A Day to Die

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a/n - Elena and Aralina to the side :) xx

It had been just short of a week since Aralina had spoken to Klaus and returned Rebekah to him, and to be honest, she found his absence quite comforting. Thus, Aralina almost felt normal for the first time since she had arrived in Mystic Falls - however, that didn't make her any less of a creeper as she stood in the car park of Mystic Falls High. Ari awkwardly sat with her best friend, Tyler, as he waited for Caroline to get out of the car.

Caroline refused to meet Tyler's eyes as she climbed out of the car, heartbreak etched across her features for the whole world to see. Ari cringed as she saw the equally heartbroken look on Tyler's face, and she turned her back to the couple, hoping to give them the privacy they both needed.

"I can't talk to you,"Caroline cried as she tried to walk past Tyler only to be stopped by a toned body.

"I know you're upset....." Tyler soothed yet it only backfired as Caroline glared.

"Upset?" She snarled. "You almost got Jeremy killed.... You almost got  Ari killed.... You DID get Alaric killed! And before you ask me to be understanding or to support you..... Can you at least tell me what you're planning to do about your sire bond to Klaus?"

Tyler cringed then looked up into Caroline's blue orbs, "There's nothing I can do, Caroline. That's the point. I just wanted you to know, that I understand why you can't be with me. Even though I want to put you first, before anyone.... I can't.... I'll never be able to, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.... I just wanted you to know that."

There was short pause as Tyler's eyes filled with tears and Caroline fought an internal war.

"I'm sorry too," She whispered gently.

Tyler cleared his throat and looked down at his pocket to pull out a small bag. He gently took Caroline's hand in his and then placed the bag into her delicate fingers.

"Happy birthday."

Caroline stared as Tyler walked away - before opening the small black bag to find that Tyler had bought her the most beautiful, silver charm bracelet she had ever seen.

"I'll fix this."

Caroline jolted, sharply turning to find the small brunette with a deadly serious look on her face, "What?"

Ari smiled gently, taking Caroline's hands in her own. "I will give you and Tyler your happily ever after, I promise."

Caroline frowned tears beginning to form, "How?"

"I'm going to go talk to Klaus..." Aralina pulled her blonde friend into a hug before walking towards her car and looking over her shoulder. "......And then I'm going to kick his butt!"


"Eww... gross," Ari screwed up her nose as she looked down as the decapitated head on the ground. "What happened?"

Klaus turned around to face her jaw clenched , "Stefan and I had a little disagreement."

"I can see that..." Ari muttered and leant against the door frame and glared at Klaus.

He picked up the glass of bourbon off the table beside him and stalked over to Ari, "I thought you weren't speaking to me."

Ari shrugged, "I thought so too, but then again, who can really stay away from your irresistible charm."

Klaus noted her sarcasm and smirked, "You want something, don't you sweetheart?"

"You know me so well, Niklaus," She rolled her eyes.

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