The Sword In The Stone

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Second part

Erlin was extremely disappointed at how slow the cart she got into with Namjoon was going. Tristan and Isolde were in no hurry and not all the men who worked for them could fit inside the means of transport, some walked and stood at the tail of the wagon. The sorceress massaged her temples to calm down, she and the king would have walked at their own pace faster, it was almost evening and they hadn't yet arrived in Eldor, Angus could be close to them and this thought made her nervous.
"We'll camp here!"
Tristan warned everyone, the leader stopped the chariot, pulling the reins of the horses. The men who were with them got off the wagon, the sorceress taking a few more seconds to roll her eyes.
"Are you okay, Erlin?"
Namjoon approached her, they had made him sit far away from her during the journey.
"We're going too slow, the bad guys will get to us sooner if we don't pick up the pace."
Together with Namjoon they exited the wagon.
"You're completely right, that's what I thought too."
Namjoon said, even though he hadn't thought about it at all.
"Come on, let's help others."
The king nodded and let Erlin guide him on what to do. Tristan took Isolde by the waist and let her down, she too was in the leader's place.
"Thank you."
Isolde whispered, caressing his chest.
"Everything for my lady."
Love. Erlin recognized the looks, the caresses and the words exchanged, those two were probably together.
"Erlin, they told me not to touch anything, what can I do?"
Namjoon skipped towards her, earning glares from the others.
"Stand guard so you can warn us if the bad guys come."
"Good idea."
Namjoon walked away, placing his back against a tree. With a funny pose assumed, he began his watch, even if he didn't know where to place his eyes. Erlin chuckled, went to the back of the wagon and took out three rolls of blankets, they must have belonged to Tristan's men.
"Give me here."
A boy took them from her hand, so as to arrange them on the ground in their own way. Under them there was a small trunk, Erlin thought that that was also needed, perhaps there were some supplies inside. But a strong smell, which she knew well, triggered her curiosity. The trunk was not sealed, she opened it easily and inside he found small stones, some orange in color, others brownish.
"It's not for you."
Isolde appeared out of nowhere, sword pointing at her. The sorceress closed the trunk, remaining calm.
"Sorry, I just recognized the smell. Is this incense right?"
"And even if it were?"
Tristan appeared behind his beloved, placing a hand protectively over the trunk.
"Nothing is must be worth a fortune."
Incense was difficult to find in Goryeo, so much so that for important ceremonies where it had to be used, Erlin remembered that it had to be bought from very distant territories and Namjoon and Dooyoung always spent a lot of money to get it.
"It is."
Tristan took a quick look at Isolde. Incense was extremely rare for him, but not like the girl next to him.
"You already know what we are, right?"
Isolde asked, returning her sword to its sheath. Erlin nodded imperceptibly. She was ready to defend herself from any move they made, having those two so close put her in a state of anxiety.
Erlin replied.
"We prefer to call it free trade."
The girl turned towards Tristan and the two exchanged a sweet smile.
"It's forbidden, if they find you they'll kill you. Taxes have been lowered for this very reason."
"So what?"
The sorceress sighed at Tristan's indifference. She felt the tension getting heavier and heavier.
"We prefer not to pay them at all, I will not give a single penny to that stupid king of Camelot. And then find us out? Little girl, we are too quick and cunning. They never have and never will."
Tristan walked proudly towards one of his men, so as to help them. Erlin had to keep from laughing, and while they were completely sure of this, King Kim Namjoon was in their camp.
"Oh really..."
She commented ironically. Sensing Isolde's gaze on her, Erlin walked away from their loot with her hands in the air. Isolt clicked her tongue in the roof of her mouth three times and told her to leave completely.
"Okay, Miss."
The sorceress teased her, reaching the king.
"We'll eat soon."
"Uh, it's about time! My stomach is rumbling like a tiger!"
Namjoon removed himself from his guard position, rubbing his abdomen.
"No wonder, we didn't eat anything."
Late in the evening, their campsite smelled of cooked meat. It was really good and with the added spices, the taste improved a lot, but Erlin and Namjoon didn't know this. They had put them aside, with potato soup to eat. In short, they hadn't eaten for almost a day and they weren't complaining, let's be clear, but without condiments, the potato soup tasted like...well, potatoes.
"They could have given us something more."
The king complained, taking a spoonful of soup and eating it eagerly.
"You don't seem to mind though."
The sorceress teased, finishing the last splash of soup left in her bowl.
"I'm terribly hungry."
The king spoke with his mouth full. Erlin giggled and looking at him, a doubt came into her head: when should she make the spell disappear? There was a possibility that it might disappear on its own, but she didn't know when. And if that happened, then what would she say to him? Ah! The plan should have been studied better, waking up the king of Camelot in the middle of a group of smugglers wasn't exactly the best and Tristan and Isolde, more him than her from the way he talked about it, could have had terrible reactions.
"You know Erlin, I don't remember much of what I was, and I don't even remember who I am you know what my story is?"
Namjoon placed the bowl on the ground, it was now empty of the potato liquid.
"How about if I tell you how you and I met?"
Namjoon squeaked and stared at the sorceress insistently, waiting for the story. The sorceress thought about it, she had to find a way not to break the spell at that moment.
"Our first encounter was with a fight."
"Yes and you attacked me from behind and won unfairly."
Namjoon sighed and muttered incomprehensible words, acting as if he was angry with himself.
"Afterwards I saved your life from a dangerous accident and from then on, you and I became friends. But it wasn't always easy, the first few times you were really proud, stubborn and grumpy, not only with me, but with everyone."
Erlin smiled at the memories playing in her head. Namjoon didn't dare interrupt, his eyes were full of curiosity.
"It took you some time to open up, but between one adventure and another, you finally became the friend I wanted. You are more open, kinder, more selfless and you no longer hide your true self and of this I'm very happy about it."
Erlin stroked his hair, ruffling it just a little. Namjoon sighed ecstatically and rested his head on the sorceress's shoulder.
"It seems I have been a fool."
Erlin laughed, because actually, that was more or less the case.
"I'd say more of a bean head."
Erlin missed using this insult, even though it now had a positive meaning.
"Maybe you're right, my head is really a bean."
The king measured it and compared it to that of a real bean, making the sorceress laugh out loud, even though she restrained herself so as not to disturb the others.
"But, despite everything, you always loved me, right Erlin?"
The sorceress looked up at the sky and as if by magic, she could see projected all the memories she had with him and the feelings she felt during them. Even though Namjoon had flaws and continued to have them, she still learned to love him completely and accept the king for who he was. Erlin rested her head on top of Namjoon's, the boy moved his legs excitedly, he felt lucky to be reciprocated by his mistress.
Once the evening passed, everyone fell asleep on their blankets. Erlin and Namjoon were given one each, so as to shelter from the light fresh air that was blowing that evening. And to the sorceress' surprise, she managed to sleep peacefully. The night passed calmly, with the various noises that the nocturnal animals emitted to fill the forest and the next day's sun was not long in arriving. The bright star rose slowly into the sky, gradually illuminating everything below it. Tristan and Isolde's camp was quiet, everyone was still sleeping. Except one person.
The sorceress suddenly woke up with a start. She shook her head and tried to focus on what was in front of her, her eyes were having to get used to the morning light, but her body was still telling her to sleep.
She blinked a few more times and she realized who was in front of her.
She asked more to herself than the king.
"Yes, it's me sleepyhead. Now can you explain to me where we are?"
The sorceress was about to argue, but she stopped. The spell was gone, that's why he asked her that question. Now the real problems began.
Erlin stood with her back straight, meanwhile the king waited for an answer with growing anxiety.
"You fainted during the battle, I had to take you away from Camelot, there was no hope left."
Namjoon was struck by a sword in his heart.
"T-The guys?"
"They sacrificed themselves to let us escape, I don't know if they're okay, but I hope so."
Erlin was overcome by a slight wave of fear as she thought about her companions. Taehyung was capable of doing anything to them, if he even dared to touch them, this time he would have gone through hell.
"Where are we going?"
The king was slightly shocked by the news, but he tried not to show it.
"In Eldor, there we will find a safe place for the time being."
Namjoon nodded, going through Erlin's house was the safest thing, Taehyung would never cross the border.
"And who are these people?"
He asked looking around, checking that no one was awake.
"They are..."
Erlin mentally prepared herself, biting her lip nervously.
Erlin silenced the king, if he raised his voice any more, he would wake the others.
"They discovered me while I was trying to take you to safety, I had to surrender to them so as not to get killed and in exchange for some money, I managed to buy a faster passage to Eldor."
She explained, seeing Namjoon fidgeting. The king took a deep breath, he didn't hate smugglers, but they were dangerous people, so he preferred to stay away from them as much as possible. Not to mention the fact that they shouldn't exist, he had lowered taxes on purpose to avoid these problems, but some people were hungry for money, he couldn't hope to stop smuggling, he could only make it easy for people.
"Okay, you know what you're doing and that's enough for me, but why am I dressed like this?"
The king pointed to himself. The armor was much safer.
"So the smugglers won't know who you really's your character."
Namjoon echoed the sorceress' words more confused than before. Some people were waking up and replacing their blankets.
"You two."
It was Tristan. Namjoon froze, suddenly feeling in danger, while Erlin turned her attention to the smuggler.
"We'll leave as soon as the horses are watered. Explain that to your idiot friend too."
Tristan left, Namjoon followed him with bewildered eyes, while Erlin painted a guilty smile on her face.
"Okay, I demand some explanations."
The king was visibly offended.
"You were unconscious and...I had to invent something for your fainting."
The king slapped himself in the face.
"You really enjoy making me look like an idiot."
Erlin shrugged and didn't continue the conversation. She mimed to follow her and so Namjoon did, being close to her, that camp gave him chills.
"Oh, I saved this one."
Erlin took out the sword and gave it to Namjoon. The king felt calmer, the swords made in Camelot were special and his was made especially for him.
Namjoon rolled his eyes, it was the man from before and he was walking towards him together with a woman.
"They are Tristan and Isolde, the commanders of these smugglers."
The sorceress whispered in his ear.
"How should I act?"
"Do everything I tell you, pretend you don't know anything."
The king nodded.
"Give me that sword."
Tristan held out his hand expectantly. Namjoon bit his lip and looked at the sorceress for her permission, she nodded. Erlin thanked him in her mind, he was playing well. The king reluctantly gave his favorite weapon to the smuggler. Tristan turned it over in his hands, admiring the shine, the gold hilt and the lightness of the sword.
"It is of this quality can only be found in the royal forge of Camelot."
Tristan lowered the sword and there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes. He held the sword to the king's throat.
"How did you get it?"
"I won it at cards, sir."
The sorceress intervened promptly.
"They can't separate. It makes him feel safe."
Namjoon nodded, avoiding the blade. Tristan withdrew the sword, continuing to frown at the two.
"I hope it's true for you, I wouldn't want to find myself traveling with a knight of Camelot."
Tristan decided to believe the girl and returned the sword to the king. That idiot had to defend himself somehow, right? Namjoon and Erlin nodded, the king hugged his sword, not causing his character to fall.
"Me too."
The king replied, making the weapon go towards Tristan, to confirm his stupidity. Isolde laughed loudly.
"Him, a knight of Camelot?"
She said it mockingly. The sorceress also joined Tristan, laughing fakely.
"Yes, you're right. Their knights may be stupid, but not that stupid."
Namjoon refrained from giving him a slap. This man had something against Camelot, but insulting even his knights was too much! The knights stood out with intelligence, strength and wisdom, something he dreamed of having. Tristan and Isolde left them alone, giving Namjoon a moment's break from his character.
"You did well."
The sorceress stroked his hair. Namjoon twisted his mouth, not containing his laughter.
"How much longer do we have to go on like this?"
A man near them fell to the ground. An arrow had hit him in the back. Screams soon spread through the trees and Taehyung's men came out into the open, weapons drawn in the air. Tristan and Isolde's men were taken aback, they tried to fight, but the enemies were superior in number; Namjoon and Erlin dodged another arrow and hid behind the cart with the two lovers. The king held onto his sword, Tristan and Isolde's men were being killed one after another, they couldn't save them.
"Hide back there, we'll cover you!"
Namjoon pointed to a couple of trees far away from them. The two lovers, with swords in their hands, were surprised by the sudden grasp of power that idiot had.
Tristan whispered, not understanding if he was the same person he saw a minute ago.
"Do you want to live or not?"
The king of Camelot took two crossbows from the bars of the chariot, gave one to Erlin and together they aimed and fired the bolts, both taking a man. They sat down again so as not to be seen and reloaded their crossbows with more bolts.
"And now?"
Erlin asked, pointing with the king again.
"And now..."
They went out killing again. Namjoon let go of the crossbow and reaching into the wagon, pulled out a sword, passing it to Erlin.
"Let's hide, they're definitely looking for me and we can't face them with just two of us."
The sorceress sighed and also put her crossbow down. Too bad, she would have liked some healthy action, but the king wasn't wrong. They went into hiding together with Tristan and Isolde, ordering the two to keep quiet. Having killed all their men, Angus and Toshi came out of the crowd, with their henchmen they searched for something around, entering inside the cart, but without taking anything, Tristan and Isolde sighed.
"Over there."
Angus directed some of his henchmen to go right, others stayed with him, splitting up they would find more clues.
"They didn't find the shipment."
She said, just wanting to run over there and get their incense. They had worked too hard to find those stones, they couldn't leave them there.
"No but they will. Anyway, it's obvious they weren't looking for the wagon, they were looking for you!"
Tristan turned his hard eyes on Namjoon, trying not to raise his voice too much.
"Who the hell are you?"
Before he was stupid, now he even knew how to fight. He only listened to Erlin's orders and suddenly he knew how to give them too. These two were hiding and pretending to be something they were not.
"My Kim Namjoon."
Tristan and Isolde gasped, both gaping at each other.
"The king...of Camelot."
Tristan suddenly felt deprived of everything and already saw himself behind bars.
"At least I was."
"I lost everything I worked for to a good-for-nothing king!"
Tristan now processing it all resulted in only an explosion of contained anger.
"Funny, coming from a smuggler."
Namjoon countered, not really wanting to be insulted.
"I wouldn't have become a smuggler if it hadn't been for your taxes!"
"Taxes protect people, they are put in place for a matter of safety and if perhaps you don't know it yet, genius, I lowered them specifically so as not to create these problems!"
Whispered the king, pointing to their chariot, to imply their illegal trade.
"My men are dead, you call that protection?!"
"Forgive the interruption, but..."
The two men looked at Erlin. The sorceress pointed her head towards a group of enemy soldiers who were heading towards them running and with their swords clearly visible. Namjoon and Tristan were the first to attack and immediately killed two of them, Erlin took out three in five moves. Isolde, having killed one, did not see another coming, she realized too late, she tried to stand up to him, but the grip on her sword wavered and she lost her balance, the man punched her hard on the nose. Isolt let out a scream, falling to her knees from the pain, and much more was added when she felt the blade of a sword cut her arm; the blood began to flow profusely. Without a moment's pause, Isolde got kicked in the stomach, falling onto her back on the ground. The girl didn't open her eyes, she struggled to breathe, the man who knocked her down raised his sword ready to strike, but was pierced by Namjoon's sword. The king sighed, this man was the last. He left the possibility for Tristan to run close to his beloved, setting himself aside. Tristan took the face of his beloved, she didn't open her eyes, she didn't move.
He whispered, his heart racing.
"We have a pact, remember? Partners for life."
Tristan, seeing her eyelids move and reveal her ice-colored eyes, felt his soul reinvigorate.
"I always keep my promises..."
She spoke, still in pain. The part of her face hit by the fist had darkened, but her nose was fortunately not broken. Tristan smiled and kissed her forehead.
"We have to leave, more will be here soon."
Namjoon didn't like having to interrupt their romantic moment together, in a way, it reminded him of when he and Adeoga exchanged effusions. Tristan had risked losing his beloved, he should have been closer to her and he hoped that Isolde wasn't angry with him for this.
"Then go, no one is forcing you to stay here."
Tristan stroked Isolde's head, thinking about where to take her, a place where there were doctors.
"Come with us to Eldor, you will be safe there."
Erlin could heal her more easily, she didn't trust using magic in the presence of the two newcomers and in Eldor she had the material she needed.
"I decide who I stay with and there are no doctors there."
"Erlin is the apprentice of the court doctor of Camelot, if you take her there, she will be able to treat her properly."
Namjoon said restlessly. They were just trying to help him and he was being stubborn. Tristan looked at the girl with a crooked eye, they lied about their identities, this could have been another stunt just to kill them, or worse.
"He saved my life, Tristan..."
The girl said, holding her abdomen,it hurt from the kick. Her blue eyes moved to the king.
"Thank you."
Namjoon bowed his head.
"But nothing would have happened if it weren't for them."
Tristan didn't want to take the bait. Isolde groaned, the pain was getting worse.
"She's hurt, she needs help."
Namjoon urged. He was concerned about the girl's well-being, it was also visible to the naked eye. Tristan bit his lower lip, looked at the two, then at his beloved, who confirmed his questions by simply nodding. Tristan let his pride go, he couldn't do it alone and losing Isolde wasn't among the plans.
"Know this, Kim Namjoon: I'm only doing this for her, you only bring trouble to these lands."
Tristan realized he had exaggerated a little, but at that moment the anger and worry were playing with his head in a bad way. Erlin saw the king darken, nevertheless, he helped Tristan lift Isolde from the ground and carry her, without hurting her, to go to Eldor.

The Adventures Of Erlin-The Sword In The Stone || A BTS Fan Fiction || Vol. 4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon