The Secret Sharer

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Second part

Ligfyr onbaerne swipe" / "Fire of truth, light up"

Bitgaram's eyes glowed gold for a few seconds, then returned to normal. With a roar that shook the cave, a ring of fire appeared around Jin with high, hot flames. Jin squinted, his head already starting to hurt, sweat falling from his forehead. He shook his head, that spell was working inside him, he felt it delving into his deepest secrets, but he didn't say a word.
"Do not resist the fire, let it enter your mind, let the flames search your thoughts!"
Jin groaned and clenched his jaw.
"Feel them burning!"
The doctor's body was all in pain, Jin couldn't even move to relieve it.
"They must enter the darkest recesses of your mind! Let them enter your deepest secrets!"
Jin resisted the spell, his mouth moved on its own, but he managed not to let anything out.
"Bring them to the light."
The doctor shook his head, the pain had become unbearable, his vision was blurry and his breathing was heavy.

"Acwence pa blyse!" / "Extinguish flames of pain!"

Jin risked casting a counter spell, the flames lowered, taking Bitgaram by surprise, he didn't imagine that man had magical abilities, Taehyung and Angus hadn't mentioned anything to him about it.

"Fyr wiphere!" / "Hold on!"

Bitgaram managed to bring the circle of fire back, but this time, with much more power and higher flames. Jin didn't hold back a scream of pain, his head was exploding! He breathed hard, the excessive heat burned his lungs, not even his magic could do anything against Bitgaram, the only thing he could do was hope to be much stronger than the priest's spell and resist as long as he had the strength. 
"You must feel the fire roaring within you, you must feel your thoughts boiling...let them escape from the hot flames, let them flow like boiling oil...let them flow out."
Bitgaram's words increased Jin's pain. By now the sweat had begun to fall from every part of her body, he felt like he was dying.
"Free them, Jin!"
The doctor's mouth opened in a strangled sound, but he resisted, saying nothing.
"Tell me: who is Nemirtingas?"
Bitgaram punctuated each word harshly. Jin closed his eyes, the heat prevented him from keeping them open and he managed to close his mouth, even though he felt the irrepressible desire to speak and say everything he kept inside him.

Erlin finished tidying up her room, she did it with bare hands, without magic, just like Jin wanted, if he had been present. The sorceress sighed, most of the books and some vials full of potions had been ruined; the floor was darkened by the stains of the latter. She wanted to go look for Jin, but she didn't even know where to start. Going out looking like crazy was absolutely out of the question, she needed a lead and if there was one person who could give it to her, that person was Angus. But she didn't want to involve anyone, so she did something completely crazy: she headed towards his room. She wanted to find a clue that would tell her where Jin was and surely that scoundrel had something. The bedroom door was open, a sign that Angus had left, he had the bad habit of never closing it. The sorceress came in and immediately started searching, she searched the shelves, furniture and drawers, finding only dirty and smelly linen, old papers and some belongings of Namjoon's uncle. She sighed, time was passing, Angus could return at any moment and she still hadn't gotten anything out of this search. But she wasn't done yet, she had to check the bedroom. She reached that room and as soon as she set foot inside, she immediately noticed a detail: a pair of Angus' boots, right next to the bed, were dirty with a material with a strange color, they had even left a trail. Erlin knelt down, picked up the crumbs and brought them close to her nose, she pulled her head back: it had a ferrous smell. In Camelot there were no places, cavern or caves with such a smell, so this indicated that Angus had gone far from Camelot and probably, had taken Jin to a place that no one knew about. The door that was closed caused her (almost) a heart attack. The sorceress held her breath and hid behind the curtain where Angus could change. She swallowed saliva with difficulty, through a mirror right next to her, she could see the reflection of Namjoon's uncle. Angus removed his sword and leather belt and sheath, placing them on the bed. Then he proceeded to take off his jacket, throwing it who knows where, Erlin's heart felt like she could explode at any moment, he was getting closer! Luckily, Angus had to stop to remove his boots and it took him some time because a buckle had gotten stuck. Erlin took the opportunity and slipped out of the tent, before Angus noticed.
Namjoon's uncle whispered, throwing down those damn boots and going behind the curtain to take off his shirt. But a reflection in the mirror made him freeze: he saw Erlin sneak out the door. Angus gasped, put his shirt back on and left the tent, what had that meddlesome girl come to his room for? He turned his head and noticed that everything was in its place, therefore, she hadn't stolen anything. His gaze fell on the boots he had worn to go into the cave where Jin was taken and he noticed that some pieces of earth had disappeared. She had taken them! Angus ruffled his hair, that nosy girl had found out where they were keeping Jin! He absolutely had to tell Taehyung. Erlin, meanwhile, returned to her room, but stopped when she saw Jimin, sitting playing with a bag.
"Erlin, hi! I thought you weren't there!"
The knight stood up and hugged the girl.
"Namjoon told us you went on a mission."
"Not yet, but I found something that might serve as a lead."
Erlin said showing Jimin her hand with the pieces of dirt.
"A lead for what?"
Jimin asked, quite confused. The king had been rather silent to all the knights regarding the sorceress' mission, but they had all guessed that poor Jin had something to do with it. Jimin was worried too, that doctor was very nice and he liked him a lot! Erlin took him to sit with her and explained what happened, her suspicions of Angus and also those of the king.
"What?! And when were you planning on telling us?"
Jimin asked, quite offended by all these secrets. The sorceress lowered her head, she felt that sense of guilt making its way into her heart again, it always happened when she revealed a hidden truth.
"I'm sorry Jimin, but we don't want to get you all involved in this."
Erlin replied, not looking at his face. She also knew that the knights had every right to know who was around them, but she feared for their lives, which is why she lied. Jimin didn't say anything, he calmed down and stroked the sorceress' hair.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound aggressive, it's just...this whole thing, it's pretty macabre."
Jimin thought that Angus was an honorable man, different from Dooyoung, but apparently, he was very wrong. And he just couldn't imagine how a person in your family could do this to you.
"I know it well, but we have proof that it could frame him even more. Do you happen to know what this material is?"
Erlin brought her hand with the dirt close to Jimin, she knew the smell of it, but she couldn't say anything else. The knight brought his nose close to the earth and smelled it.
"Iron ore, where did you find it?"
Jimin asked, taking a piece and analyzing it. Erlin placed the pieces on the table.
"In Angus' boots. Could it help us?"
"Iron is rare in Camelot, I've only seen it once on patrol."
Jimin explained, placing the ore back with his kind.
The sorceress asked impatiently.
"Erm...I think the place was called Cemari Ridge. They've been mining iron there for many years."
Erlin thought. The name of that place was not new to her, but she did not know where she was.
"Do you think he took Jin there?"
The sorceress nodded.
"It's the only plausible solution, I have to at least try."
Erlin stood up, ready to get ready, but Jimin grabbed her wrist.
"Where do you think you're going alone?"
The knight asked her, sneering.
"I'm going to find some maps so I know my way around."
"Silly girl, you don't need maps, I know where that place is, I can take you there."
Erlin sighed and shook her head.
"Jimin, I don't want anything to happen to you."
"I can handle myself, beautiful and then, it could be a way to make amends."
Jimin stood up, but didn't let go of her wrist. Erlin chuckled.
"Are you blackmailing me?"
She joked, looking into Jimin's eyes.
"Yes and I don't regret it."
The knight smiled, giving the girl a kiss on the cheek. Erlin gave up, Jimin's help could actually be useful, he knew his way around Cemari, she didn't. And then, if she needed help, she could send him back to call for backup.
"Okay, let's get ready then."
"As my lady wishes!"

The Adventures Of Erlin-The Sword In The Stone || A BTS Fan Fiction || Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now