The Past Comes Back to Bite

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A/N - Pic of Ari on side =>

Kelly knew by the look on her daughters face that she had something important to tell her. Slowly she backed away from the door, letting her seventeen year old daughter walk quietly into the house in great trepidation. Ari glided past the unpacked boxes into the lounge room and sunk down onto the vintage style couch.

"Mom?" Ari's voice shook. She was afraid of how her mother would react to what she had to say.

"Honey?" Kelly prompted her daughter, taking a seat across from her.

Aralina gulped, "Mom I have to tell you something. I have to tell you that I'm not who you think I am. I was born over a thousand years ago, and since then I have lived three lives, the first as Aralina Godricson, then five hundred years later I was Aralina Petrova, and now I am Aralina Sommers. Mom, there is so much about me that you don't know, and to be honest I don't really know who I am either. I swear I didn't know about this before now and that no matter what happens, you are my Mom and nothing else matters besides that."

There was a long silent pause in which Ari stared at her hands expecting her mother to yell and throw her out of the house. But that never happened, after a short while Ari couldn't take the silence any longer, she looked up and saw that her mother had a sad smile plastered on her face. Aralina was confused.

Kelly sighed, she knew this day would come, and with reluctance whispered, "You met Klaus, didn't you?"

Ari frowned, "How do you know about Niklaus?"

"Its a long story..." Kelly muttered.

"I have time," Ari's eyes turned cold, this was not how she was expecting the conversation to go. It seemed that her mother was the one who had been keeping things from her.

Kelly sighed then reluctantly told her only child her narrative.

"Before I start, Ari you have to understand that for a long time I hadn't a clue about the world we live in now, the world full of supernatural creatures - vampires, werewolves , witches, nymphs and everything else. So, when your father explained what he was, what you were, I went a little crazy. You see from my point of view your father had been lying to me for over fifteen years of marriage, all my trust in him was gone. So I went looking for answers, and found you're grandmother."

Ari's blood turned cold as she growled, "You talked to HER?"

Kelly nodded in shame, "I did, but I didn't understand what I was doing, I swear. Anyway, she told me all this stuff about your race, about the Nymphs and all the other supernatural races, and then she told me about you. What I know now is that Elsa, your grandmother, was twisting everything she said to turn me against you, my five year old daughter at the time. Elsa told me about a particular nymph who was born over a thousand years ago, and created the plague that we call vampirism. She told me that this girl was so overcome by the need for power that she murdered her whole family except her cousin Mariah, and then linked her life to the doppelgänger so she could live forever even if she died. Elsa told me that this nymph was you.

I didn't believe her at first as you were my baby, I called her crazy and then I left.

But, then I began to notice things about you that couldn't be explained. you were smart, too smart, and sometimes you would talk about people that you had never met, people named Rebekah, Elijah, Cole, Fin, Hennrick and Niklaus. So I went back to your grandmother.

And that was when she told me that you had murdered my real child so that you could take her place. "

Kelly stopped as her voice trembled in anguish. A tear slid down her cheek as she avoided her daughters eyes.

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