Friends Who Bite

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"Don't be ridiculous Nik."

"I'm not! There is nothing ridiculous about wanting to build a hut here," Klaus laughed taking Aralina's hand. They were currently laying in their field, in the middle of the night, watching the stars.

Ari rolled onto her side to look at Klaus, "It is ridiculous because you know as well as I do, that your father would never let you."

Klaus sighed staying silent as he looked up at the stars in thought. There was so much that he had wanted to do, growing up and even now in his adult years, yet he was unable to because of his father. He knew also that Aralina had dreams too which would never come true whilst she was in the grips of his father. He saw in it in the way she listened animately to the witch Ayana talk of lands far from the village that they currently resided in. She wanted to travel, to see the world and explore all the adventures that came with it. He knew that above all Aralina wanted to be free - to go wherever destiny took her. For Klaus, however, above all else he just wanted to be with her.

"I love you".

"What did you just say?" Aralina squeaked sitting up straight. Looking down at Klaus she did not see the teasing smirk she expected, no, what she saw was a look of sincereness that sent shivers down her spine.

"I love you." Klaus repeated. He could have rambled on forever about why he did. He could have written her sonnets, carved her name in the trees or clothed her in jewels, but he didn't because he knew that those three simple words were all Aralina wanted.

Aralina couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had loved Klaus since the moment she had met him. She had dreamed  of the day he would say those words to her, however, now that he was saying it she was in denial.

"No, no you don't.... you love Tatia.... everyone loves Tatia. You're playing with me, aren't you? Well guess what?! I don't find it very funny. I don't find it very funny at all," Aralina's eyes filled with tears as she jumped to her feet and started to march away from him.

"Aralina wait!" Klaus cried, also jumping to his feet and running after her. "I swear I'm not joking. I never really felt anything for Tatia, you know that. Its you. It has always been you Aralina. Always. I love you."

Aralina stopped as she turned to face the boy - no man - that had just confessed his love for her. She still couldn't believe that Klaus loved her. Not because Klaus was incapable of love, but because she believed she wasn't good enough.


Klaus sighed as he pressed his forehead against hers, "Really."

Aralina breathed in a sharp breath, shifting so she could look into his eyes, "I love you too."

Klaus' lips twitched into the biggest smile Aralina had ever seen, and before she knew what was happening, his smile was against her lips, moving into a passionate kiss. She was frozen, unsure of what to do as Klaus continued to assault her lips with his love. Slowly her shoulders relaxed and she  kissed him back with equal passion meeting his love with hers. 

Klaus timidly moved his hands from his sides, slowly encircling Aralina's waist, the gesture was soft enough to bring her to her knees yet firm enough to keep her where she stood. Aralina didn't know what she was doing, everything inside of her was squirming, wanting to break break free, wanting to be closer, and closer and closer until Klaus and her were no longer two separate beings but instead one.

She didn't know what made it happen. As they broke away from their kiss she felt something change, she wanted more....she wanted Klaus the way they had denied themselves for months, years even, for reasons Aralina considered stupid now. And as Klaus smiled down at her, she knew he could feel it too. He picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her to the middle of the field where the flowers where the thickest.. the softest. He laid her down softly caressing her body as he did. She wanted nothing more than to surrender to him completely. Klaus looked into her eyes silently asking if she to wanted what he did, for he would stop the moment he didn't.

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