Chapter 10

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I stayed with the Girls, for a few more hours, Peitho and Eupheme coaxed me for another round before enyo and I departed, Outside the city of corinth me and Enyo said our goodbyes Enyo disguised herself with a hood.

Enyo: "I will see you when you visit olympus...or when i visit your family" 

Enyo leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips, she smiled and took my hand laying something on it which i could not see, she closed it, before she walked back into the city and disappeared into the crowd.

Opening it I found a small shield crest pendant with a sword enblazened on its centre, I smiled and put the pendant on alongside my original pendant, and I asked it to send me back home to the family in athens.


I ascended the steps overlooking the vast expanse of the sea, my heart heavy with the weight of the past. In my trembling hand, I clutched the symbol of my ill-fated marriage with Ares – the ring that had bound us together. With a deep breath, I made a final decision.

Enyo: "Being married to you was a grievous mistake, one I refuse to carry with me any longer."

My voice trembled with a mix of anger and liberation as I hurled the ring into the depths of the ocean. As it disappeared beneath the waves, I felt a surge of relief wash over me, and I sank to my knees, overcome by a sudden bout of laughter. It was a laughter of release, a laughter that signaled the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

The salty sea breeze tousled my hair as I knelt by the water's edge, laughter mingling with the soothing sound of the waves. It was a laughter born from the depths of my soul, a release from the chains of a marriage that had long suffocated my spirit.

As I sat there, my eyes fixed on the horizon, I felt a sense of freedom I hadn't known in years. Ares, the god of war, had been a tumultuous presence in my life, and our union had been marked by strife and discord. Now, as the ring disappeared into the abyss, I could finally let go of the bitterness that had held me captive for so long.

Enyo: "I'm free to love who i want to love, And i want you....Y/N" she smiled softly put on her hood once again.

Enyo: "I'm free now, free to choose who I love, and that someone is you, Y/N. Aphrodite won't mind right?"

My voice held a gentle sincerity as I smiled softly, the weight of my past now a distant memory. I pulled my hood over my head once again.

Back to Y/N

I teleported to Athens once again, bringing with me a hunting spear and a boar I had killed along the way. As I knocked on the door of the familiar home, Callista greeted me with a warm hug, her motherly affection evident.

Callista: "Y/N, my boy, where have you been?"

Me: "Corinth."

Callista: "Corinth? How did you get to Corinth and back so quickly?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain my sudden teleportation. But Callista, perceptive as ever, caught on quickly.

Callista: "You don't sound so sure, boy. What is going on?"

Me: "I'm serious, it's Aphrodite's doing. We got transported to somewhere random, and I ended up in Corinth."

I responded with a blend of vague explanations and half-truths, aiming to give an overview of my recent adventures without disclosing too many specifics.

Me: "Anyway, I brought some boar for us to enjoy. Perhaps we can roast it for a meal?"

Callista: "I'll let Leonidas know. Come inside and get some rest."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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