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       Kibum groaned in pain when the man penetrated him cruelly, dryly at that, he gripped the blanket with his nails, trying to hold back his tears with all his might.

It bothered him.. it bothered him that the man was watching him while another was brutally fucking him.

"What is wrong, kitty? You can't take it? This is only your first night," he laughed evilly.

"Shut up," he hissed, his back was aching, his legs were shaking, and his head was pressed into the pillow. This is so embarrassing. Why does he have to stare? Why is he talking to him?

"Does it hurt?" he crouched next to him, grabbed his blonde locks to pull him up, and touched his face. "You look so pathetic... The boy I took under my wing loved his work back then.. he willingly did what I told him.. why can't you do the same now? Um, what happened to my son?"

"I'm not your son!" he slapped the bed, the man behind him started thrusting in him harder, causing the Omega a lot of pain. "Never have been and never will be," he snarled. "And B-Baekhyun remains free, you can fo-forget hi-Ah!" he squeezed his eyes shut. He will split in two like this.. how can a human be the size of such a beast?

But he has to hold up.. he can't give up.

"Uh-huh, Kibum," he shook his head. "We're not going to be on good terms this way, son.."

"I said I'm not a-hmn!" he couldn't speak anymore because the man covered his mouth.

"Fuck him until he can't stand up," he spat the words and left the small room with a careless movement, leaving behind the suffering blond Omega.

|| x ||

He reached for the towel with trembling hands, wrapped it around his wet body and stared at his reflection.

He had never felt so disgusting.. His face might be beautiful.. but.. he considered himself ugly because under his skin there was all the filth, along with his features that were rotten to the core..

He deserves this suffering, he punished people for a long time, now it's all hitting him back.

He clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

"Don't worry Kibum.. everything will be fine, you just have to swallow your pity, suffering and pain and focus on Baekhyun having a happy life.. yes.. a very happy one," his voice trailed off. "Please let it be just a dream," he added, almost praying, but he knew it was unnecessary.

He is deeply involved in the matter and it will be impossible to get out of it. He either puts up with it or takes the boy. He should rather suffer.. there is no reason to be happy anyway.. he miscarried, he will not have children..

It made him completely lethargic. He accepted that Chanyeol would never want a child with him, so he decided to leave his love behind and raise the child alone.. And this dream was also shattered. He has nothing left..

There was only one little star in the sky for him.. and that star is called Baekhyun.

|| x ||

He waited with folded hands for the door to open, he honestly thought Baek would open it, but to his surprise it was Chanyeol, so he furrowed his brows angrily.

"Why are you at home? Didn't we discuss yesterday that we don't need to meet or talk?" he grumbled.

"I know, but... damn-, "he blinked with big eyes. "Did you have a good night or some?" he grinned, which almost immediately faded from his face when the blonde remained serious. "Come on, that was a joke.."

Left Behind • ChanBaek | ENGWhere stories live. Discover now