Falling into Mystic Falls

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Aralina stared out the window of the car watching as the raindrops raced each other across the glass. The sky was grey and the road was covered in fog.

The weather reflected her mood perfectly - cold and grey.

"Ari, I know you're upset about the move but please, talk to me," Aralina's mother, Kelly, begged her only daughter.

Aralina didn't reply, instead she shuffled in her seat so that there was no possible way her mother could see the tears that welled in her eyes. She didn't want to be here, in this car, moving across the country to some small town in the middle of no where called Mystic Falls.
She hated that she had to leave her childhood home in New Orleans where she had a bounty of friends.

Aralina was popular at her old school, and she loved it. No, she wasn't a cheerleader or an athlete like most of the other 'pop-tops', Aralina had just made friends with the right kind of people, who would later make her one of the most envied students in school.

"Aralina, I know that leaving your friends is hard, but you understand why we needed to leave. You're coming of age tomorrow and you need to be near nature in a small town where your likely to go under the radar. I love you Ari and I'm just trying to do what's best," Kelly tried to reason with her daughter.

Aralina sighed, she knew that she wouldn't be able to stay angry for long, "Whatever."

Kelly smiled, it was the first word she had gotten out of her daughter since she broke the news that they were leaving.

"It's just not fair Mom. Why do I have to be like this? why couldn't I be like you?" Aralina muttered bitterness spiking her words.

"You know that you get the 'gift' from your dads side of the family. And I promise if I had known about the 'gift' that is passed on to all the females in the Godricson family I would have never married your father," Kelly replied equally as bitter.
Kelly's late husband had lied to her through out their marriage only coughing up the truth when Aralina had been born. However, she couldn't stay mad at him especially when he had died in a mortal car crash twelve years later.

Aralina rested her head on the window next her. She hated when her mother joked about her father, every time they mentioned him it felt like a hot iron poker being stabbed through her abdomen.

"But we can't change who we are, honey. So, we make do with what we got. I hope your cousins will be able to help you settle in..." Kelly continued with unwavering optimism.

This was the best thing she could do for her daughter.

Aralina had forgotten about the real reason he mother had picked Mystic falls. Just after the summer had started her mother had received a phone call from her niece Elena, informing her that her only remaining sister had passed away. Aralina's mother was shattered, first her older sister died in a car accident and then her younger sister had died only a year or so later.

Aralina had decided that her family had faced more than enough tragedy for a life time and she had promised to herself that she would do everything in her power to stop her mother from ever grieving again.

Aralina turned back to her mother and smiled, "I thought it was supposed to always be bright and sunny in Mystic falls?"

Her mother laughed, "Unfortunately, the weather is another thing we can't control."

A wicked grin spread over Aralina's lips, "Or can we?"

She wound down her window, reveling in the feel of the cool drops of rain on her skin. She lifted her hand out of the window, closed her eyes and whispered, "Stop."

The rain stopped on her command and the clouds slowly retreated until the warm summer sun shun down on the two women in the car.

Kelly gasped laughing as she playfully hit Aralina on the shoulder, "What have I said about using your gift?"

Aralina shrugged her grin growing. She loved the rush she received when she tapped into the elements.

Aralina wasn't your average seventeen year old girl. She was apart of an ancient bloodline unlike anything the world had seen.

Aralina was a Nymph.

A Nymph was a semi immortal being who possessed magical affinities. There were four types of nymphs, fire, earth, air and water. Aralina was special as she was a mixture of all four even though she was better at using water and earth than she was at fire and air
A nymph could be killed in all the ways a normal mortal could, however, once she became of age she would never age again this could not die from old age.

Aralina became of age tomorrow.

Her mother moved her away from new Orleans as her father had warned her mom that the day she came of age would be the day she would start to be hunted. Not to mention her Mom wanted to get away from the festering vampire population in their previous home.

Aralina sighed as they passed the sign saying 'Welcome to Mysticfalls' and her mom took her hand in hers giving in a reassuring squeeze.

Five minutes later the pair arrived at their small wooden home which Aralina worried was full of termites.

"Really Mom? Couldn't you pick a nicer house at least?" Aralina whined as she opened her door to het out.

"I was on a budget okay?" Kelly replied defensively.

Aralina attempted to get out of the car but her shoe got stuck and instead she stumbled and fell out onto the ground.

Her mother cracked up laughing and Aralina couldn't help but start laughing too.

"See! You are definitely my daughter, we have the same sense of humor. Now help me unload some of this stuff."

Aralina crawled to her feet, brushing of the dirt from her light blue baggy jeans that were cuffed up around her calves. She wore those jeans with a simple black crop top that fell loosely around her waist.

She walked around to the back of their Jeep and took the small box full of her stuff out of the boot. Ot was kind of sad when she thought about it, the only real stuff she wanted to bring from New Orleans was a box full of books and a couple of decorating items, oh and s small suitcase of clothes.

She took her stuff and walked into the house her mother had just enter.

"I dibs this room!" Kelly called from up the stairs to which Aralina rolled her eyes. Sometimes her mother could be more childish than her.

Aralina climbed the squeaky stair case and made her way over the only remaining bedroom when she entered she gasped.

The room was relatively small but it was perfect. The bed was built into the wall like a window seat and was surround by widows so you could see out all around. The walls were painted white and the floors were a light wood reminding her of a beach shack. However the best part of the room was the wall that was also a bookcase.

Maybe life in mystic falls wasn't going to be that bad....


Pretty pretty please





Thankyou for reading! sorry the first couple of chapters has been lame.... But please keep reading.

You guys are awesome!!! don't ever forget it!!

Lots of love!!

Liyla Rae 🍋 xx

Next time on 'Alone'.....

Senior prank night xx

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