The Darkest Hour

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First part

The truth about Taehyung's birth was finally revealed. After the first year since the great battle and the almost reconstruction of Camelot, Jin decided to gather Namjoon, the knights and Erlin, to reveal what was still hidden in the shadows. No one dared to open their mouth or interrupt Jin, because none of them had actually prepared to hear what the king had done long ago. It turned out that in reality, Felix and Taehyung were actually half-brothers, after Dooyoung helped his lover escape, she found comfort in Jinsil, the one Taehyung once called "father". The two fell madly in love and had a son together, Felix. The doctor also revealed that all the misfortunes that have happened to Camelot in recent times, since the discovery of the little prince, were his work, to get rid of the prince from the throne, since Taehyung was the legitimate heir. Namjoon was struck by a sword in his heart, he had always been one step away from touching the hand of death and being dragged into the other world and he didn't even know it. Now it was explained why Seyong, now deceased (another piece of news that stunned everyone), always managed to find a way to sneak into Camelot; or even that immense fatigue that the prince felt crossing the Perilous Lands. It had all been Taehyung's production and Namjoon and his father were the last to notice. Erlin and Jin apologized again for withholding all this information, but the prince forgave them both without dwelling on the past. He understood why and didn't blame the two for not telling him the truth. It took a while to digest all this information, but everyone came to one conclusion: to not reveal anything to the people of Camelot or anyone else, otherwise the prince feared an uprising from the people and it was not a good time to think about the fighting, for a simple reason: the conditions of the kingdom. By now Dooyoung had fallen into total depression, he ate and drank little, he rarely washed and his eyelids usually remained open. He was deeply affected by what Taehyung and Felix caused him, but more than anything, his soul couldn't bear the idea that, because of him and his lies, now his son would never go back to the way he was before. Namjoon tried his best to help him and the kingdom, but at a certain point things began to get complicated. The king was no longer able to do his job and all his duties now fell on him. The prince tried hard, but he couldn't do it alone, so the council of ministers of Camelot decided to call for help from Namjoon's uncle, as well as Yierin's second brother: Light Angus. He arrived in Camelot in a very short time, and thanks to his experience, he helped his nephew re-establish the kingdom, lending a hand with royal affairs. Namjoon was very grateful for his help, so much so that he asked him to stay in Camelot permanently. Angus accepted, taking a seat next to the prince, and was respected by many court nobles, but there was someone that didn't completely trust him: Erlin. The sorceress couldn't explain why, but there was something about that man that didn't convince her one hundred percent. Be that as it may, after a couple of months, the prince ordered his patrols to go looking for Taehyung again, word came to him from nearby villages that some people spotted him and he was carrying something with him, but they couldn't explain what. Namjoon wasted no time, now that he knew the true nature of his half-brother, he was afraid that he was planning something, so he took matters into his own hands. Sir. Hoseok and Elyan left with five other knights and had been looking for any trace of the little prince towards the west for days, but for the first four days they found nothing. On the seventh, early in the morning and surrounded by a thick fog, they left again in a hurry, on the ground in the fresh mud they saw footprints left by a wagon and chased away their sleep to wake up completely. And still they were following that trail.
"Are we sure they belong to Taehyung?"
Elyan asked, riding his horse, not entirely convinced.
"Any trace could be vital, we need to find out if it's him or not. And the only way to do that is to follow these footprints."
Hoseok replied, trying to keep his eyes open, the freezing temperature of the morning, together with the running of their horses, created discomfort for his poor eyes.
"I only hope that this journey is not in vain."
Elyan murmured. He feared the cold of the season, but he feared Taehyung more, knowing what he could do and not being excited about meeting him. They galloped for another few cold minutes, until in the distance, Hoseok spotted a black figure carrying a wagon, the one that left its trail in the mud.
"Let's go!"
He ordered the knights. They moved closer to the figure.
"High there!"
Hoseok exclaimed, stopping his colt and gesturing for the others to do the same once they got to the right distance. The figure heard them and stopped its feet.
"Stay where you are!"
Hoseok said again, seeing the figure leave the helm and turn its head a little towards their direction. Elyan stood next to him, his heart pounding, he had a bad feeling.
"Who are you and where are you going."
Hoseok took a step closer, keeping his hand on the hilt of his sword.
"I don't think that's any of your business, gentlemen."
The figure replied. It was a man, more precisely a boy with a very low voice. His response made Hoseok nervous.
"I asked you a simple question and I expect you to answer me."
"Such arrogance, Sir. Hoseok."
The nominee felt his heart explode. The knights behind him drew their swords.
"How do you know my name?"
The figure chuckled and turned fully towards them, pulling down his hood and revealing his face.
Elyan whispered, now paralyzed. The other knights, seeing the traitor, screamed and ran towards him to kill him with their swords, but Taehyung knocked everyone to the ground with a spell. Three of the five hit their heads violently, two broke their necks, the other hit his skull too hard on a rock. The ones who didn't die, fainted. Only Hoseok and Elyan remained standing, who seeing that horror, couldn't even take the sword, their hands were shaking too much. Taehyung chuckled.
"Oh, you haven't learned anything yet? You don't stand a chance against me."
The little prince approached the two knights, with a contemptuous grin on his face.
"Now my identity is clear to you. Do you want to know where I am going? To the seas of Meredor, but your prince will never know."
With the same spell as before, he also threw Elyan and Hoseok to the ground, who fortunately managed to protect their heads, but were knocked unconscious by the shock wave that hit them both. Taehyung looked around, there were no other knights. How stupid could his brother become? An army could do nothing against him, let alone seven men. Now calmer, he approached the wagon and removed the blanket from over a person.
"Brother, are you okay?"
The great priest lay on the wood in a fetal position, pale and tired.
"Yes, thanks Taehyung. But we have to hurry, night is about to fall..."
With minimal effort, he turned his head towards his brother, showing his distorted face on one side. He had swelling all over his right side, his eye looked like it was about to explode. Taehyung was now used to seeing him in that state, even though his heart was suffering, that cursed Erlin had left permanent damage to his brain. The little prince offered to cure him, since his brother was unable to practice any difficult caliber spells due to his wound, but he refused, telling Taehyung that he had a great plan for his death and that there wasn't much for him to do. Reluctantly, the little prince accepted this sad reality, carrying with it a hard weight on his chest.
"There is still a long way to go."

The Adventures Of Erlin-The Sword In The Stone || A BTS Fan Fiction || Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now