Chapter 7

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Zeus took me around Olympus, the home of the gods, but there were barely any gods in sight, and through out the tour I was tailed by none other than Athena, she was shadowing me like a body guard would his employer. she looked flustered and shy.

By the end of the tour I sat on one of the courtyards, hera's great gardens, one of the benches I sat on the rim of the fountain, as i looked around, then i found athena peeking from the corner of one of the hedges.

Me: "Athena, come out I won't bite" I invited her to come sit with me, i gave her a warm smile to put her at ease, but that seem to have made her more apprehensive and more shy.

The goddess of wisdom took as sit close to me and smiled wryly, she's trying so hard to not look weird.

Me: "Olympus, the home of the gods....with barely any gods inside, where are all the other gods?" I asked her. her smile faltered into a frown and she let out a sigh

Athena: "Gone." she stated plainly. "many of the gods are dead, my siblings, apollo, heracles, and what not they are all gone, the titans escaped their imprisonment my uncle hades, was the last to die, he used his own to seal the gates of tartarus."

Me: "I'm sorry to hear that" I held her hand in comfort, she flinched a bit but allowed herself to indulge. "How many gods did olympus loose?" I asked her.

Athena: "Most of the male gods, are gone, except for ares....which is ironic because no one wants him around" she let out a slight but unhumorous chuckle. "worse was Hedone and Eros, they did not deserve their fates, Hedone was but a child" she stated the devastation in her voice was clear, her voice was wavering. "she was just a child, and her own flesh and blood would...would" she abruptly looked away and sobbed.


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I held her shoulder and comforted her as she remembers the atrocity that she had witnessed the result off. 

Me: "That's enough athena, there's no need to remember" I comforted her and held her close to me, surprisingly she rested her head on my shoulders and in no time her arms wrapped around me as she sobbed. "That's why zeus looked so tired and so...over it" i told her.

???: "We're all tired and over it." 

the voice caught me and athena by surprise, as we looked upon her, she had short black hair a, rough look in her eyes and she had scarring on her left eye.

the voice caught me and athena by surprise, as we looked upon her, she had short black hair a, rough look in her eyes and she had scarring on her left eye

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