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       Baekhyun watched as Kibum packed his things. He is going? But why? He didn't do anything! Well, he accidentally put salt in the tea, but.. And the blonde also said that he wasn't angry about that, so he didn't understand anything. Maybe he found a better job? But then who will continue to teach him?

He didn't want him to leave, he was fine now, he wasn't mean to him anymore, so why?!

He followed with his blue eyes how he put his suitcase down in the living room and when he was about to go further, he grabbed his wrist.

"Wh-where are you going?"

"I'm going back to New York."

"Because... you hate me?"

"Hate yo-? Oh no!" he chuckled, playing with Beta's silver curls with his free hand. "Something just happened.. so I can't stay."

"Don't go," he muttered and hugged him.

The Omega's eyes widened, instantly tearing up. Ah, his hormones were all over the place because of his pregnancy, he is much more sensitive now..

He hugged Baek back and rested his head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you," he sniffed. "I just..." he took a deep breath, how could he explain to him that he was blinded by love? "Just take care of yourself, okay?" he stroked his face. "Chan will find you a better teacher," he pressed a kiss on his forehead and finally moved away. "I have to go now or I'll miss my plane ," he wiped away his tears. "Chanyeol will be home soon so don't be afraid," he smiled. "Goodbye Baekhyun," he nodded and picked up his two suitcases and walked out of the house.

He stood with his arms crossed, waiting for the taxi to take him to the airport, but the damn thing didn't come. He is really going to miss his plane at this rate.

He sighed in frustration, put his hand on his stomach and smiled. Yesterday he went to the doctor, and he is eight week pregnant, and he was already loved his baby. He didn't care that he felt sick every morning, how he was constantly nauseous and her skin was pale.

He felt happy and sad.. He really is in love with Chanyeol.. it would've been so nice if they could've create a family.. Well, this will just remain a painful dream..

He was going to raise his child alone, even though he was afraid of parenthood he had already made up his mind...

he looked impatiently at his watch again, wanted to take out his phone, but suddenly a strong hand grabbed his and pressed a slightly moistened cloth in front of his mouth. He wanted to scream, but before he could do anything he passed out.

|| x ||

He blinked flatly, trying to get used to the little light that barely illuminated the room.. He whimpered painfully, realizing that he was sitting in a chair.

"Well hello there.. We have an unfinished business Mr. Kim." He heard a deep voice.

The man was sitting behind the table, he couldn't see his face because the light was too small to reach there.

He pulled himself together.. he's in big trouble.

"I already told you that I'm not interested in your business, me running away from you didn't make it clear enough?" he growled at him angrily.

"Yeah, and you did good hiding, oh- well, not for long though. This is your job.. I saved your ass not once, so you owe me."

"I don't owe you anything, I've already given you more than one omega and that was enough. I have better things to do now!" he stood up, but felt something hard on his temple.

Left Behind • ChanBaek | ENGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora