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Before yall read this chap, I totally forgot the add something to the wattpad version lmao. This story is also being uploaded on Aff and on Ao3, and I did tell my readers there that this omegaverse is a lil different, so lemme just add it here now, bc it's quite important to kinda understand the story, so here we go, imma just copy-paste it here;

Eyooo, so because Golden Ring is currently on hold cause there are no more chapters that are written in the original language I decided to translate my other work. The original story has a different title, which was"Help me!" but I think it doesn't really suit the whole story so I changed it to 'Left Behind' which I like much more uwu.

This story is omegaverse and no, they don't have the wolf side of them, also, I changed a few things in omegaverse, so imma explain a few things and u kinda have to read it or yall will frown at the story not really understanding tf is going on soo lmao.

First of all, when I wrote my first omegaverse I was so confused about the whole word (cause I didn't know freakin English at all at the time, and every omegaverse story that I stumbled upon was Eng), so I just decided to kind of build up my own o'verse world. For example, there are just 3 species in this verse, alpha, omega and beta, and I was like, nah that's not enough, lemme add the delta's as well, even tho they don't appear in this story I think someone does mention them once or twice.

In this world, alphas are the only one who can claim their mate, and.. it's painful because when they r mating with their partner and bite them, their fangs grows longer and it also releases a liquid into the the omega's body that takes control over their instinct.. I know tf I was thinking when I was writing this shit? lmao I was 15 okay? Leave me alone T_T

Also, that liquid can be useful and also harmful.
In this verse betas CAN get pregnant, it's just really difficult for them, because their womb is in bad shape, and alpha's usually don't mate with betas, but if they tho, and they mate their liquid can help to heal their womb (lol I know it's getting out of hand lololol, bare with me tho IT WILL ALL MAKE SENSE WHEN YALL READ THE ACTUAL STORY KAY? DAMN!)

Also for some reason alphas can get pregnant too, but I made that decision way later, and in a whole other book, so Idk if that applies here..

ANYWHO, the harmful effect of that fluid is that, if an omega is already claimed, and some dumbass other alpha decides for some fucking reason to also claim that poor omega, the two liquids turn into toxic chemicals that slowly kills the omega (how FUN) so yeah :3 (it can be cured tho, but I'm not gonna tell you how causee.. I think I will cover that too in this book? tbh I have no idea, it's been YEEARS since I wrote this story, so even tho I'm translating I will deff change things as the story goes.)

And I think.. that's it? At least for this story, I literally made a fricking wikipedia for the omegaverse that I use, but... It's cringe so, lemme not put it in here >.>
I will try to make the story understandable tho so don't worry uwu ^^ hope yall will enjoy it :3

Oh, I forgot that in this world, just like in anime, they can born with heckin pink hair and orange eyes lmaoo. So just so you know, every color is possilbe keke.

         The three of them sat in the candlelit room, drinking the cheap but delicious and warm tea. Baekhyun sat silently next to Chanyeol, snuggled close to him, while the Alpha was getting ready to ask questions.

"So who are you to Baekhyun?" he put the mug down on the barely standing table.

"Oh, he was very small when I found him, the poor thing couldn't have been more than five, he was crying a lot but no one noticed him, I wanted to ask him where his parents were, but he could only speak in another language so I didn't really know what to do with the situation, so I took him with me. I also took him to the police the next day, but we were sent away... So I tried to raise him, but... since I was never a woman with a lot of money, I had to let him go, regardless, he came back every week for a day and although I never understood what he wanted, I just let him sleep here , I got him clothes and then I didn't see him again for six days. I wish I could have done more for this poor boy. I mean, who would just leave their child in a foreign country? Horrible.."

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