Coming Home

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A/N - pic of Ari's homecoming outfit on the side :) =>

"What do you want Damon?" Aralina snarled as for the second day in a row Damon rudely woke her up with a phone call.

"Once again, aren't you just so delightful in the mornings," Damon teased.

"Two days in a row? Seriously?" Ari groaned.

"We need your help again," Damon replied sweetly.

"Errrrrrrrr," Ari moaned trying to hide under her pillows.

"Come on, up you get Honey-Bunny......" Damon laughed through the phone.

"I swear if you wake me up tomorrow, I will personally drive a stake through your heart. Okay?" Ari mumbled as she climbed out of bed.

"Feisty Honey-Bunny. Honey-Funny-Bunny......" Damon teased then hung up the phone.

Groaning Ari jumped out of bed and greeted the day.


"Let's say Mikael followed Elena. Tried to grab her so he could use her as bait," Stefan suggested as Ari, Damon and Elena walked through the Salvatore boarding house planning how they would lure Klaus back to his death.

To be honest with herself, Aralina didn't feel comfortable with plotting the demise of her Niklaus, but this is what Rebekah had chosen to do, and Ari would stick by that decision.

"And you what? You vervained him?" Elena asked disbelievingly.

"No, WE, vervained him. Lets try to be at least a little realistic. Niklaus is not idiot," Ari grumbled taking a seat on their sofa.

"Okay. Fine. We vervained him, and in the process discovered that he had a dagger...." Stefan continued.

Elena perked up at that and added, "Which he planned to use on Rebekah. But instead...."

"We drove it through his heart," Aralina finished looking at her black matte nails with disinterest.

"And what happens when he asked to see Mikael's body? You my brother have been compelled to do whatever Klaus says...So the last thing we need is you getting all tongue-tied." Damon stated poking holes in their story.

"Well don't look at me, I'm just in charge of getting him here." Stefan smirked crossing his arms over his chest.

"Klaus is smart, if we tell him that Mikael's dead, he'll want proof," Elena mused.

A voice called across the room making Aralina stiffen in her seat.

"Then I shall be dead."

Mikael entered the Salvatore's living room and Aralina's face turned into a scowl, "You...."

"Good Evening Aralina. It is good to see that you have finally come to your senses about that abomination," Mikael greeted her like they were old friends, as though Aralina did not want to disembowel him. "Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him here and I will kill him."

Ari crossed her legs and began to pick at the rips in her black skinny jeans, anger slowly bubbling in the pit of her stomach. She was full of hatred for the man who stood only several feet away from her, but she was also afraid.

"With what? Those daggers won't work on him," Stefan challenged Mikael.

Slowly looking up from her jeans, Ari looked into Mikael's cold blue eyes, "Yeah, Mikael? How do you intend to Kill Niklaus this time? Perhaps you have another bow and arrow that you can use.... oh wait... if I remember correctly, that murder attempt didn't go so well."

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