The Proposal

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First part

With a spell, Taehyung knocked Angus to the ground. He rolled for a couple of meters, hitting his back and, once he stopped, he tried to catch his breath. The pain was unbearable in the end he had decided to return to Taehyung. He had nowhere else to go, if he returned home, loneliness and sadness would greet him and he didn't want that.
"Taehyung, please listen to me-"
The priest gave him a well-aimed slap, which made his head spin one hundred and eighty degrees. Angus opened his mouth, trying not to scream, and held the affected spot; within seconds it turned red.
"Because of you, Camelot is now overdrawn!"
Taehyung grabbed him by the collar of his black shirt and brought him face to face. Angus trembled, if he hadn't been full of pride, he would have started crying.
"We had one plan, Angus, ONE! You're a wimp!"
Taehyung threw him back to the ground, breathing heavily.
"Everything I planned to do has vanished because of you! Now I'll have to start all over again!"
The priest nearly tore his hair out in frustration. Angus felt as small as an ant, angry Taehyung was ruthless and unpredictable and he feared him.
"Why didn't you trick him? Why didn't you keep lying to him?!"
"I couldn't! He had enough evidence to frame me!"
Angus replied, waving his hands like a madman. He understood his mistake, but if he continued to lie, Namjoon would find out anyway.
"You little-"
Taehyung raised a hand, in the palm of it was a fireball. Angus covered his face, falling to the ground in a fetal position, waiting to be struck, but the priest canceled the spell. Taehyung sighed loudly, regaining his mental clarity and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, shaking his head.
"I will not kill you. You have been banished from Camelot, but you may serve me in other ways. You are worth nothing, you are more expendable than me."
Taehyung told him, lowering himself to his height. Angus stopped trembling and got to his knees, all very slowly because of his fear, not daring to look the priest in his eyes. Taehyung stood up and focused his eyes on the trees in front of him and thought. Angus looked at him anxiously, eagerly waiting to hear what he had to say.
"Listen carefully."
Taehyung raised a hand and, with a spell, lifted Angus off the ground. His uncle thought he wanted to do something else and in fact he tried to wriggle, but the spell wouldn't allow him to move.
"I still want to take out my brother and I don't think you want to see him on the throne of Camelot for much longer, so you will do exactly what I'm about to tell you: head to Camelot and find out what we can plan, undercover, is that clear?"
Angus nodded as much as he could.
"And if they find you again, trust me it will be the right time for me to kill you."
The priest reversed the spell and Angus fell to the ground again. Taehyung looked at him with contempt and went back to his house, leaving him there. Angus lowered his head, sighing regretfully, it was lucky that Taehyung hadn't killed him, when he set foot in his house, he was already foreseeing his death. And he almost succeeded. He regretted leaving Camelot, he hated Namjoon, he hated Erlin and all the inhabitants of that kingdom, but at least there, he didn't have to fear death. With Taehyung it was all that filled his mind. And now that he had lost some of his trust, who knew how long he would last. Now he gave up, that was the path he took and he couldn't go back. He got up from the ground, cleaning the leaves off his trousers and walked towards his destination: Camelot. By now he had become a simple puppet in Taehyung's hands, a man without purpose and freedom, there was nothing left for him to do but survive.

Erlin was heading to the king's room that afternoon, Namjoon had told her to come to his room that evening, because he had something important to tell her, and Erlin couldn't wait! Since Angus left, there was new air in Camelot. Namjoon demonstrated that he did not need help to rule and that he was capable of carrying out his duties as a ruler admirably. Sure, he sometimes asked her, Adeoga and the knights for advice, but mostly he did it to involve them in his life and have more confidence. They were no longer afraid of receiving internal attacks, but they remained vigilant, everyone knew what Taehyung was capable of and they were prepared for any convenience.
"Here I am sire, what did you want to talk to me about?"
Erlin announced her entrance, closing the door behind her. Namjoon immediately came at her like lightning, not giving her a chance to take any further steps.
"Woah, you seem pretty excited."
The girl commented, seeing that he was jumping and not stopping smiling.
"And I am. But I will immediately explain the reason for my state of mind."
The king chuckled, going to pick up a small red leather box from the table and take it to the sorceress. Erlin looked at it curiously, Namjoon opened it revealing a completely gold ring with an amethyst set on top of it. The sorceress raised an eyebrow and looked at the king, with a gaze that Namjoon couldn't decipher.
"Do you want to ask me to marry you?"
"What? No! Not you!"
Namjoon giggled, slapping his forehead. Out of emotion he forgot to speak! Erlin breathed a sigh of relief, it would have been embarrassing if the opposite had happened.
"But wait, if it's not for me...that means-"
"It's for Adeoga, I made the decision to ask her to marry me."
Erlin froze on the spot. Then realizing what the king had told her (and that it wasn't a dream), she covered her mouth, letting out a scream of joy.
"Oh my god, Namjoon! I'm so happy for you two!"
Erlin jumped on him, hugging him. The king was happy to see all this enthusiasm on her part and hugged her back.
"Thanks, but I haven't asked her yet, I was planning to ask her tomorrow night. But I want it to be a surprise, not the usual marriage proposal where I just get down on one knee."
The two separated and Erlin snapped her fingers.
"I have an idea: call her tomorrow morning, spend some time with her, while I go to her house and take care of decorating everything."
Namjoon visualized the scenes in his head, and as always, Erlin had had a great plan.
"You're a legend, thank you very much, Erlin."
The two hugged each other again, full of energy and said goodbye. The sorceress ran into her room and Jin, the doctor, was reading a book, but he was distracted by the force with which the sorceress closed the door.
"What happens?"
"Namjoon is planning to ask Adeoga to marry him!"
The sorceress told him, hopping towards him. The doctor opened his eyes wide and welcomed the sorceress into his arms, trying not to let himself be tossed this way and that.
"What amazing news! It's about time that king decided to ask that girl for her hand."
Jin said, genuinely happy for the two of them, stopping Erlin from hopping.
"Me too! I can't wait for tomorrow so I can help Namjoon prepare Adeoga's surprise!"
The sorceress was excited and Jin bet that she wasn't just excited for Namjoon and Adeoga...
"And so, Albion can also come true."
The doctor pointed out, crossing his arms. The sorceress nodded, obviously she hadn't forgotten that detail!
"Everything is going great, since Angus left, Camelot has come back to life."
Erlin said as she sat down in a chair, opening a book of magic.
"I fully agree, his presence alerted everyone. Not to mention the fact that if he had still been there, there would probably already have been a problem to solve."
The doctor chuckled, looking at Erlin curiously. The sorceress stopped flipping through the pages, she had found the spell she was looking for.
"We are still on alert, but at least we know there are no infiltrators."
Erlin read the spell and memorized it, closing the book, and rose from the chair.
"Can you imagine, Jin?"
Erlin raised her hands and recited the incantation in her head. The sorceress moved her hands downward in a circular motion and their room soon became dark. Jin was scared at first, but when he saw the royal hall decorated with flowers and festoons, with many people on the benches and with Namjoon and Adeoga getting married, he immediately calmed down and was amazed. Erlin had used a Reality Shift spell: they were difficult spells to perform, because they required great magical power and experience, plus, to make what you wanted to see appear, you had to imagine it clearly in your head.
"A grand wedding, where people will do nothing but proclaim the names of their new rulers with joy..."
Namjoon kissed Adeoga, both of them impeccably dressed, and the crowd stood up and applauded with joy. Too bad that these spells didn't also reproduce the noises, the doctor would have liked to hear all those applause, but maybe it was for the best. In the other rooms they might have become suspicious and to also add the sounds, a great ability to manipulate reality was needed, which was stuff for priests, so to speak.
"The streets of Camelot full of life..."
With a wave of her hand, Erlin changed the scenery. She now showed the main streets of Camelot in celebration, with people dancing in their most expensive clothes, with food and stalls filling the streets; Jin bet there was music too.
"And a shining era that will remain in the history books..."
The sorceress sighed and changed again, moving her hands. Now their room became a succession of images: clear skies, Namjoon and Adeoga on their thrones, people smiling, Camelot thriving and magical people living in peace and harmony with everyone. The sorceress made everything disappear, the images dissolved into smoke of various colours; it didn't smell and disappeared in a few seconds. Jin clapped, still entranced by what he saw.
"You're amazing, Erlin! Casting these spells is difficult, how did you do it?"
The doctor asked her, going close to her and taking the book she read previously to find the spell.
"Happiness gave me the right push."
The sorceress shrugged, as if it were easy. Jin gasped and shook his head.
"You created a perfect, detailed made me eager to see those two get married. You're amazing, baby!"
Jin stroked her head, ruffling her hair.
"I've been waiting for this for years now, I've had a long time to imagine it."
The sorceress giggled, putting her hair back in its place.
"Yes but imagine what you can do if you had the right push every day, I wouldn't be surprised if you became one of the Visir!"
Jin said with elation, but he really meant what he was saying.
"You overestimate me."
"I recognize your great powers."
The doctor pointed out, giving her a pat on the nose.
"And trust me, I have no doubt, that one day you will truly become the most powerful sorceress of all time, because you already are."
Erlin wasn't sure, but she smiled at the doctor. His trust for Erlin was worth more than all the diamonds and precious jewels in the world.
"Waiting for tomorrow to you want to try some more spells?"
The doctor proposed, raising his eyebrows. Erlin hopped again.
"Of course!"

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