The Sword In The Stone

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Third part

The race continued undaunted, the dry leaves were crushed by the speed, the bushes got caught in their clothes and their lungs started to burn. They couldn't continue like this, running would have been of no use, fortunately, Erlin had grown up in that forest, as a child she always went there looking for something to play with."Follow me! There's a cave around here, it'll help us escape from Angus!"
Erlin raised her voice to make others ear the sentences. her companions did not respond, but followed her without delay. It didn't take long, tamping down some more ground, they found themselves in front of a rock wall with a hole in front of them.
"Go ahead, I'll cover the tracks."
"Erlin no, they are near."
Adeoga grabbed her wrist, trying to take her with her, but the sorceress resisted.
"They're not nearby, they've definitely lost us, if I delay a moment nothing will happen to me, I promise."
"Enough chatter, come on!"
Tristan exclaimed, leaving with Isolde into the cave.
The king sighed. Erlin's eyes stopped him from speaking, she would do it, he had faith in her abilities. Without wasting any more seconds, Namjoon took Adeoga with him. Erlin waited until everyone was inside and activated her bond with Kilgharrah.


Erlin raised her head, her voice gurgling. Here, he was coming. The torches of the knights of Angus preceded their figures, the sorceress did not see Kilgharrah, but he was on the way and she run, covering with another spell the tracks left by her and the others. Angus cut down another damn bush with his sword, at night you couldn't see anything, he had to rely on the torch to follow the tracks, but to his surprise, they were no longer there. A growl coming from the sky, chilled everyone's blood. Angus raised his head and over the stars, he saw a gigantic dragon. And he was heading towards them.
Angus shouted. His men did not manage to take three steps, before Kilgharrah, from his jaws, spat a ray of fire that hit almost everyone. Angus screamed in fear and threw himself to the ground, he had managed to avoid the flames, but he had lost Toshi, where was he? Erlin reached her group, they were waiting for her inside the cave, just beyond the entrance.
"Did you lose them?"
Namjoon asked as he held a torch in his hand.
"Yes, now follow me."
Erlin was at the head of the line. Sometimes she stopped to remember which way to go, her mind had confused memories, it had been years since she last set foot there and this caused Tristan some irritation, but Isolde kept him at bay as best she could. Outside, Angus picked himself up from the ground, wiping the mud from his face. He bit back a scream, the great dragon was returning and heading towards the few of them that remained.
Angus pointed to the hole where the sorceress entered with her friends. Kilgharrah shot more flames, but his prey managed to escape the fire, taking refuge in the cave. Through a long tunnel, Erlin was still leading the others, unaware that their enemies were now inside that cave.
"Who would you be, exactly?"
Tristan asked to Adeoga. He saw her join the group completely without warning, it had to be someone important. Meanwhile Isolde had detached herself from him, now she was able to walk on her own.
"My name is Adeoga, I worked in Camelot as a servant and then...I became the king's partner."
Tristan gave her a shocked look.
"What? No, it's impossible, no noble would date a plebeian."
"He considers everyone on one pedestal, he doesn't care about these useless titles."
Adeoga replied. Was it an impression of her, or Tristan did not like Namjoon?
"It will be as you say, I just hope he treats you well."
Tristan said, spreading his arms. The world was changing fast (or maybe just Camelot), a royal with a poor...never seen such a thing in his life.
Adeoga asked frowning.
"Why were you in Eldor, then? Did he realize he made a mistake and throw you out?"
Namjoon rolled his eyes hearing him speak.
"No. He asked for my hand in marriage, the people turned against us. To protect my safety, I had to leave and take refuge in Eldor."
Adeoga explained, skipping over a rock. Tristan nodded and thought that it was quite predictable, like, no one had ever seen a royal and a plebeian getting married, what did go though their mind that it was even remotely acceptable? This king wasn't even intelligent, he should have learned to do two more calculations."Anyway, I'm Tristan, this is my fiancée Isolde."
The blonde smiled and shook her hand in greeting, Adeoga did the same. A noise interrupted their progress. They all turned around quickly, there was no one there, but the noises didn't stop.
"I thought you lost them."
The king said, immediately understanding who it was and already preparing to run again.
"Me too."
Erlin replied confused. Perhaps they had taken refuge there without knowing that they were actually inside.
"It won't take them long to reach us."
Tristan said, gripping the hilt of his sword.
"I go back."
The sorceress returned to her footsteps.
"What do you want to do?"
Namjoon stopped her by the arm.
"I'm going to stop them once and for all."
"It's risky."
"I know these tunnels better than anyone, they don't."
Erlin turned to the others.
"Keep going, straight ahead, don't stop."
The king stopped her again, before she could leave.
Namjoon squeezed her shoulder. How could she do it alone? Who knows how many were waiting for her there...
"Return safe and sound."
Namjoon trusted her again. Erlin smiled and nodded. She ran off, Namjoon and the others continued walking as requested. The sorceress followed the noises and stopped behind a rock wall, she leaned out slightly to see and her suspicions were confirmed: it was Angus with at least a dozen of his men. Erlin had no choice: she would have to use magic. She steadied her breathing, being afraid made no sense, those men and Angus wouldn't return to Camelot, so they wouldn't be able to tell anything.
"Well, hello!"
The sorceress came out into the open and immediately began to run away.
"Take her!"
Angus and the last remaining men followed the sorceress. Erlin led them to a dead end, the sorceress stopped her feet, she could hear her heartbeat in her ears with anxiety.
Angus had reached her. Erlin turned her back to him, giving the impression that the fear of being discovered had paralyzed her.
"Erlin...where is Namjoon?"
The sorceress grinned, making it disappear immediately, and she turned towards the enemy.
"You better be careful."
Erlin warned, preparing as best she could with her powers.
"What do you mean? Stop your nonsense and tell me where Namjoon is or I'll hurt you!"
Angus brought out his sword, pointing it at her, as did the knights. Erlin shook her head, thinning her lips into a straight line, it was taking all of her good will to do what she had in mind, even if using magic to kill disgusted her.
"I don't think so."
So much useless security, Angus thought.
Screaming they catapulted towards Erlin. Her eyes changed color, the spell had kicked in. Her enemies were blocked, unable to move, twisting her hands, the sorceress raised their swords into the air, sent them back, and with a jerk dragged them forward. Angus' men were all speared straight through the chest, screaming for three seconds, before taking their last breath and dying quickly. Erlin pulled the swords out of their bodies, creating a sound of mangled flesh, the blades were stained with blood. She dropped them, all this while holding Angus in place. The king's uncle trembled, his eyes filled with tears as he witnessed how cruelly his men were killed. But one thing scared him most of all: Erlin was a sorceress, she possessed magic! He was in danger, he wanted to escape, but he felt like being stuck in quicksand.
"'re a magical person."
Angus stammered, fearing her more than anything. Erlin approached him, Angus tried to retreat in vain and found the sorceress in front of him.
"I was born this way."
A weight was lifted from Erlin's chest. By saying this fact once in a while relieved her of all the lies she told.
"You were at court all this did you deceive Namjoon?"
Erlin didn't answer, it wasn't information he was supposed to know.
"I'm impressed Erlin, r-really. Why don't you let me go and we go back to Taehyung, together? If you join us, you will have the chance to be free, to r-reveal to the world what you are."
He was trying to buy her trust. Erlin was good, but not stupid, she knew an act of manipulation when she saw one and Angus was too obvious.
"You'd kill me before you do that."
Growled the sorceress. She took Angus' sword from his hand, the king's uncle gasped loudly, he couldn't control his fingers!
"Wait! Don't kill me!"
Erlin stopped her arm before she could move forward.
"If you kill me...what will Namjoon think? I'm his last remaining relative, he would never forgive you for this."
Angus' voice disappeared at certain points. He was sweating coldly, his heart felt like it was about to explode.
"Stop that."
She whispered the sorceress, shaking her head.
"You're worth less than a rock to Namjoon and if he finds out you're dead, he'll thank me. You didn't care about us when you almost killed us, why should I care about you?"
Angus remained speechless. Erlin's words, her look, her seemed to have a totally different person in front of him, what was all this hatred? He could feel it in the air and on himself. And it came from her, and it was very powerful.
A searing pain shot through Angus' body. He lowered his trembling head as far as he could, Erlin had pierced him with the sword. With strangled sounds escaping his lips from pain, Angus looked back into the sorceress's eyes.
"Go to hell."
Erlin said in a grave voice. The sorceress pushed the sword deeper, Angus screamed with what little voice he had left and soon his body fell prey to gravity. Erlin drew the sword, dripping with his blood, and dispelled the spell that held him immobile. His body fell to the ground, lifeless. Erlin threw away his sword, she felt like vomiting just looking at Angus' blood. Emptiness, this is what the sorceress felt when she saw him dead. Even though she was starting to get weighed down by the guilt of killing everyone in cold blood, she couldn't lie, he deserved it. Erlin exhaled a long, shaky breath, pushed the bodies out of her way and returned to her friends, they couldn't have gone far.

The Adventures Of Erlin-The Sword In The Stone || A BTS Fan Fiction || Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now