The Sword In The Stone

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First part

Vain. It had been of no use knowing that the map of Camelot's tunnels had been taken, they had prepared too late. Toshi, Taehyung, and their army had managed to breach the lower city ahead of schedule. They set houses on fire, killed people, causing enormous damage. The knights of the guild could do nothing, they were outnumbered, without the help of the allied kingdoms of Camelot, against Toshi's ten thousand men, it was like going against certain death. Elyan, Jungkook and the knights of the round table tried to save someone, unfortunately, however, the enemy army also managed to reach the citadel, also taking control of it.
Elyan shouted, killing an enemy. Camelot was in flames, the light of the fire was the only thing illuminating the kingdom; it also flared up in the streets. Angus, among Toshi's knights, spread the ground with flammable oil and the flames were not easily extinguished!
"Forget the water..."
Hoseok told him, drawing his sword, seeing another wave of enemies coming.
"Bloody hell..."
Jungkook whispered, putting one down with a well-placed punch in the face.
Hoseok shouted and together with the others, jumped into the fray. The enemy army was growing bigger and bigger, when would they stop coming?! Meanwhile Taehyung made his way towards the castle, around him the men of Toshi and Angus abruptly removed anyone who tried to hinder them and they arrived at the square in a short time, there was no one there waiting for them, but he knew that others had already entered the castle and he hoped, with all his heart, that they had Namjoon in their hands, because he wanted him. Inside the walls, Erlin, the king and Jimin were fighting and eliminating those enemies who managed to enter. The king spun around and killed two, Erlin and Jimin, back to back, took out two by one.
"Sire, there are too many!"
Jimin knocked out another with a slash.
"We won't be able to stop them!"
"I won't let Taehyung take the kingdom!"
With a scream, he charged forward and stabbed his sword into enemy bodies more than ten times, killing everyone who entered the corridor.
"Jimin, go to the others and help them, Erlin and I will take care of this."
"But sire-"
Jimin shook the sorceress's hand to wish her good luck and left. Erlin allowed herself a few seconds to catch breath, they had been fighting non-stop for an hour and her energy was running out.
"We should have been faster..."
Namjoon murmured, wiping blood from his lips from a cut.
"This is no time to brood, I have to get you to safety!"
Erlin grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him along, but the king resisted.
"I won't leave, Camelot needs me!"
"Sire, Taehyung wants you, he will surely be heading here with an army!"
Erlin tried to reason with him. By now Camelot was lost, if they had entered the castle, they had certainly taken the lower city and the citadel, it was useless to fight!
"Oh no, again!"
Erlin complained, seeing two teams coming towards them from both entrances to the corridor. They looked like ten on each side, they could do it; they stood back to back.
"Me the ones on the right and you the ones on the left?"
"It depends on your point of view. AHHHH!"
They made a turn, going in the opposite direction. Sending his sword forward, the king took out three of them at once, impaling them one after the other. Erlin also helped herself with magic, sending some of them crashing into the ground or wall. One move, two moves, three moves; each one was equivalent to one kill. Namjoon found himself surrounded by three, the last ones left.
With a small bow of his head, he lunged at the one on his right, kicking him in the legs and punching him in the nose, the one on the left tried to attack, but Namjoon skewered him with his sword. But he forgot one detail. A painful pang started from his side, the man he foolishly left unnoticed hit him with his sword, without piercing him, but the king felt something break. With a scream, he knocked him down with his elbow, since he had his back to him. Erlin missed a heartbeat. She killed the last man and ran to the king, who was on the ground, holding his side in pain and still moaning.
"My side...!"
Erlin lifted his chainmail and protective vest. She grimaced, he had a very large purple hematoma, she went to feel the spot with her fingers and, apart from a moan from the king, to her horror she felt three broken ribs.
"We need to go to the infirmary, immediately!"
Erlin wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders and helped him up. Namjoon didn't object, the pain was making him see stars. Before crossing any corridor, they stopped to check if the way was clear and so far, everything was going smoothly.
"Find him!"
Namjoon and Erlin hid at the speed of light behind a pillar with their hearts pounding like a horse.
"I want my brother, search the whole castle if necessary, but bring him to me alive!"
It was Taehyung. They leaned over to see what was happening, the soldiers surrounding him, Toshi and Angus scattered into different groups inside the castle. The three took the path to go to the royal hall. Namjoon and Erlin glanced at each other, went outside and as fast as they could, they reached the infirmary. Unfortunately it had been filled with injured people, some seriously, some less so and some had died.
Jin reached them, his shirt, trousers and hands were covered in blood.
"What happened to him?"
The doctor made the king sit on a bench, lifting his shirt.
"He has three broken ribs."
The sorceress informed, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Jin clicked his tongue in the roof of his mouth, clearly frustrated.
"I can bandage your chest, but it won't do any good, if you don't stay still, you risk puncturing a lung."
"I don't care, makes sure I can hold a sword."
The king groaned, closing his eyes, hoping the pain would ease. Jin took Erlin aside, so as not to be heard by the king.
"If he fights, his condition will worsen. Unfortunately I can't do anything. To reattach one bone to another, it requires a complicated operation, which I'm not able to do now."
Jin said in the sorceress's ear.
"This time I need your help."
Erlin opened her eyes so wide that she feared her eye sockets would pop out.
"D-Do you want me to use magic?"
The door to the infirmary was opened abruptly, Jimin entered and walked towards the king.
"Sire! The city has fallen, the enemy armies are heading here, they want you."
Jimin was out of breath and several wounds framed his face. Namjoon, for a moment, felt the pain in his ribs disappear and only felt a deep sense of emptiness inside himself.
"T-The people?"
"Some escaped, others were not so lucky."
The king clenched his fists. Taehyung and Toshi were monsters, if only he had been in great shape, he would have gone to them by now to make them both pay.
"The other knights?"
"They are keeping the army busy, sire."
As the two talked, Erlin and Jin didn't miss a word.
"Heal Namjoon and get him out of here."
"He will never leave Camelot in the hands of those two."
Erlin sighed, glancing at the king.
"Do you remember the control spell?"
A light bulb went on in Jin's head. The sorceress nodded, she read it in the book Magi-Psyche.
"Use it on him and he'll listen to you."
Erlin swallowed, the saliva struggling to pass. She didn't like the idea of controlling Namjoon with that spell, but if he stayed, he would die. What choice did she have? She saw Jimin leave the king, open the door and call the other knights back. Together they barricaded the door with beams and Erlin seized the moment. She nodded at the doctor and the two headed towards Namjoon together.
"Sire, it will hurt you very much."
"What are you waiting for, then? AAAHH!"
The doctor applied pressure to the hematoma, so as to take the king's attention away from Erlin.

The Adventures Of Erlin-The Sword In The Stone || A BTS Fan Fiction || Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now