Back from the Dead

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Aralina laid on her back not moving a muscle. She was sore, tired and all around grumpy, as she continued to mope on Elena's uncomfortable couch. Aralina may be fireproof but that doesn't mean that getting burnt alive didn't hurt like a bitch.

"Here, I brought you some clothes," Elena smiled as she reentered her house.
She through the pieces of material at Ari and looked down at her expectantly.

Ari groaned pulling Elena's comfy track suit closer around her, "What?"

"I think you need to get up, go outside, and maybe..... oh and I don't know....go home and see your mother. I think she's beginning to worry about you," Elena sighed trying to pull Ari off the couch.

"Nooooooooo," Ari pouted as she tried to fight Elena's pull.

Eventually Elena managed to pull the nymph off of her couch, and with a thump Ari hit the floor.

"Come on, you promised Caroline that you would help with the decorations for the founders day celebration," Elena laughed at Ari who was trying to curl up into a ball to go back to sleep.

"Fine," she groaned as she slowly got the feet, grabbed her clothes and went to get changed.

"Why did I tell Caroline i'd help...." Ari muttered to herself as she em urged from the Gilbert's bathroom.

She made her way downstairs to find a note left from Elena.

'You took 2 long Couz :P I'll c u there'

Ari rolled her eyes, she hated text language and she knew that Elena had done that on purpose to annoy her. Grabbing her phone she skipped to the door and put on her favourite (now new, as the last ones had been spit roasted in the explosion) yellow flip flops as she walked out side into the fresh air.

Gently she stroked the hood of her Jeep before she climbed into the drivers seat and froze. Her heart began to thump as her breaths shallowed. Something was happening to her but all she could focus on was the panic that was slowly arising within her, last time she had been in a car it had exploded, her dad had died inside a car just like this one.

Black spots appeared in Ari's vision and she fumbled at the door hand to get out. She needed to get out. Not a second to soon, she managed to shove open the door and tumble out onto the hard concrete ground.

Wrapping her arms around her knees she breathed deeply as her vision slowly cleared and her body stopped shaking.

Maybe almost become BBQ roasted in a car had done more damage to her than she thought.

Suddenly there was a loud buzz from inside her jeans that caused her to jump. Shakily she extracted her phone and answered.

"'Lo?" She squeaked still trying to call her nerves.

"Aralina? What's wrong?" The voice on the other end barked instantly alarmed.

Ari rolled her eyes, "I really need to put number ID on this number."

"Aralina! Tell me what's what's wrong this instant," Klaus growled, his voice low and dangerous.

"Nothing, I-im fine. Just leave me alone," Ari sighed as she stood shakily to her feet. She had decided to just walk to the founders festival, she'd come back for her car later.

"Aralina, I know you. I know when something is wrong just by the sound of your voice. Now tell me...."

"Bye-bye Nik," Ari muttered and hung up the phone whilst adding him as a contact with its own special ring tone.

Instantly, klaus tried to call her back but she refused. After ten miss calls from him she groaned and put her phone on silent with a humph. She was not in the mood to be talking to the self centered hybrid.

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