I lay naked under the blankets, my arms wrapped around his... hehe hehe pectorals. I couldn't help but gaze up at his relaxed expression, feeling a connection I hadn't experienced in a long time. It had been ages since a man's touch had felt this comforting. Ares had lost interest in me, treating me more like a nuisance than a lover. Two failed marriages, and I was getting tired of it all. the goddess of love my ass.

I felt my self getting angry.

Y/N: "AGH!" I flinched when he suddenly groaned in pain, realizing that I had pressed my nails into his pectorals.

Aphrodite: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I quickly let go of him.

Y/N: "What the hell happened?" He examined the five nail marks on his chest. "Did you just Freddy Krueger me?" He asked.

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