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             The man got out of bed while yawning. Another normal day, which meant... he'll be bored to death because it's the weekend and he doesn't have to go to work. If he could, he would still be in his office editing the front pages full of lies, rather than sulking at home. But he can't..

He pulled up the blinds and smiled. This is why he moved here, to see the snow, since there is nothing more beautiful in the world than snow, with its white color and shine it covered the dirt that was located underneath it.

He put his palm on the window and sighed. He could take his dog for a walk, because that cute lil' dumpling also loved the cold and loved to play in the snow even more.

Just as he opened the door, the said animal bounced into the room.

"Good morning girl," he crouched down and stroked her fur and the animal instantly laid down the floor happily. "Hungry, huh? After we've had breakfast, I'll take you for a walk, how's that sound?" he scratched her ears and the dog stood up and followed him. First he poured fresh water into her double bowl and then the dry food. He put his coffee on to brew, while he made fried eggs with bacon.

He sipped his caffeinated drink slowly and ate his food peacefully. He heard a whimper beside him, so he looked down.

"What's up girl?" he held up the half-eaten bacon. "You want this, huh? Here you go," he gave it to her. "At least you should have a good day," he stood up and washed the dishes.

He dressed up in layers, waved the leash to which the dog immediately responded, flapped her ears back and started jumping. 'Silly girl~' he thought to himself, then hung the leash on her collar and left the house.

He started to walk towards the park because there he can let her go without a worry, she can play in the snow as much as she likes.

This park is the most beautiful place in the city anyway, even if he didn't bring her with him, sometimes he still came out here, sat down on one of the benches and was able to think for hours about nothing in particular. It might seem weird but he know, it made him feel good, to just have some silence in his boring little life.

When they got to the park, he immediately took off the leash from his dog and let the little pup go, she doesn't usually wander far anyway, and even if something lures her away, she'll come back every time. That little ball of fur was smart, she didn't like strangers, she always avoided them by making bigger circles around them, she was only interested in other dogs.

As he was looking around the park he saw a young guy shivering on the nearest bench.

Why the hell is he out here in such a cold weather in a... shirt? No jacket, no hat, and not even a scarf! Although he looks quite lost, his gaze is fixed on nothingness, also he is definitely Asian..

Maybe he came here on vacation and didn't know what the weather would be like, so he didn't bring anything warm with him? So why won't he just go to a clothing store to buy himself a coat?

He shook his head, his chin almost falling to the ground, when his dog ran to the boy and started licking his dangling fingers. The boy laughed, digging carefully into her white fur, he was speaking to her judging by the movement of his mouth, and then crouched down next to the animal and that's when he decided to run over there.

"Oh, I apologize, she hasn't done this before,"he spoke in English, but the boy looked at him senselessly. Oh, so he's really not local. But even then, in what language should he speak to him? Maybe the guy is Chinese or Thai, maybe Japanese... "Hey, do you know Korean?" he switched to his native language.

"Y-yes," he nodded. "J-just little," he stammered.

"Ah, so.. what language do you speak?" he spoke very slowly, while looking at his face to see if he was frowning as a sign of incomprehension.

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