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          Chanyeol couldn't believe his ears when Kibum called him with a hurried breath that Baek had disappeared. Anger immediately flooded his body and his blood was bubbling with rage. He yelled at Omega about how he could be so irresponsible.

And now the police are looking for the boy, although at first they didn't want to so he had to pay them off - which is damn illegal - it took a lot, but he didn't care.

They had to find Baekhyun! He can't lose him, he got used to his presence. Maybe sometimes he got on his nerves and annoyed him with his clumsiness, but... he loved being with him, it was good to watch his vocabulary expand, that he could say and recognize more and more things. It was also nice to see him grin confidently and proudly, and yesterday he got to know a new side of him. He didn't want to live without him anymore.

And the other thing.. the detective said who was working on the boy's case, that they found the camera located on the street where they saw Baek being taken out of the car and then they continued and on the other footage it was seen that a truck hit his parents car.. Paramedics came, but according to the hospital records, they did not survive the accident. The person in the truck suffered with a broken rib and hand, and is still in prison for drunk driving.

But at least he found out the boy's full name.

Byun Baekhyun.

Although no one knows why he was thrown out of the car.. Maybe they wanted to escape to this country, but they were found and they were only able to save the boy by putting him out, because in the recording it looked like they were harassed and in a hurry. Or they simply wanted to leave him there and fate punished them with death. Well, if the first case is true, then he was grateful, and if the second case is the truth, then.. karma got them.

Still, he felt sorry for the Beta. He didn't deserve this kind of life.

And now he's gone. Of course, they tried to find him with the cameras, but they could only follow him for a while, because he turned into a side street where there were no more cameras.. They must find him, no matter how difficult it will be, he will not give up until he is found.

"I'm so sorry, Channie," Kibum apologized for the hundredth time.

"Stop apologizing that doesn't help making any progress in the searching!" he growled angrily. "Just shut the fuck up."

"Chanyeol," he put his hand on his shoulder.

"I said zip it!" The Alpha slapped the Omega.

Kibum lowered his head and raised his palm to his blushing face, biting his lip in pain.. he deserved that.. He turned to the left and walked towards it.

"Where are you going now?"

"I'll see if he found his way back to the house."

"Sure.." he watched him walk slowly. "Kibum-."

"Hm?" he looked back.

"Take care of yourself."


Chanyeol walked while feeling lost, from street to street, looking into every nook and cranny.

Where could he have gone? Maybe.. someone kidnapped him? And now they are going to abuse and kill him in a basement?!

Ah.. he's already thinking the worst things..

He entered the familiar park.. where he first met him. His heart clenched painfully. He already missed his stuttering, his curious look, his sweet whine... those silver locks and puppy blue eyes that always reflected so many emotions.

Left Behind • ChanBaek | ENGWhere stories live. Discover now