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            Baekhyun wasn't happy, not one bit. The more time he spent in this house, the lonelier he felt. Regardless of the fact that it was warm in the house, he would rather have been sitting on that bench, covered up to his neck in snow, than to have to go through this. Ever since he accidentally broke that vase, Chanyeol had been totally ignoring him, but he did feel a little bit happier since the blonde Omega left him alone, he was busy with his own troubles.

He felt weak as he barely ate, not because he had no appetite, they just didn't give him any food, and he was afraid to go into the kitchen. He lost a lot of weight and was cold every night, because Kibum took the thin blanket he wrapped around himself three weeks ago.

What should he do? What could he do to make things the way they were when Kibum wasn't here? He misses Luhan too..he treated him much nicer.

Chanyeol didn't call him Little one anymore, and he kinda felt sad about that. What happened? Or rather, why is this all happening? What did he deserve to be treated like this? After all, he just obeyed their words!

If you look at it, Chanyeol has been acting differently since Kibum was here.. which meant that the blonde had to go! He can't stay here.. maybe that sounded cruel now, but still, he has to do something. He just can't sit still, he can't tolerate what's happening around him.

But how could he drive away the Omega? How could he get him to pack up and get out of here? Maybe he could do something with what he loves.. But how? The man is at home all day, although... recently he spent his time in Chanyeol's room, he still made lunch and dinner, but he always skips breakfast..

He still has to do something!

He glanced over from the TV, which was playing a silent movie, and saw Kibum shuffling out of the room, he didn't look well, his face was pale, there were dark circles under his eyes, his body was shivering - maybe he was cold - and he was keeping his hand on his stomach.

Maybe he's sick?

Tilting his head to the side, he stood up and followed the blonde into the kitchen. The Omega just ignored him, even though Baek was expecting him to call him a dog again and send him away, but it didn't happen.

"Would you like some too?" he asked suddenly.


"Tea," he put water in the pot.

He shook his head.

"Okay.." His voice was so soft, he didn't hear any evil temper in it. What is going on? If he was always this kind, he would gladly live under the same roof with him.

The blonde looked into the fridge, then groaned in frustration and muttered something like he had to do some shopping.

The Beta watched as he put something to the water, then opened one of the cupboards, wanted to pull out a box, but suddenly slapped his palm over his mouth and ran out of the kitchen.

What on earth.. He blinked after him in confusion, the water on the stove began to hiss, so he quickly took it away. He knew exactly how to make tea, because the old lady who helped him every week always made this delicious warm drink, so he quickly memorized what was needed and how much to put in it, so he decided to make it.

Kibum whined and slammed the top of the toilet, got up from kneeling and walked in front of the mirror.. This pregnancy is completely wearing him out.. he didn't feel well, which was also visible on his skin, he was so pale.. He washed his face, rinsed his mouth and with a slightly bent back and trembling walked back to the kitchen.

"What the..." he blinked when Baek was pouring lemon into the tea.

"I did it!" he smiled proudly.


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